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Surprising Offer

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2016 @ 8:13pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & El'Shar Blackhorse
Edited on on Fri Jul 8th, 2016 @ 9:43pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: IKS cha'Do / Borg Cube

* IKS cha’Do *

A klaxon was still sounding off as Darwin took the ladder to the bridge. “Computer, could you shut that off?”, he complained as he headed for a console. He did just what he’d asked: shut the klaxon off and pulled up the report on what triggered it. “Crap... Borg!”, he called as Li appeared on the ladder. “Shields up.”

Li slipped into the seat beside Rick and pulled up the small screen attached to it. “Cloak is up. Slow to impulse, we need to lose our warp trail.”

“Slowing,” Darwin confirmed. “We should likely turn and run, Sir,” he advised.

“They are closing in,” Li added. "In visual range now.” She switched the main viewer and a Borg cube appeared, moving fast.

“So our options are stay here and lose our warp trail, hoping they can’t see past the cloak, or try and run for the hills and pray they don’t overtake us.” Rick tapped at the controls furiously. He was looking for any kind of planetoid or something that they could hide behind to mask them from the Borg sensor sweeps. “Li, ETA on their arrival? I might be able to chase that comet and hide in its tail, assuming I can get there in time.”

“Ten minutes,” Li answered. Her console beeped suddenly. “Picking up a disturbance just off the port bow, distance two hundred metres. It appears to be the remains of a rift.”

“How big is the rift, Li? Big enough for us to slip through?”, Darwin asked. His console then showed the rift; he changed the ship’s heading.

“It’s not stable but…..” She looked back at the sensor readings and frowned. “The warp trail going through it matches the Kohana. Looks like we know where they went at least.” The console beeped. “Incoming transmission from the cube.”

The face of the Borg Queen appeared on the viewer. “Greetings Admiral Wegener. This is an unexpected pleasure, seeing you in this area. I’ve been led to believe that you don’t get out much. I see your new companion travels with you this time.” She looked over El’Shar, only a flicker of recognition passing over her face. Her gaze shifted to Li and remained there for several seconds, the look at first speculative, then bemused. Darwin was her next target and he prompted a comment. “Commander Darwin. You are exactly what I expected. Interesting.”

For just a second, Darwin wondered how the hell she'd know his name, let alone form any expectations of him. Then he knew: she had Sakkath. He glanced at Li, frowning, before replying, “I have the feeling that's not a compliment.”

“On the contrary,” the Queen answered. “We have heard you are quite the protector. A pity you are not on our side, but that is the way of things and it is not our intention to change that right now.”

Li met Darwin’s look and shrugged before turning back to the viewer. “I see you picked up quite a lot in the short time you had our people. We have reclaimed them all you know.”

The Queen paused as she looked at Li, as if debating how to answer that. “Have you?” She moved on before Li could answer, addressing Rick. “We need to talk, you and I.”

“Curious,” Rick said aloud. He looked up at El’Shar who was squeezing his shoulder. “I’ve never known the Borg to be this accommodating.” He put his hand on El’s, trying to calm her. “In the interest of good faith, how about you come over here? I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

What do you think she meant by that? Li passed the thought to Darwin.

He used one of the techniques she'd taught him to hide his thought about Sakkath before he answered, There's no telling. Perhaps they recovered bodies from the ice planet and have Oz’s memories. What could she possibly want to talk to Wegener about, though?

I don’t know. The only thing that would make her want to do that is some mutual threat that they don’t think they can handle alone. She touched Darwin’s hand a moment. We should know soon. Li turned back to the screen to find the Queen watching her intently.

Talk about getting caught by the teacher, passing notes, he thought to her, also noticing the Queen’s gaze on them.

“No, we will transport you to this ship,” the Queen informed Rick. “She is not to come.” It was clear she meant Li. “Commander Darwin may come, however, if you feel the need for security.”

Darwin’s brow rose slightly and he felt a prickle of something he really didn’t like: fear. “Sir?”, he looked at Rick.

“Not that it will mean much when I get over there,” Rick said, subtly waving Darwin off for a moment, “but do I have your word that no harm will come to me, my people or this ship? Otherwise, you’ll understand why I’d be disinclined to acquiesce to your request.”

“If we wanted you, you would already be ours, Admiral,” the Queen answered. “Your ship is no match for us. You will be of more use where you are, as you will see. Lower your shields.”

