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Mixed Messages

Posted on Wed Sep 28th, 2011 @ 9:25am by Jackson Banning V &

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

Women. They complicate everything...sorry Mom but it's the truth. Even you, according to Granddaddy. And you and Oz are so very much alike.

Jackson's thoughts continued in this vein as he moved out to the bar. He needed coffee and fast. Maybe he and Connor and Norval could get group rates on a hangover cure in Sickbay. Or maybe he could talk Vic into shooting him. It certainly would feel better. Last night had been a close call.

He spied a fresh pot of coffee brewed and praised Vic yet again. Settling on a stool behind the old-fashioned bar, he filled his mug with the steaming, strong-as-jet-fuel coffee and was taking his first sip as the doors whooshed open.

Connor entered, and ignoring Jackson's gaze, he walked slowly around the lounge opposite from the bar, surveying it, as if he was circling the room...on his way towards Jackson. "She received your message..", he said, his voice shook, everything about him was tense.

Jackson lowered his mug and blinked. "She who?" He sifted through his spotty memories of last night, hoping for a clue and found none. "Wait, did I tell anyone to call me while we were drinking last night?" He studied the man before him and, again, thought he really needed to learn to relax a little. He also made a mental note to keep the Romulan ale away from Connor, it seemed to be affecting him adversely.

Connor stopped, running a hand through his hair, squeezing his eyes closed as not only did his head pound, he fought the nausea in his gut, and the images that wanted to come into his mind. He wouldn't look at Jackson, "I heard..I heard it too" he said, hearing Chance's words Jackson said that he'd be there for you, anytime, anything. Connor voiced them out loud, and then continued, "She thought I was sleeping..", What's between you two, anyway? He's obviously--, "What's between you two, anyways?"

It took several beats for Jackson's ale-addled brain to make sense of what the man was saying. But that message..."That's not exactly what I said, as I told Oz a few minutes ago. Chance got it as muddled as our brains are this mornin'." The cadence of his voice slowed as he continued. "Ya know, Connor, it strikes me that you an' Oz should talk more to each other than to me."

Connor turned now, his face flushed, "Really?" he said, his jaw tightened, his eyes cold, "This morning would of been nice.." he nodded, looking downwards, "except hours before her shift starts, she's here with you. Like all the other times", he looked back up, "when she is off duty, no word, coming home late, dressed with barely anything on, she's here with you." His smile faded, "Where'd you root her this time?"

"Actually, she's only been here by herself twice in the past few months. And this mornin', it was in an official capacity. Since I slept here last night in the storeroom, security was having a hard time locating me to ask about Kh'ali, who seems to have been snatched by persons unknown." Jackson shrugged and sipped his coffee. "Umm, what's root mean in this case?"

"Fuck", Connor said, slightly turning his head, as what else Jackson said registered, Kh'ali?

Jackson's expression tightened and when he spoke, his voice held a hard edge. "You know Connor, I think you're an alright guy whose just wound a little too tight. And I should hope you'd trust me more than to think I'd do an end-run around you. I wasn't raised that way. I've stayed away from Oz, other than in the conversational way, and even those times are rare. If you don't trust the woman you live with any more 'n that, you two have some things to work out. Like I said, I think you two need to talk to each other more. If ya did, this would never have come up. I'm a laid-back fella but I don't much like bein' accused of what yer accusin' me of.

His frustration, the paranoia growing at Jackson's words, Connor took a few angry steps towards him, his fist balled, "You're going to look me in the eyes 'n' tell me you don't want her!?" he demanded. "You're right, I don't trust you!"

"I never said that. I said I've not done anything about it. I stepped aside a long time ago back on the Berkeley, Connor. Told her so too." Jackson looked him up and down. "Now, you wanna talk more about this, settle down."

"Settle down...?" Connor shook his head, giving a small sarcastic chuckle, turning a bit while an image of ripping Jackson's head of with a scalpel went through his head. "My heart is being ripped apart by the woman I love, and you..." one hand ran down his face and neck, "pretended to be my 'friend', lying to me, and you want me to settle down..", and he turned completely away, unable to take the image anymore, nor the anger, he rushed up onto the stage, and grabbing the guitar he just played the night before, he smashed it over and over again onto the piano.

Jackson watched silently, hoping that maybe that outpouring of anger would help, at least release some of the pent up storm visible within Connor. Finally, he stood and approached the stage, waiting till Connor slowed down. "Whatever's goin' on between you two, I can't help you with. I'll say one thing though. Y'all need to work it out before it gets worse and affects your friends or your job. You're damned good Connor. Remember that."

Connor staggered back from the piano, dropping what was left of the guitar as he sat on the piano bench. "Stay away from me", he said, holding the top of his head, his eyes tearing up. The anxiety was too much, " I've never gotten this bad before. Last night, I shouldn't of drank what I did. Right now, I want to kill head wont let me. You two have messed with it long enough."

Jackson held up his hands, his expression concerned. "Leave me out of it. I think, though, that it would be best if you go home, sleep off the hangover, and unwind. Before you say somethin' you might regret."

"Too late" Connor said, standing up and backing away. "I regret everything, 'n' you're already in it. In fact...", he extended his arms out in defeat, "She's all yours."

Jackson shook his head in disbelief. "Go home Connor. Figure out where you are and what you want. And no more destruction in my bar."

"Yeah", he nodded, his face drawn. "Good advice", he frowned looking at the damage done, "Call security, call Oralia. Don't do me any favors ", he stepped down from the stage.

"Nah, been there. Remind me to tell you about a certain bar fight on Mars." Jackson smiled finally, but the tension prevented it from reaching his eyes. "See ya around, Connor."

Still struggling inside, Connor stopped and stared at him, "No, no you won't" he said, staggering backwards a few feet, and then turned to walk out of the Club.


Lt. Connor McKinney & Jackson Banning


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