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One Crazy Night

Posted on Sun May 15th, 2016 @ 5:26pm by Maxym Balasz & Suresh & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
Edited on on Sun May 15th, 2016 @ 5:27pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Lady Ella's / Suresh's Quarters

* Lady Ella’s - The Promenade *

Edana was certain she had walked about five miles around the station since Darwin left and she had visited Suresh. The night had been a quiet one, and so she decided to take a rare evening off, dress up, go out and try to distract herself from the fact that Darwin and Li were holed up together on a ship for the next couple of weeks at least. He had promised that the interlude with the XO was done and she believed him but she also knew him, sometimes better than he knew himself. Darwin would do what Darwin wanted to do. It wouldn’t change anything for them, at least she hoped so.

So now, she stepped into Lady Ella’s, wanting to chill and enjoy the mellow atmosphere. She wore a long backless dress in black satin that showed off her shoulder tattoo. It had a slit up the left side and hugged her figure in all the right places. She’d opted to leave her long hair down tonight and it curled around her shoulders in soft waves. The bartender greeted her with a familiar smile as she moved over to a table by the dance floor and stage. The combo was playing and a blonde was singing in a sultry alto. Edana recognized her but it took a moment for the name Helena to come to mind. The waiter arrived with a glass of Saurian brandy and she sipped it with an appreciative sigh.


Without Li around, Max had reverted to his other acquaintances for company: Riley and Grax. They’d decided to come to Lady Ella’s for a few drinks and the show. When Edana entered, Max had taken notice, sat up a little straighter and watched her take a seat. Riley and Grax were saying something, but he was watching the Orion settle in. He recognized her but he wasn’t sure where he recognized her from.

Sipping his drink, he made a decision then turned to Grax and Riley, “Guys, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He stood and went over to Edana. “May I have a seat?”

Edana looked up at the man asking the question, taking a rapid assessment out of habit. Very handsome, she thought. Expensive clothes, black eyes. Betazoid. Finally she nodded.

“Sure. Mind if I ask why?”

“You look familiar to me, but I can’t place you,” he said. “And since I don’t like mysteries, I thought I’d come over and talk to you.” He smiled and took a seat. “My name is Max.”

“No way! Really? You’re Max?” Edana smiled back at him. Ohh boy, isn’t this a kicker, she thought. Fate was a funny thing. She offered her hand. “Edana.”

“Darwin’s Edana?” Max was surprised by her reaction to him, but now he understood why she looked familiar: he’d seen her in Darwin’s thoughts.

“The very one,” she answered. “You’ve heard of me I take it?” Her smile lingered as she watched Max. “Well, mostly Darwin’s. It’s...complicated.”

“Tell me about it,” he scoffed. “Li and I..., ah, we’ve been getting close. But every once in while, she thinks of Darwin and their time on Archadia.” He shook his head. “It smarts a bit.”

Edana nodded slowly. “Trust me, I know.” She took another sip then lowered her glass. “How do you get past it?” She wasn’t so sure she should be so forward with this man but she understood his situation all too well. Besides, there was something about him that she liked, though she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was. She certainly understood Li’s attraction to him.

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “In our culture, it’s expected. With the mental connections that we can make, we can remain secure in an emotional relationship, so sharing the physical with someone else isn’t as big of a deal as it might be with a human.”

“It’s supposed to be that way for us too, minus the telepathy thing but I suppose I am an anomaly. I went the Fleet route when very few do. It makes for some interesting conflicts and…” She shrugged. “I don’t know where I was going with that really. I guess I ….” she stopped as the new drink arrived. “Cheers.”

“It would seem that Darwin bucks the norm, as well, since he doesn’t exactly adhere to the traditional monogamous views of humans. How are you putting up with it?”

