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Payment For Trackers - Part I

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2016 @ 10:06pm by Rafael Hernandez & Kaeli & Isaura Panossian & Zarv

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: RIS Opius

* RIS Opius *

Zarv, with a disapproving snarl, had been waiting on the Ning’Tao when Isaura returned from her meeting with Kaeli and Suresh. He’d had a bag packed for her. When she had reached for it, he had shaken his head and said, “I’ll carry it. You’re not going alone.”

“I know. You and Rafe are coming along,” she had answered, much to Zarv’s irritation - he was happy he was going, but... Rafe? The man took up too much of Isa’s time.

Now, Isa stepped onto the bridge of Suresh’s ship and nodded at Kaeli. “We’re away?”

Kaeli nodded. “Joe’s below stashing our stuff and checking the portable weapons.” She pointed to the man at the helm. “That is Patch, the medic. It seems he does a little of everything around here.”

Isa looked the Cardassian over. “What a suitable name for a medic. Is that a given or taken name?”

He rolled his eyes at her, unamused. “Given. It’s actually Patchouli.”

“Like the stinky incense humans seem to love?”, she sneered. She was definitely earning points with the new medic.

He started to stand, ready to give Isa what-for, but backed down when the scary-looking creature behind her snarled at him. “And what is that?”

Isa glanced over her shoulder, as if she needed to visually confirm that Zarv was there. “Zarv. He’s a bit protective,” she said, smiling at Patch.

“That’s a vast understatement,” Kaeli added and dropped into the seat beside Patch. “Ready for some fun?”

Patch regarded the two for a moment; he had his suspicions that neither of these two women was particularly well-balanced. Why else would Suresh make him go along? “Some fun? We have a few days to Cardassia. What sort of ‘fun’ are you suggesting?”

“I was thinking once we arrive.” Kaeli looked Patch up and down. “Are you planning to go with me or are you part of the retrieval crew to get my ass outta the fire?”

“There are a lot of things I’d like to get your ass out of,” he said with a sly grin at Kaeli.

“Hey, hey!” Isa, suddenly the prude, tsk’d at him. “Keep it clean! You’re a medic, not a gigolo.” She stopped and thought about that quickly. “Unless... are you? Is that what you do for Suresh?”

“I do a lotta things for Suresh. It’s a sweet job that comes with a lotta perks.” He grinned at Isa. “That bother you Isa? In your line of work I’d think not, especially given what I hear about your...tastes.”

“My tastes?” She frowned, certain she’d just been insulted but uncertain just how. “Look, you two figure out how you’re getting in; I’ll get you out.” She shot a glare at Patch then turned and left the bridge, Zarv following behind her.

Patch laughed. “She’s a bit of a firebrand, huh? Gives better than she takes, though.”

Kaeli shrugged. “So be it. She’s just not one much for the activities you and I are into, that’s all.”

“So I see. Now, just what sort of position can I get you into?”

Kaeli’s gaze was speculative as she looked him over. “Are you aware who I am involved with?”

He laughed again. “You say that like I should be scared of who you’re involved with. You know who I work for; he can’t be any scarier than that.”

“Are you familiar with the Butcher?” she asked. “Not Dar’heel….but the Order’s main operative.” Kaeli turned sideways and draped her legs over the arm of the chair.

“Jarad,” he nodded. “I’ve heard he’s gone soft; plays medic for a crazy... Bajoran...,” he clued in. “She’s the crazy Bajoran, isn’t she?”

“She is.” Kaeli nodded with a smile. “And living with a crazy Romulan, one he’s very possessive of if you get my drift.”

“Not so possessive that he’s on this trip, though. How’s he going to react when he finds you two have left him behind?”

Her expression shifted immediately. “He doesn’t know yet and there’s a reason for that. Well, more than one really, but it’s for the best. I’ll settle things down once we’re back. Tell me, how attached are you to Cardassia?”

“More attached to the DQ, honestly. Cardassia’s a bit... stifling and regimented. The military still rules everything. I don’t fit in well with that. I know: joining you on this means I can’t return there. No going home and all that. Good thing I wasn’t born there. Mom and Dad were atypical... I think if they’d been human, someone might have called them... ‘hippies’.”

“I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re in for,” Kae answered. “You can always come to Romulus. This will make me a hero with the Tal Shiar there. Maybe it will get Rekar off my back too,” she grumbled.

“What would it take to get you on your back?” Patch was back to crudely flirting with her.

“A knife at my throat,” she shot back. “Or one at yours. So what do you say?”

“That sounds less fun than what I had in mind.” He paid a moment’s attention to his console. “Approaching the wormhole now; we’ll be through it shortly.”

