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Another Familiar Face

Posted on Thu May 26th, 2011 @ 12:33pm by Major Maxim Kamarov & Jackson Banning V
Edited on on Thu May 26th, 2011 @ 1:26pm

Mission: The Ties That Bind

Maxim had finished his first few hours as CO of the Marine Detachment and there was no word from Admiral Wegener as to what his specific mission was. Not being a man that wanted to waste a lot of time, Maxim had decided to maintain the status quo until the admiral had time to visit with him. After all, flag officers were busy men.

Kamarov did not know a lot about the new crop of senior crew that had come aboard from the Berkeley, but had managed to do a bit of reading on some of the key staffers; Zeferino, Hawke, and Kona amongst the names, and had discovered a some interesting details about them. But, rather than risk ruffling feathers, Maxim went straight to the source of all gossip on a base or starship, the main saloon.

Max stepped into the Nexus Club and was instantly taken in by the ambient atmosphere of anything goes. Scantily clad Orion women prowled the floor of the club, a couple came up to Kamarov but backed off on seeing his face and his wedding ring. Max wandered over to the bar and took a seat. In no time at all, a jovial man appeared to take his order.

"Good evening Major. Long time no see. I guess it's true that everyone comes to 900. Still drinking that god-awful firewater you used to favor?"

"Nyet, I will have a Vulcan Mind Probe if you don't mind!" Maxim smiled

"Sure thing." He relayed the order to one of the bartenders, then turned back to Max. "I have to say I am surprised to find you out here. Last I heard, you were rubbin' elbows with the Klingons."

"I got bored showing Klingon 'warriors' how to fight Marine style!" Maxim grinned at Jackson Banning, remembering the man from Deep Space 12.

"You know that old saying about tryin' to teach a pig to sing, Max. I doubt you made much headway. Not that they're pigs, but you get the idea. Especially that one that came over with us from the Berkeley. She's a looker, but I digress." Max's drink was delivered, along with a glass of bourbon for Jackson.

Maxim took the drink he had been offered and took a decent swig. "Very good, comrade!" The use of the word "comrade" had fallen away with the decline of Marxism-Leninism, but Max often used the term to denote affection for a male friend. "I am having small problem, Jackson. I am in new place with very little information on new crewmates. I was hoping you could tell me what I need to know about the senior staff."

"A decent bunch, all of 'em. Hard workin' and dedicated, but know how to enjoy themselves now and again. Even got a set of newlyweds in the crowd - a Betazoid and a Vulcan. Just married this week. Most of the senior staff came over, aside from the former Chief of Security. Old colleague of mine but he's havin' a hard time with some things. He got into the habit of throwin' his weight around and causing some problems with his crew."

Maxim's eyes widened. "And this Cossack was not drawn and quartered by the captain?

"The mission advisor worked on him but didn't get too far. I understand his reasons and I think maybe the light dawned for him. He lost his whole family and that changes a man."

"No offense intended. Was merely making comment on situation. Where is this Harrison?" Max asked, his curiosity aroused.

"He stayed on the Berkeley, and was starting to turn things around when they departed. I sometimes think he missed his calling and shoulda been a Marine." Jackson joked with the Major. "Speaking of strong backbones, how's Natalya?"

Maxim took a drink and smiled. "She is giving me ten different kinds of hell for bringing her here, but she is adapting very well, as far as I know. The children are loving it on the base, except for Piotr. Children are very pliable and can adapt to new things better than adults can, yes?"

"Generally speakin', yeah. I never had kids so I can't say for sure." The thought of Eli passed though his mind and he realized that in some ways, he'd inherited a nineteen year old kid. At least this one could take care of himself. Max's voice brought him back to the conversation.

"What kind of man in this Wegener? There is not much information on him, other than usual bullshit and records."

"Stellar reputation, and no-nonsense as far as I can tell. Seems to be one of those who puts good people in place and then lets them do their jobs without lookin' over their shoulders every moment. There's a lot to be said for that. He brought you and me here didn't he?"

Maxim's eyes raised. "Didn't think of that," he grinned. "Do you have any work that a headstrong boy of thirteen might be able to do?"

"Not in a bar, but I do know that a couple of the restaurants could use some busboys if he's interested. I'd be glad to take him around once y'all are settled."

"I'll tell my son Piotr to come see you!" Maxim raised his glass. "Salude!"

"Just keep him outta The Worm Hole, Max. There's an Orion female there that you don't want him to meet. He will, however, meet a lotta folks now that he is here, just be careful."

"The exposure to other races and cultures would do him some good. As for Orion women, the boy won't learn any younger. Besides, if he gets lucky, maybe he will settle down at home and quit terrorizing his mother!"

"She's already been eyein' my barback who is only nineteen. She's trouble, and that's sayin' a lot comin' from me.

"My parents were overly strict with me as a boy in St Petersburg. My kids are not going to suffer that fate. Natalya knows this and approves."

Jackson grinned. "Natalya could break her in half, and you know she'd hear about it in no time." He refilled Max's glass. "Anyhow, welcome to the station, I"m right glad to see ya again."

"As am I, Jackson!"

a post by:

Major Maxim Kamarov


Jackson Banning V
Nexus Club Administrator
Starbase 900


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