Edana bit her lips as she debated how to answer his question. “Honestly? Sometimes better than others. I was okay after their last little vacation on Archadia but then he had to go on that search and rescue with Li and just the two of them on such a long trip...I’m wrestling with not jumping to conclusions, despite his promise otherwise. I decided I needed a night off to relax and hope it helps.” She paused as the drink arrived, then spoke once more. “If you don’t mind my saying so, I think Li is lucky to have you to come home to.”

“I think Darwin has something wrong in his head if he’s cuckolding you. Not that Li isn’t... ah... um... well, nevermind. You get my point, though? He should have his head examined for not making sure you’re happy. You’re shopping around just like he is, aren’t you?”

That question caught Ed off-guard. “No! I mean...well...hell. I don’t know. He was a little unexpected and things just sort of...progressed, much farther than I actually expected with Darwin. He’s never been the type to settle down. So when he promised he wouldn’t see Li any more, it was a surprise. But I believe it’s what he wants to do.”

“Versus being just a line he’s feeding you? He struck me as being quite a ladies’ man - willing to tell a woman whatever she seems to want while planning to do his own thing all along,” he said, smiling as if to soften the harsh judgment in his words. “You might do well to protect yourself.”

Ed shook her head. “Yes and no. He is a ladies’ man but one thing he definitely is is honest. He’s always clear about what he intends going in and sticks to it. This time is different though. I’ve never known him to make such a promise. There’s a complication too, Max, so that might change things a little.”

He paused, drink halfway to his lips, and looked at her for a moment. He finished his sip and set the glass back on the table. “A complication? The sort of complication that eventually gets a name?”

“It already has one,” Ed answered. She leaned closer. “Telepathy.”

He stared at her like he hadn’t heard her correctly. He thought he couldn’t have possibly heard that right. “Telepathy?”, he repeated, looking at her with brows drawn downward. “But... he’s human. Isn’t he fully human? Or does he have a telepath in his bloodline?”

She shook her head. “How much do you know about his time with Li right after Sakkath died? When they went down to Archadia. This... connection formed. They think it was her old connection to Sakkath being cut off so suddenly and Darwin was there get the idea. Sakkath’s father had to go in and fix it.”

“Oh,” Max sat back. “I thought I’d read quite a bit of Li’s thoughts, but I skimmed over that apparently. So now he’s got a bit of telepathy? Maybe it’s a good thing he’s alone on a trip with Li right now. She can teach him how to handle it without being worried about others.”

“Maybe so.” Edana turned her glass slowly with her fingers. “He started by sensing emotions but it’s getting stronger. They found a new area in his brain that was very similar to hers. Tell me something? With telepaths, is it a bother to be close to those who are not? Once you’re used to it I mean?”

“A bother?” He frowned as he considered that. “Well... no? I mean, Ferengi are weird to be around because they’re completely blocked off; it’s like they’re a piece of equipment. But being around folks who aren’t telepathic? I don’t think it’s a bother. Personally, I have to be careful not to start reading your thoughts and answering them in your head instead of the words you say. Telepathic communication can be much faster and more efficient than verbal communication. More precise.“

He took a deep breath and looked her over carefully. “You’re worried he’ll come back and decide you’re a bother because you’re not telepathic? If he decides that, he’s clearly an idiot.”

“Don’t take this wrong but I’m afraid he may come back realizing he’d rather be...elsewhere.” Edana drained her glass and set it aside. “I don’t mean to worry you, Max. I’m sorry.”

“Elsewhere? Do you mean geographically? Maybe move back towards Earth? Or elsewhere as in ‘in Li’s bed’? If it’s the latter, he’ll find that already occupied,” his voice had hardened slightly.

She shrugged. “You shouldn’t worry, Max. All this is my own problem. You two are too close for anything to change that. Don’t let my insecurities get you all stirred up.” She smiled warmly at Max and patted his hand.

He caught her hand in his and smiled. “Don’t worry about that. Li and I will work out whatever problems Darwin might bring for us. But you, if you need help dealing with his new... ability, come see me.”