“Good enough. We’ve got time, let’s make some plans.”

* Captain’s Quarters *

Rafael had stowed what little they brought in the small closet and was just finishing when the door opened. He smiled seeing Isa, then frowned as Zarv started to follow her in. “Get lost.”

Zarv started to protest but Isa cut him off, “Zarv, go check out your quarters; they’re just down the hall. And maybe see if there’s any supplies we should have stocked.”

He couldn’t refuse her directions (this time) and turned to leave. He shot a glare at Rafael and muttered, “Later.” He left them alone.

Isa smiled at Rafe. “We’re settled in?”

“We are. This ship is in tip top shape so I don’t need to check the systems for a while. Where’s Kaeli?” Rafael took her hand and they settled on the bunk. His tone was serious however.

“She’s on the bridge, talking with Patch, our medic,” she snickered at that and cuddled against him, “about how she intends to get in. I told her I’d get her out, though I think I might be her way in, too.” She shrugged, utterly unconcerned. It was a front - she was concerned about having her dealings with Boroca revealed. She didn’t want Rafe to know what the man had done so many years ago. “We have a few days till it matters.”

“Yeah, as long as we don’t run into trouble getting there.” Rafael paused and snuggled her in closer. “Like from Jarad. She didn’t tell him what you two were off to do, or that she was leaving at all, actually. She made me promise not to tell him either but you know him. He’ll realize soon that she’s gone.”

“I sent him a message that I was kidnapping her and taking her off for a shopping trip on Archadia. Promised him that I’d have her back in a day or so, all gussied up for him,” Isa told him. “He’ll be pissed, for a little while, but he can’t stay mad at me.” She smiled up at him. “Buys us a day, at least.”

“And no more. He knows her Isa. She’s always very close to him unless she is off doing something dangerous. Will he stay on 900? Is he going to kill her when she gets back?”

She giggled. “Kill her? Of course not. He might tie her to a bed for a while... a few days, perhaps. He might put another tracker in her. At least we didn’t leave Zarv behind - he’d have been the first to go tell on us. Or you,” she kissed his jaw. “You should be thrilled that we left Drekkar behind.”

“Drekkar is dangerous. This newfound power is going to go to his head. I heard him and Kae already had a run-in at Saturnalia.”

Regretting having mentioned his name, Isa shifted in Rafe’s embrace. “The two of them in a dust-up will never surprise me. He’s dangerous, but he’s also behind us, Raf,” she put her hands on his shoulders and smiled at him. “You’re not going to spend this trip worrying about him, are you? That’ll be a buzzkill.”

“I’m not worried about him where you are concerned personally, but where you and Kae are. He has a lot of power now and could make some bad decisions. How will he react when Boroca is gone? Will he take over?” Rafael asked. “Is Kaeli making the way for something far worse?”

“Perhaps. But... perhaps he’s the devil we know versus the devil we don’t? Worse comes to worse, I can influence him.” If she had to, she could twist his head like she had Tindam’s; it wouldn’t be the first time.

“It would keep him away from us too,” Rafael agreed. “If he ever does find out it was Kae who got rid of Boroca, he is unlikely to reveal that since she will be the reason he gets to take over the Order. He should be grateful.” If it got him away from Isa, Rafael would be the grateful one.

“Yes,” she nodded and removed her shirt. “We’ll all be thankful. But, right now, Rafe, could you be thankful for what’s in your lap?”

“I always am, Isa. You are mine.” Drekkar could go to hell, he thought.

* Later *

Kaeli was pacing the bridge, circling around Patch, then retracing her steps and going round and round. They had entered the wormhole and her thoughts had returned to Jarad. Once again she’d taken off without a word to him. It meant he would worry and then be mad as hell when he figured out she was gone. It would take him a little time to track her to Suresh’s ship but then he….she stopped suddenly as a thought stuck her.

“Ohhhh….oh no...he wouldn’t!”

Patch, at the helm still, startled and gave Kaeli a look that clearly said she was a crazy person. “Oh no who wouldn’t? What wouldn’t he do?”

She turned to Patch and suddenly her eyes widened. “Come with me. This thing can auto-pilot through the wormhole for a bit can’t it? I need for you to check me over.”

His grin was wide and loopy. “Check you over? Happy to do so, pretty lady. Ready room or your quarters? Quarters would likely be more comfortable,” he stood smoothly and started to put his hands on her.

She grabbed his hand and twisted it back. “Sickbay, actually. Let’s go.” She dropped his hand and crossed to the lift.

“Ow!” He winced and rubbed his wrist before following her. “No need to be so violent.” The doors closed.

Cap'n Isaura Panossian
Rafael Hernandez


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