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An Idea Becomes A Plan

Posted on Fri May 13th, 2016 @ 4:25pm by Suresh & Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Eldren's Quarters

* Eldren’s Quarters *

Nyyar followed Eldren in and stopped to look around as if reassuring herself that she was actually back on 900. “I almost can’t believe we are finally home. Well, one of our homes. I hope this time I won’t be leaving any time soon.”

“You won’t. This time I’ll take care of this, no ‘unwelcome visitor’ will come close enough to you to play tricks. I’ll speak to the boys around here and talk of this with Suresh himself. In the meantime ease yourself as you see fit.” He looked around to see everything was in order before turning to her again his tone softer “These last days have been testing for you. It is about time you get some rest for all the predicament you’ve been through. I’ll get something to drink for the both of us.”

He walked to the kitchen locale then, his hand going to the injured thigh a slight limp evident in his gait. Still he wasn’t complaining.
He never did.

She followed him and leaned against the doorway into the kitchen. “Is it still hurting? Jarad said it might for another week or so but if it goes longer, he wants to know.”

“We have medics here that can take care of that. Ones that do not take delight into inflicting pain on others every now and then.” he responded without thinking, prey to an old rage. The wound didn’t hurt so much, he would have liked to reassure her... Not as much as to having to thank a Cardassian to have stitched it. A part of him would have preferred to have been killed by that wound than to live with that thought.

He walked back with two cups of Jumja tea offering one to her.

She took the cup and followed him back to the sofa. She set her cup on the coffee table and then took his face in her hands gently. “You can’t let the fact that he’s Cardassian eat you up. He saved your life. He may be one of them but he’s not one of ‘them’ if that makes any sense?”

“Sense?” Tohr scoffed with bitterness “There are extensive resistance reports about the butcher of Gallitep. He has hundreds of our kin on his shoulders, He still breathes…” he clutched the cup he was holding as if trying to crush it. “He still breathes because I needed him.” His sentence lingering between them uncomplete.

She didn’t doubt that the Resistance knew all about him but she suspected there was also some confusion and now was the time to clear that up. “There are some things you should know, since our path and his have become entwined. The butcher at Gallitep? Was Dar’heel, but he was just a figurehead.” She stopped and licked her lips as she considered her next words. “There was an incident at the camp there. The daughter of one of the resistance leaders was caught and they rescued her. Dar’heel was injured and…..and Jarad had to take over but the Order never let that be known. It was how Jarad gained the title. You should know the story just...because I don’t want you being unaware. Your reports are likely very accurate but with confused names. He...he did me a favor once and it may have prevented real danger. I am not excusing what he did by any means, all I’m saying is that people change, I suppose. I was one of ‘them’ for a long time but I got away. I spent my life with them but I wasn’t truly one of them. Is that going to matter?”

“You’ve never been one of them.” Tohr’s voice was devoid of any inflection as he stated a simple matter of fact. “They abducted you from Tahlàl in the only way they always acted. He IS one of them, by blood and sinew... And there is no denying that fact. Still he helped where he could have tricked us all and this goes to his credit, but he’s far from innocent even if what you’re saying is true.” He took a long of sip from the cup and leaned back on the sofa stretching the injured leg. “But we shouldn’t linger on that now. We have to recover and plan ahead.”

“We do and that brings us to my idea. Parts of it you might not like but it will work. All of Zikar’s and Boroca’s men are gone from 900. He thinks I was abducted by Kaeli and Isaura, which means the Tal Shiar to him. We are going to let him think that for a short while.” She smiled, then reached for her tea.

“And after that short while?” He asked furrowing his brow.

“After that? Jarad and Drekkar report to Boroca that they have captured one of the Tal Shiar agents who revealed that I have been killed. Thus, he has no reason to continue looking for me. He will order them to kill that agent, they’ll assure him they have already and are on the hunt for the girls. End of his search for Nyyar.” She set her cup aside and turned back to Eldren. “What do you think? Suresh will be useful too, I think.”