“Would she understand that? I mean, this is all a little awkward, isn’t it?” She wondered, too, what would happen if things escalated with Li and Darwin while they were gone, then realized Max could pick up on that thought.

He chuckled. “That thought has crossed my mind as well, Edana. I’m sure Li would understand. How possessive is Darwin?”

Ed’s eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

“I’m just wondering whether he’d run me through if you and I decided to entertain each other while they’re away,” he smiled at her. “What’s the human expression? What’s good for the gander is good for the goose?”

Edana looked thunderstruck. “Seriously? Li would kill me. Well, not literally, but you are the XO’s….what? Friend? Lover?” She stopped as a new round appeared, took the glass and drained it. “Bring another round,” she ordered.

“We moved beyond that just before they left: Li is my fiancee,” he said. “You think she’d kill you and yet she’s sleeping with your boyfriend? There’s a bit of logic missing there.” He chuckled and glanced at two women passing them. From one, he caught a strong sense of curiosity. He was tempted to read her mind but decided he’d better not.

Edana studied Max and wasn’t sure what to say. “This has been a rough time for Darwin,” she began. “He’s had a lot to deal with. I know that sounds like I’m defending the man who has been….seeing another….but it’s true. I don’t know that he would understand.” But she was expected to understand the situation with Li, how was this different? She wasn’t sure.

Nodding, Max stayed silent a moment, letting Edana work through her own thoughts without his influence. Finally, he spoke, “He’s been through a rough time and you’ve been there for him, quietly supporting him while he plays around with Li. He didn’t even tell you about Li, did he? Voluntarily, I mean.”

Edana closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. I...I ran into Li here on the station and I smelled his scent on her.” She sighed and looked away. “I shouldn’t be saying this. I have no intentions of ruining your plans with Li.”

“Of course not. Just know that I’m here if you need to talk to someone who knows the situation. Darwin surely understands that you might be a bit... irate? with him.”

“We discussed it, yes. We moved past it but this trip is not an easy thing for me.” Ed admitted. “I’m not sure what to say. I always know what to do no matter where I am or what the situation is, until now. I’m feeling a little lost at sea.”

“He cut you adrift,” Max nodded. “Anyway, there’s no need for words.” He backed off on that: “And I don’t mean that I’m reading your thoughts: I’m not.”

“You love her, don’t you?” she asked. There was no mistaking the note of envy in her voice.

He nodded, “Have since we were kids. I didn’t marry because I couldn’t bring myself to settle for someone else.” His thoughts went somewhere else: “As an Orion in the Fleet..., do you know Reva Madhava?”

“I do.” Edana left it at that. “Why?”

“Orions in the Fleet are rare breeds. Have you dealt with her much?”

More than he knew, she thought, and nodded. “Not so much directly but you could say that, yes. She’s had a very difficult time over the past year but things are levelling out for her.” Edana hoped that was still true, given her ship was out of touch right now.

“Yes, she’s marrying Riley Sukotav,” Max smiled. “He’s worried about her being out on a survey ship. Plus, he keeps getting an earful from Reva’s grandmother about how he shouldn’t marry Reva. I have the feeling that Reva’s going to give Grandma an earful when she gets home.” He paused, thinking he wanted to make sure he had a ringside seat for that. “Love will out, given half a chance.”

“I hope it does. She and Riley deserve some good fortune, a lot of it after what they’ve been through. We all do.” The urge to speak to Darwin rose suddenly but she carefully pushed that aside. She had no idea what the situation was there. Or here for that matter.

“Indeed.” He hadn’t meant to, but he’d caught some of her desire. “I’d leave it till he either returns or initiates a call himself. Maybe even give him cause to wonder what you’ve been doing while he was away.”

“I agree. He hates clinginess.” She suddenly wondered how he would react to competition. That was likely a place she really shouldn’t go, she realized.

“I can see that,” he nodded, “Just from what little I’ve interacted with him and have gleaned from Li. Let’s talk of something less... troublesome. You look beautiful in that gown.”

