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Marla's Night Out

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2016 @ 12:36pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Marla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

* Archadia - Marsey’s *

“Ma’am,” a young man looked into the office at Marsey’s. Marla glanced up and noticed that he wasn’t wearing much of anything at all. He caught her attention again when he asked, “Was there anything I could get for you?” By his inflection, it was clear he wasn’t offering just food or drink. Well, there was also the way he moved his hips.

“Ah, no, I’m good on that, thanks.” Marla smiled at him, holding her place on the books with a finger. “Maybe a glass of water, though?”

Disappointed, he frowned then sauntered off without indicating whether he’d be back with that water or not. He passed a man in the hallway and looked him up and down.

Dae glanced at the younger man and nodded but he didn’t speak. Instead, he waited until the man had passed out of the hallway, then followed. He moved casually, stopping at the end of the bar just by the door that led down the hallway.

“Whiskey,” he ordered from the bartender. From his place he could see anyone entering that hallway from either end.

The bartender handed over a glass and followed Dae’s glance down the hallway. “One of the bosses is in. You need something?”

“Not particularly no. Why do you ask?” Dae downed the whiskey and handed the glass back for another. “Which one?”

“The easy one,” the bartender said, shrugging. “It’s my business to offer what our patrons want. You seem to want to go into the office. Should I have someone come and bounce you out of here?” She crossed her arms under her slightly clad, well-endowed bosom.

Dae spared a lingering look at that bosom and smiled. “Nah, I have no intentions of going into that office. The view is much better here.”

“That’s a good answer,” she laughed. “How long are you in town?” Before he could ask, she leaned in and said, “It’s obvious you’re a Fleet guy.”

“Well, yes,” Dae admitted with a laugh. “The height? The black eyes?” His smile lingered as she returned his glass. “I’ll be down here a few days, why?”

Laughing, she shook her head. “No reason. Really. I’m a bartender; I’m supposed to ask questions and get you to sit here, drink more, spend more, then, a little later, offer you a boy - or girl - and off you go upstairs.”

“Well, the first three, sure. The other...not tonight.” Dae’s smile lingered. “Unless that girl includes you.” He was betting the answer would be no, and it was the only reason he’d suggested it.

She eyed him a moment then grinned, “We could do that; I’ve never had an off-worlder.” She poured him another drink and winked.

“We can discuss it...while you keep me here drinking and spending money.” He drained his glass again and pushed his glass back towards her. “What time do you get off?” He grinned at her, the pun completely intended.

“I’m going to guess about half an hour after I leave here. Lemme go chat with someone,” she refilled his glass again, then headed back towards the office.

He raised his glass to her, watching as she walked down the hall with a noticeable swing to her hips.

She put her head into the office and said to Marla, “I’m heading out a little early; there’s a Fleety out here I’m taking home with me.”

Marla glanced up and said, “So.. you’re taking off and taking business from us? Do you like your job?”

“Come on, it’s one guy,” the bartender snorted. “You and Seyla can afford the loss. Besides, I don’t think he’s here to pay for anyone, anyway. He’ll probably just take up a bar stool all night, slowly sipping at a whiskey. That’s hardly revenue.”

“It is still revenue. That whiskey doesn’t pay for itself. And once he’s less than sober, he might just take someone upstairs. Or be taken by someone upstairs,” Marla told her. “So, no. You can leave early; we’ll dock the hours. But you’ll leave the Fleety here.”

The bartender frowned and looked about to argue, but then she backed down. “Fine. I’ll be in tomorrow.” She turned to leave; along the way, she brushed past Dae but didn’t stop.

He watched her go, sensing her unhappiness. Enjoy your evening. Maybe next time. He could also read the reason for her displeasure and smiled. Marla had unknowingly saved him from an awkward situation.

Marla kept working in the office, tracing payments and deposits til her eyes crossed. Finally, after a few hours, she called it quits and said goodnight to the staff before slipping out a back door. As she did so, she was unaware she had an unwelcome follower.

Dae had set his drink aside after the bartender left and went back to observing the hall. He could sense Marla and so it got his attention when she departed, moving away from him. As he watched, a figure stepped out from a doorway and began to follow her. Dae was instantly on alert and rose, dumped the last of the whiskey on his shirt, then slipped down the hallway after them, his steps silent.

Marla’s follower kept pace with her without being obvious about following her. After she’d gone nearly a mile, the follower dropped back slightly. That’s when he became aware of Dae - he recognized him from the bar. He stopped and loitered a moment while keeping tabs on Marla.

Dae watched as Marla’s shadow lingered in a doorway, still watching Marla walk. Her path was taking her deeper into the center of the city but by a somewhat deserted route, which made him curious. He was also curious as to who was tailing her. His steps became unsteady as he drew near the shadowy figure and he lightly bounced off the wall and began to laugh.

“I need ta find that…’tender...see what she my drink.” His word were slightly slurred. “She sure was a looker tho….”

Marla’s shadow watched him approach and frowned. A common drunk or something more sinister? She let Dae get a little closer then reacted quickly, lashing out to deck him - a blow that should have leveled Dae.

He rubbed his jaw and worked it a little. “I bet that’ll hurt...once I can feel somethin’ again.” He began to laugh, moving closer to the figure. He pressed them against the wall and now realized it was a woman. “Why you punchin’ strange men in the street?”

“Why are you following strange women in the street?”

“I didn’t know you were a’ I’m on my way back downtown...hotel. We goin’ the same way? If we are, how about I buy you a drink?” Dae flashed a somewhat addled smile at her.

She looked away, simultaneously hiding her disgusted grimace and checking on Marla’s distance, before answering, “You’re not exactly my type, Fleety. How about taking it into the bar down that way? There should be some sympathetic ears... or something... there.”

“I’m...goin’ to call it a night.” He peered at her closely. “Pity...yer loss honey.” He patted her cheek and stepped back.

“I’ll take your word for it, drunk,” she pushed him back and regarded him like he was a bug. “Go on, then, take off.”

Dae began to stroll off, his steps still unsteady. He kept her in his peripheral vision, however, and a few blocks up, weaved his way around the corner. There, he slipped into the shadows and waited.

Waiting till he disappeared from sight, the woman stayed in the shadows and alternately watched Marla and him. Both were out of sight and she took off after Marla at a jog.

Dae pressed himself back in a doorway as the woman streaked past on the street to his left. It bothered him that he didn’t recognize her, but then he hadn’t met any of the employees down here. In another few minutes Marla would be nearing the city square near the palace and Seyla’s main house down here. He hoped that was her destination and crossing his fingers, he cut through an alley and began his own run in that direction, out of sight of Marla’s pursuer.

Ahead, Marla had stepped into another of Seyla’s establishments; this one was where she would stay the night. She was now safe for the evening - which was more than could be said for Dae.

The woman who’d been following Marla paused in the darkness of the alley and waited to see who approached the safe house where Marla was. When a shadow crossed the alleyway’s entrance, she watched closely, waiting to see where the shadow went.

Dae had arrived just in time to see Marla step inside, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He’d give her a little time to get settled, then go in himself. He intended to stay the night here too and it could be easily arranged with one of the women he knew who could be trusted to keep a secret. He remained in the shadows, watching the street to see if anyone else was lingering. So far, those in the street either entered the house, or passed on towards the main square by the palace. Dae leaned against the wall to wait.

Quietly, the woman edged towards Dae’s location. She drew a weapon then aimed and fired on him.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
The Mystery Woman


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