“You could have been a good Kohn-Ma addition, Dolen Vral would have appreciated your spirit…” He said shaking slowly his head. “But perhaps this could not be enough to fool him, they’re quite paranoid. Always. And for what concerns Suresh it’s a dangerous estimation to think of him as useful to someone needs, normally it is quite the contrary… You have to be useful to him or it’s bad news.” He laughed softly with the remark “But he’s one to listen, if he can have his gain.”

Nyyar nodded. “He runs things down here, he needs to know what’s up if we plan to have me under the protection of his people. Besides, he’s Romulan. We may need him to assure Boroca that I am, indeed, past history.”

“I’ll ask Suresh for a meeting then, when he has time…” Something dark stirred within him as he spoke the words. He would have preferred by far to settle things his own definitive way instead of having Suresh’s talk cover them. In his experience bad luck tended to show a keen eyesight at the most inopportune times.

She studied Eldren’s face intently, then reached out to take his hand. “I know you want him gone but there is something to consider. He is far less brutal than Zikar was, and needed for stability there. If he is removed, there are much worse men waiting to take his place.”

“We’ll always be in danger. One day someone connected to him could stumble into you or me and recognize us. But… well, we’ll just lay low for the moment.”

Finally, Nyyar nodded. “I’ll need to call him in order to make this believable. Make it sound like I’ve managed to be alone for a few minutes and desperately getting word to him that I’m alright. It can be encrypted so he can’t tell where it is coming from. That will calm things down for a few days anyway, since we know he is looking in the Beta Quadrant. But for now, I’ve had enough of all this. We are home.” She took his cup from his hands and set it aside. “You are all that matters now.”

“We are.” Tohr replied as she snuggled into his arms. He held her tight, cuddling her gently. Determined, for once, to banish all bad thoughts and just live that moment they could claim for themselves.

“Do you want to live down here? I do have my other quarters but I suspect Suresh wants you close at hand.” She slipped off her shoes and tucked her legs up on the sofa as she held Eldren tight. “I suppose for that matter, I should ask if you want me down here all the time. I won’t be insulted if you say no.”

“I’ll arrange something with Suresh. But for you it would be better to stay away from this place, definitely it’s not for you. It would only bring gloom into your life just for the people you can meet even if a single word from Suresh would have you safe from any danger down here.”

“As you wish.” The words came easily, but this time they were sincere, not the scripted reply she’d given to Boroca. It seemed her life had, once again, done a complete about face. Perhaps it was time to see one of the counselors to help her adjust and stop her head from spinning at the thoughts of everything. There was still one last elephant in the room that needed to be dealt with. “I have to ask you something before we get in any deeper here.”

“Ask away.”

“This business with Boroca. Your reaction when I told you what happened….was clear. It was a difficult situation but I didn’t have much choice. Is that going to be a problem for you?” Nyyar wasn’t so sure she wanted to hear his answer but it had to be cleared up before they could move on.

“I can live with that.” Tohr responded after some instants. “I’m well certain you didn’t have any choice, that things could have turned out for the worse any minute and I was still too far. This I regret the most. I’d lowered my guard because I thought you were safe here and with Zikar’s men out of the way. And this is also why I would prefer to deal with Boroca another way, for extortion is the only thing they can come up with.”

“You want him dead.” She considered that and wasn’t surprised by the bitterness that flooded her. “I understand that but I don’t want you in danger. It would be easier if I did it myself.”

“What I want doesn’t matter at the moment and taking a life is a serious matter, a thing that has to be spared to you. Could ruin the rest of your days.”

“Then let’s just proceed with my supposed death. We’ll deal with the fallout when it happens.” She leaned in and brushed her lips over his in a gentle kiss. “You have more important things to worry about now that --” The door chime rang and she muttered softly. “I’ll get it.”

Tohr watched her go to open the doors and stood from the sofa when Suresh figure appeared in the doorframe.

“Welcome Suresh.”

Suresh looked Nyyar up and down and, seeming satisfied that she was in one piece and unharmed, he smiled to her then nodded to Eldren. “Welcome home.” He crossed over and settled in the chair by the sofa. “How was it?”