“Thank you. That’s nice to hear.” Up on the stage, the combo was starting the next set and she reached for Max’s hand. “Dance?”

Smiling, Max went with her and led her through a modified rumba step, taking advantage of every chance to feel her curves.

* Suresh’s Quarters *

“I expect regular updates,” Suresh told the two women on the console. He noted Isa’s eye roll and shook his head, trying to find the humor in it. “Kaeli? It looks like that onus is on you. Don’t screw up.” He closed the channel just as his door chime rang. He went to answer it and was surprised to see Edana. “Evening, Ed. I’m surprised to see you.”

“I thought I would check in.” She stepped in, the satin of her dress whispering softly. “I went out, hoping for a little distraction and nearly fell into a swamp that would have sucked me in and been a bad thing.” She hiccuped slightly and covered her mouth. “Sorry. Saurian brandy. A little too much of it too.”

“You’re calling Max, Li’s boyfriend, a swamp? They’d be so flattered, I’m sure,” he said, going to his bar. “Some more of that brandy or something different?”

“Better to keep the poison regular and not mixed,” Ed answered and sighed. “Yes, but now he is her fiance. Apparently, he asked her just before she and Darwin left. Thanks.” She took the glass from Suresh, slipped off her high heels and propped her bare feet on the coffee table. “Even so, things got a little….too warm you might say.”

“He was looking a little..., well, to use the word Isaura did: handsy, on the dance floor. With Darwin and Li away, again, is he looking to even the scores? Maybe give Darwin the same sort of heartache Darwin’s been giving him?”

“I don’t know. The thing is, he’s Betazoid. They are cool about that sort of thing. I’m Orion, I am supposed to be but there’s one flaw in this argument...Darwin. Not that he’s a flaw, but you see what I mean.” Ed took a sip from her glass. “It would’ve been too easy.”

Suresh sat down with his glass of whisky and slowly swirled the liquid in his glass while he thought about Ed’s comment. “Too easy? Ed, you know I’ve been around Darwin a bit longer than you have been. I’m comfortable saying that he’d... well, he’s not the sort to let opportunity pass him by. I know of only one chance that he avoided, but that was because of the mess it would have created. In your situation, do you think he’d have stopped to think of you?”

“Until recently, no,” she answered honestly. “But he’s promised that he won’t be involved with Li anymore. Either way, I don’t think I’d feel right about playing with the XO’s fiance while she is away on one hand and on the other, I don’t need some empty layover that is going nowhere.”

“Empty layover?” Suresh blinked then laughed at that description. “You are full of flattering lines tonight, Ed. What’s changed that you now think Darwin will stick to his promise? He’s alone on a small ship with Li, whom he’s already been bedding down with.” He shook his head and waved away the question. “Sorry, nevermind. I know it’s a minefield and I shouldn’t make it more difficult for you. I’m just worried about Six and your problem is a good way to forget about mine for a few minutes.”

“I don’t know. Trust? This is new territory for me. I’ve never really been so closely involved with someone on a lasting basis. I don’t know how to handle it.” She drained her glass and shook her head. “How do you know when it’s a real ‘thing’ and not just for fun?”

Suresh hazarded a guess: “When he puts you first? When he doesn’t sleep with the first available woman because he’s thinking of you? Ed, Darwin’s not known for his ...restraint... around women. Frankly, I think when sex is on the table, his brain short circuits and just runs on physical stimuli.” He glanced at his coffee table and chuckled, recalling how she and Darwin had broken it. He hadn’t intended the pun.

“He promised to stop sleeping with Li. Does that count?” Edana rose and strolled back to the bar to refill her glass. “Maybe I should….” She shrugged. “Maybe Max is right.”

“He promised. I suppose that counts, until it doesn’t. How long will he and Li be on that ship?” Suresh shrugged; he wasn’t optimistic about Darwin’s ability to, or interest in, turning down an opportunity with Li. “What might Max be right about?”

