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Where Does This Piece Fit?

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2016 @ 9:02pm by Suresh & Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Java - The Promenade

* Java - The Promenade *

“Thank you.” Nyyar smiled at the waitress who placed the steaming mug on the table before her. “Good suggestion, it smells delicious.”

“Sure thing. Just flag me down if you want a refill.” The waitress moved away, leaving Nyyar to people watch on the Promenade. It took only a few minutes for her to realize how truly sheltered she had been all her life. The stream of people seemed to have no end, and there was every species under the sun, including many she didn’t recognize. Delta Quadrant natives, she assumed. She blew on the coffee, then had a sip as she continued to watch.

Soon, her thoughts turned to the long conversation in her above-the-equator quarters. True to his word, and her request, he had told her everything, and it was a lot - his life during the years he’d watched her village, the day she had been taken, what had happened to the village after that day. Her grandfather had died a few months later and Eldren had no idea what had happened to her younger brother. Given how the Cardassians had decimated the village, she had to assume he had died in the mines.

After the Occupation was over, Eldren had moved on, making a living as he could and pursuing those on his vengeance list. Given all that the Bajorans had endured, she could understand how such a desire could overtake him. She might feel the same now, if the two men responsible for screwing up her own life had not recently died. She could definitely understand Eldren’s desire to take care of Boroca and end her troubles.

He had also gone into some detail regarding his place within Suresh’s organization...well, as Suresh’s second in command, actually. That was a lot to take in and a lifestyle she had never experienced. Still, Eldren was what she wanted, there was no denying it. Where she fit into all this, she still wasn’t sure. She took another sip, lost in thought, as a shadow fell over her and a hand came to rest on her shoulder. She gasped aloud and just managed to avoid spilling her coffee.

“Hello, Nyyar.” It was Suresh. He smiled and sat down across from her. “How are you?”

“Finally breathing a little easier.” She returned his smile. “Now that anyone who might have designs on me is gone. I am finally free it seems.”

Suresh nodded. “He informed me that he told you everything he had to tell.”

“He did.” Nyyar ran her finger lightly around the rim of her mug. “Including the fact that you and he made the decision to take care of things.” She was purposely vague, given the openness of the location and the likelihood of being overheard.

Suresh was silent for a few seconds and finally nodded once more. “Enough was enough, Nyyar. You’ve had your life ruled with an iron fist since you were a kid. All your decisions were made for you without your input, whether you knew it or not. The Occupation was over twenty years ago for Bajor but it was never over for you.”

She started to reply and stopped. She hadn’t ever thought of it that way but he was absolutely right. And Boroca had done his best to continue it. “That’s true,” she murmured.

“It is.” Suresh motioned to the waitress. “Now you have your life back to live it as you wish. However, given your current circumstances, we find ourselves in an interesting position.” The waitress left his coffee on the table and hurried away with a nervous glance at him. “Eldren has told me you are now aware of what he does for me. He’s very good at it, so I will not be giving him up. And since it’s clear he won’t give you up, you and I have some decisions to make.”

Nyyar searched his face, looking for some sign of what he might be thinking. A thread of nervousness wove its way through her suddenly.

“How so?” she asked. “I love him, Suresh, and you’re right. There will be no giving up of anyone. He’s not one who easily lets anyone in. I honestly don’t think he ever has, until now.”

Suresh laughed softly. “It wasn’t just now. He let you in twenty-three years ago and you never left him.”

“Yes, I think so too.” She considered that for a moment. “So you’re right. He’s not going to let go.”

“Which brings us to you.” Suresh took a drink from his coffee. “And to me. What will you do? Can you live with Eldren knowing what he does? That’s the first question.”

“It’s a valid question,” she agreed. “I lived a long time not knowing that my husband was torturing my own people. I should have realized it but I’d lived most of my life with him and I believed him. I am not that naive girl anymore.” She moved over one chair to sit beside Suresh and her voice dropped almost to a whisper. “Now I’ve helped in a conspiracy to murder the new leader of the Order, the man who was at least officially my husband - if only through my silence. Frankly, I’m glad he’s gone. In some ways he was worse than Zikar. He at least gave me a choice where he was concerned and --” She stopped suddenly and her eyes widened.

“No he didn’t.” Suresh had easily caught the direction of her thoughts from her expression.

“No, he didn’t. You’re right about that too.” She reached out to rest her hand on Suresh’s arm. “I don’t know what Tohr wants for me as far as his life here goes. Whatever it is, you have my word that I am on your side. What I know of your activities will remain between us. I will not interfere with Tohr’s position either, either with you or his continuing quest. It would change him and that’s not something I want. To be perfectly honest, I would love to have been the one to see to Boroca’s end.”

“I see.” Suresh considered her words and finally nodded. “You are already known down in the Pit as his, and therefore one of mine. No one will cause you any trouble. You might be of help to me in the future but for now, take your time settling in both on the station and with Eldren. You two need the time.” He covered her hand with his own. “If you need anything you only have to ask and I’ll see that it is done.”

“Thank you. You’ve done so much for me already, and for Tohr too. I’ll say the same - if you need me just say so.”

A slow smile spread over Suresh’s face. “I will. I also should be going. I have a few things to see to before it gets too late.” He rose and inclined his head to her. “I’ll see you soon.”

Once he was gone, the waitress reappeared. “Was he bothering you?”

“No, he wasn’t. He just sat down to say hello, why?” Nyyar asked.

“Do you know who that man is?” The waitress didn’t wait for Nyyar’s answer. “That’s Suresh. He’s well known down in the Pit. He runs everything down there. If it’s bad, his hands are in it. You should steer clear of him. No good ever comes in his wake, trust me, especially if he’s got his eye on you.”

“Thank you,” Nyyar answered. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She fell silent as her mug was refilled and the waitress left. She returned to her people watching but her thoughts were light years away.

Indra Nyyar
New Partners In Crime


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