“Nightmarish,” Tohr replied with a grin. “Ended in a gunfight and I got a little scorched… This is the short version.”

“What of the rest of the group? I’ve not seen any of them yet but I am curious. And Boroca?” Suresh’s gaze shifted to Nyyar as she cleared her throat.

“The pirates are fine, and we couldn’t have done it without them.” She didn’t comment on Boroca but instead, glanced to Eldren to let him answer that however he liked.

“Boroca made it out alive and we had to take flight quickly. Nyyar was rescued and safe, there was no need to linger around. Especially after the alarm had sounded we made a detour to deep Space 9 to have me patched up and then we got back here.” Eldren paused an instant then shrugged “Of course Boroca will not renounce to have her back until he breathes his last but we’re devising a plan to fix this thing and we would like to share it with you.” he nodded then to Nyyar.

“We?” Suresh turned his attention to Nyyar as she outlined the plan briefly. Once she was done, he laced his fingers together as he sat and considered the idea. Finally, he nodded. “It could work but there are a few trouble spots. First, he has sent the two Cardassians out in search of you and Kaeli and Isaura. That should take a little time to make it look as if they are doing their job. Those two women are too good at what they do to be found within a few days. Which means Boroca will need something to keep him settled down until it’s time for them to report back. You are right. Call him, make it sound as if you’ve managed to do it without being detected. Make it believable. He’ll likely contact Jarad and Drekkar with the news and they can make plans to close in on whatever area you tell him.”

“I would give him something to settle him down for good.” Eldren muttered in a low grumble. “Well, I hope this thing is not going to last too many days. I’ve never believed in tactics that can’t be quickly carried out.”

“Agreed.” Suresh nodded. “What you say is true and will have to be the fallback option if he decides to come out here just on the chance that she has returned to you. Next issue. What is your official status regarding Boroca now?”

Nyyar squirmed slightly and glanced at Eldren before she answered. Legally? He is my…..husband. There was no ceremony,” she hastened to add. “He simply filed the record of union and then informed me after it was done.”

Suresh muttered softly. “That’s all it takes there, especially for one in his position. So, you are officially his wife, at least on Cardassia. Are you still a Cardassian citizen or did you have that corrected?”

“Not yet. It was next on Lt. Bajun’s list since ZIkar’s estate was settled and turned over to me. We wanted that done first so they couldn’t refuse on the grounds I was not a citizen of Cardassia. Why?”

Suresh muttered another curse. “Because if Boroca thinks you are dead, and you are his wife of record and a citizen, everything you have now will be his. There is a way around it, however, that involves you Eldren.”

“Sure thing. Though something tells me that what you have in mind is not the same thing that I have in mind.”

“Not yet,” Suresh answered. “Nyyar, you need to see Lt. Bajun as soon as she is in her office. If you are going to be pronounced dead as far as Boroca is concerned, you need to have her do one thing - make a will leaving everything to….anyone you like. Eldren I assume? Since everything is from your previous marriage, Boroca’s hands should be tied.”

Nyyar nodded. “Of course, I’ll see her first thing in the morning.”

“If the Cardie choose to run the diplomatic way to solve the question this will bring a spotlight over me. Them Fleeties will come asking questions and peeking their nose around... Considering the ‘business’ are you sure this is a wise thing to do?” Eldren remarked.

“That is the other thing,” Suresh agreed. “It needs to be considered before you move forward. Your asylum status is is still in effect?” When Nyyar nodded, he continued. “Technically, given Cardassians removed you forcibly from this station, you could choose to raise hell officially about it and they would have a difficult time getting near you. Or just lay low for now and let Boroca and the Tal Shiar fight it out. If Drekkar and Jarad are ‘looking’ for you, that will give us time to think about the options.”

“That’s true. I don’t think Boroca would confront the Romulans directly, not yet. So we have a little time as you say. Thank you.” Nyyar smiled at Suresh, then squeezed Eldren’s hand before letting it go. “If you two gentlemen will excuse me for a few minutes? It was a long trip and I want a real shower in the worst way.” She waited until Eldren nodded,then moved off to the bedroom and closed the door.