“They are following the Kohana, as you know, so likely a couple of weeks to get there and back, if not longer depending on what they find.” She paced back and forth before the sofa and Suresh, wishing she had changed into something a little more comfortable for lounging around. “I was just thinking about something he asked me earlier is all.”

“What... oh,” Suresh figured out what Max had asked her. “Which will you regret more: not seeing Max and then finding out Darwin and Li were at it the whole time or seeing Max and then finding out Darwin was surprisingly chaste?”

“The latter, definitely. Given how unhappy I was over the Li situation, it would be hellishly hypocritical wouldn’t it?” She paused to look down at Suresh. “Six is lucky.”

“Because I’m the good monogamous male? Remember that I married her; she’s my everything, Ed. Without her..., I don’t want to face that. Whatever Darwin and Li are off to do, whatever they do while away, so long as they bring Six back safely, I don’t care.”

“Would you believe me if I said I felt the same? I want all of them home, considering the area, I’m worried about Li and Darwin’s safety. I suppose given that, the rest doesn’t really matter does it?”

“No, not really. Just don’t let Darwin surprise you. I’m not sure that he knows how to be monogamous,” Suresh advised her. “You know he used to... ah... see Seyla?”

“Everyone knows that.” She smiled gently. “A lot of people used to see Seyla.”

“I forget sometimes: you’re Intel. It would figure you’d know.” He got up and refilled his glass then hers. “Anyway. Guess we’ll just be on tenterhooks till they return.”

Edana downed the drink and immediately wished she hadn’t. She’d just crossed that line between having her wits about her and having absolutely no judgment. She realized she was feeling no pain at all. Reaching out, she steadied herself with the chair.

“We’ll be on something I suppose.” She giggled.

“Oh boy,” Suresh stood and caught her. “Come on, let’s put you to bed.” H was glad Riley hadn’t returned for another night on his guest bed. He steered Ed along the hallway to it.

Just then the chime rang, then the doors opened and Farco entered. He looked around the room, and seeing Suresh with an arm around Ed and moving towards the hall crossed his arms.

“Am I interrupting?”

“Shut up, Farco,” Suresh grumbled. “Ed’s had a touch too much tonight. I’m just putting her to bed.”

Ed stopped and waved to Farco. “Hiya Farc...Farco. Whassup?”

“Yeah, what is up?” Suresh motioned for Farco to follow them to the guest room. He settled Ed on the bed and went to the replicator for pajamas for her.

“Just a check-in since it’s getting late,” the Orion answered. “Looks like I got here at a good time. You sure you ready to call it a night Ed?”

Edana laughed once more. “I hadn’t planned on it but…..”

“She’s ready,” Suresh’s look at Farco warned him off of propositioning Ed. He handed her the pajamas. “Ed, we’ll be back in the living room if you need anything. Come on, Far,” he pushed the man out of the room.

She looked at the pajamas, then tossed them aside and began to shimmy out of her dress before they had completely cleared the room. “Pajamas...that’s funny…”

Glancing back, Suresh got an eyeful and wondered whether he’d have any sleep this night. He pushed Farco a little more forcefully till they were back in the living room. “Touch that, Farco, and I’ll ask a friend who owes me a favor to remove your testicles.”

“Aww why? She’s a free, single adult and we’re even the same species. Why not?” Farco grumbled.

“She belongs to Darwin, remember? She’s his payment,” Suresh said. “She keeps him happy and he looks the other way. One thing he doesn’t like is sharing what’s his with anyone else.” He hoped news of Darwin’s dalliance with Li hadn’t reached the lower ranks of the Pit. He couldn’t think of anyone who would have spread that news around. “Understood?”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. A shame though, she could do better.” Farco rubbed his eyes. “So why’s she underwater tonight anyhow? I’ve never seen her do that before.”

“Playing girlfriend to a Fleetie isn’t easy,” Suresh opined. “Particularly Darwin. He has some unique... ah.. Circumstances. Now, you. You’re here just checking in?”

“Since Patch is gone, yes. We’ve been worried about you with Six bein’ gone and all. What’re you doing tonight besides babysitting? I can take over if you need to go out,” Farco offered.

“I’m in for the night. Go on home.” There was no way he was going to leave Edana alone with Farco. “Check in on Seyla if you want; she’s dealing with the missing funds from our Archadia operations.”

“Oh, that reminds me. News is that Marla’s man, the Intel chief? Was shadowing her to make sure she was okay and is in the prison down there now. Supposedly, he was knocked out and woke up next to a dead bartender who worked at Marsey’s.”

“One of our employees? Supposedly or actually? Is he someone we need to have taken care of?” His tone had sharpened.

Farco shook his head. “Malia, this guard down there that I..uh..see now and then? Says he claims that the last he remembers, he was in an alley making sure Marla got into the main house alright. When he woke up, the bartender was dead and he has next to her, totally nude. Somehow the police had already been tipped off and showed up just after he regained consciousness. Awfully convenient, isn’t it?”

“Indeed. Sounds like a clumsy attempt to frame him,” Suresh knew they’d done that same sort of frame-up in the past. Successfully. “Make sure the Archadians have what they need to find him innocent. We need Marla at her best, not moping about her boyfriend.”

“Yeah, about that. She’s moved back into his quarters. Apparently this episode has brought her running back home to him. I’d say, though, that she’s getting too close to whoever’s doing this. Pretty ballsy step to frame a Fleetie that the Archadians trust.” Farco’s gaze shifted to the hall as the sound of a door opening came. It was Edana, wearing one of Suresh’s shirts and nothing else.

“Dae’s in prison?” She sounded suddenly sober.

“Yes, he is. On Archadia,” Suresh tried not to notice her long, green legs. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. Nothing for you to worry about, to be sure.”

She noted Farco’s presence and nodded to let Suresh know she was back to playing her part. “You sure? He’s one of my regulars, I can’t have him locked up. He’s a pussycat, he’d never kill someone like that.” She grinned at Farco. “Just don’t tell Darwin, huh?”

Farco grinned at her. “An’ here I’d heard you were Darwin’s alone. You take other clients, then? How about taking me as one? Just for the night?”

She sauntered past Farco and into the kitchen to replicate some coffee. “Farco, ever hear the phrase “you don’t shit where you eat?’ You know what that means?”

“I know what it means, but how does that apply to us having a roll in the sack?”

“Because Darwin is selfish. He’s also very useful. You really want to piss him off and blow his cooperation?” She emerged with a mug in hand and had a big sip. Her head was much clearer now. “It does sound like somebody got spooked though.”

Suresh nodded. “It does. Ed, maybe while Darwin’s away, you could go suss this out? Take Marla and see where she was then follow the trail?”

“I can.” She shot Suresh a grateful look. It would give her something to distract her and it was a necessary piece of Fleet business as well. “I’ll run home and change, then find Marla. If they are willing to be this stupid, we need to end it now. No, you aren’t coming with me Farco.”

Farco frowned. “But you’ll need protection down there,” he argued. He glanced at Suresh to back him up.

Suresh didn’t. “I think Ed’s good enough protection for Marla. You’ll stay here, Farco. Ed, I’ll send a message to Marla for her to be ready and to our head office on Archadia to make arrangements for you two.”

“Good” She crossed to Suresh, left her mug on the table, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thanks,” she whispered.

“Of course,” he whispered back. Slightly louder, he added, “Now, go put some pants on before you give Farco a heart attack.”

“I’ll do that at home.” She walked past Farco, opened the doors, and hurried to her quarters a few doors down.

Farco cleared his throat as he watched her go. “Damn.”

“Not yours to touch,” Suresh reminded him sternly. He just hoped no one else touched her on Archadia.

SCPO Edana
Maxym Balasz


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