Suresh waited a few seconds,watching the door, then looked back at Eldren. “Does she always wait for permission before leaving your presence?”

“First time I see her doing that. Must be your presence that makes her shy.” Eldren responded with a light shrug.

“I do have that effect on people.” Suresh smiled for a moment, then his expression turned serious. “I think you should be prepared for things to get interesting for a bit until this is all worked out. You have put yourself in a tricky situation, one that surprises me. I”ve never known you to be the emotional type.”

“Emotional is a big word and I’ve been in tricky situations all my life. Even worse than this.” Eldren replied looking pensively at the small figurine of the Orb he kept on a shelf “There’s a path that has to be brought to completion. Though the Prophets have a strange way to weave our destiny, bringing back the past time and again. I wonder how many strands I’ll have to cut before this is over.”

“The big question is whether you think it’s worth the effort. It’s a tangled web you have here. Is this something you really want to pursue?” Suresh had to ask, though he could understand the need to follow one’s heart, even if the way was rough. It certainly had been in his own case. “Tell me that and I will know how to advise you.”

“It is.”

Suresh leaned forward in his seat, intently watching Eldren. “Then that strand needs to be cut. You know as well as I do that he won’t stop until he has her back in his hands, either alive or dead. The two he’s sent to find her? They cannot lie to him forever. Eventually he will reach the end of his patience. Legally, she is is wife. He could justify taking her home as far as the Cardassians are concerned. We’ve seen how well the asylum order worked.”

“I know that all too well and that had been my first thought from the start. But I’m not sure that would be the way she wants this thing solved…” Eldren shook his head slowly and a nervous chuckle escaped his lips “I might even not be here talking now. When we were fleeing I wounded one of the guards and stepped over to finish him but I knew she was just behind me, watching. I could not resolve myself to pull the trigger quickly enough… The cardie got his chance.” the sound of the words strange even to him, he had never cared for others feelings so far.

“Believe me, I understand. I have Six and there are times….” Suresh stopped and shook his head. “Would she be able to live with you doing such a thing? Even as little as she cares for this Cardassian? It’s a risk that might best be avoided.”

“I think so.”

“What if there was a way to get what you want, solve her problem, and avoid dirtying your hands?” Suresh smiled slightly. “I have an idea.”

“I would be glad to hear it.” Eldren said relaxing a little.

“I can send Kaeli and Isa.They owe me a big one. Kaeli has no conscience that I am aware of and Isaura will be a good steadying hand to make sure they get out unharmed. The Cardassians can blame the Tal Shiar and they can work it out among themselves. You and Nyyar won’t have to be anywhere near Boroca or Cardassia.”

“That would suit me fine. I think those two girls have some numbers, saw them in action.”

That made Suresh laugh. “Underestimate them at your own peril. Will you tell her?” Suresh nodded towards the closed bedroom door.

“I don’t know. Have to think about it.”

“Good luck.” Suresh stood finally. “In the meantime, I suggest she does call him to keep him from going off the deep end till we have time to make all the arrangements. That will give you two some time to settle back in as well. Is she staying down here?”

“Not really decided yet, but I would prefer quarters above the equator for her. She definitely doesn’t belong to here.” Eldren responded standing he too to accompany Suresh.

“Which means you’ll be up there too?” Suresh nodded. “I have no issue with that. You have to do what works for you two. Have her call him tomorrow and I’ll check in with you later in the day. For now, I am off to see the ‘girls’ as Jarad calls them. I should have news when I see you.”

“Agreed. And regarding the quarters I can share my time between here and there for a while then I’ll take a definitive decision.”

“It’s alright if you want to stay up there. It won’t keep you from doing your job, though a few days to let that leg recover will. Take them, then come back ready to go. See you tomorrow.” Suresh opened the door and departed.

Indra Nyyar
Finally Home

Eldren Tohr
A Lot Of Decisions To Take

Solving The Problem For Good


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