He held up a finger. “Just a moment,” Rick replied, holding up a finger then cutting the transmission. He stood and kissed El’Shar. “It’ll be okay. They’re not here for us, I don’t think. I believe they actually need our help.” Turning to Darwin he asked, “Is that close to what you were going to say?”

Darwin considered telling him, ‘Hell no,’ but swallowed that. He shook his head. “She’s right: this ship is no match for them.”

“I will monitor you as much as I can,” Li informed them. “Darwin, if trouble comes, you will be able to tell me without her knowledge. It’s something at least.” She turned back to Rick. Be careful. She is hiding something and I don’t like it.”

“Come back to me, Rick,” El said, worry etched on her face. “I’ll not lose you to those bastards.”

“Nothing to worry about. I have Darwin to babysit me,” he said as he clapped a big hand on Darwin’s shoulder. Darwin gave the two women a painful smile.

Rick leaned down to the console and the screen flickered back on with the Queen front and center. “Alright, uh...Queen? Shields are down. Transport myself and Commander Darwin when r--.”

The Queen was obviously in a hurry. Both Rick and Darwin disappeared in a flash leaving Li and El’Shar on the bridge, both concerned and on the defensive.

* Borg Cube *

They materialized in the Queen’s room, a circular area bathed in green light. Several drones stood against the wall at various intervals, still and impassive, but obviously there in case of trouble. The Queen looked them over slowly, first Darwin, then Rick.

“You two are even more impressive in person. Under other circumstances, i would be tempted but we have more pressing concerns than having you join the Collective. Sometimes there are issues of the greater good at stake.”

“Would you care to enlighten me as to what this issue is?” Rick asked as he took in everything around the room. “It’s not often that anyone is invited, more or less, onto a Borg ship without getting the ol’ straw to the neck routine.”

“Amusing.” She circled them slowly, taking her time before she returned to stand before them. Darwin had eyed her the whole circuit. “Not everyone is so opposed to life here as you seem to be, Admiral Wegener, or your reclaimed ensign. She’s been out here and should be careful. Those like her don’t often resist for long and some that cross over find a certain measure of peace they previously did not have.”

“Alright, alright,” Rick said, trying to get her to shut up. “I’ve heard the Borg rhetoric before. Let’s just agree to disagree and get to the point of us being here. Do you actually need help from us or is this just a new and elaborate means of taking your next victims?”

“We face a threat that concerns both us and you,” she answered. “The Krenim. We are aware of the sphere that was stolen. They will come to get it back and if they do, we are all in great danger. You know what it can do now, I assume, since we detected your scout team out here.”

“Well.” Rick said. And that was it. He had never imagined the Borg being caught up in any of this much less seeking him out for assistance. But the Queen was right. The Krenim could do many, many dark things if they were retain possession of the sphere and it was at least worth it to hear her out. “Okay, then. What’s your plan? I assume you have one, or at least the beginnings of one, or you wouldn’t have gone out of your way to bring us here.”

“Your scout ship vanished from our sensors and has not been detected since. Our data indicates that they passed through a rift in this area.” She paused for a moment, then a screen flared to life on the wall, showing that rift. “It has been stable for the last twelve hours that we have monitored it and appears it will remain so for the foreseeable future. Time is moving differently just inside it so we believe it to be a leftover, perhaps from one of the Krenim tests.”

“Have you sent in a probe for definitive readings? You know, for something better than ‘we believe’ or ‘perhaps’?”

“There is no need.” She actually smiled for a moment. “Your ship’s nanoprobes simplify matters. We can read the trail they left on this side and just beyond. They are no longer at the opening, however, and what trail remains seems to be in stasis. I would suggest not going through there if that was your intent. What is mere hours there may be days or weeks here.”

“One way or another, Queen--Ms. Queen? Wait--what the hell am I supposed to call you?”

“Queen will do.” She glanced at the monitor and now the display changed to show another ship, large and of Krenim origin, in orbit around the Krenim homeworld. “Another cube recorded this several hours ago. It is a long-range cruiser, so I do not expect it to remain in orbit there. I’m sure you understand?”

“I do. And no matter what that rift is doing, I’ll be getting my crew back. Do you understand?”

“It would be a shame to lose your group so soon after losing your Second Officer.” She smiled slightly. “I’m sure your First Officer might agree with that.” There was a subtle note of distaste as she mentioned the XO.

“Well that explains why you didn’t want Captain Hawke to come along. Tossing out little insulting bits here and there is not a good way to forge a working relationship, Queenie, and I’ll thank you for not being a total ass and rubbing my nose in the loss of a valuable friend and co-worker!” He didn’t realize it until he felt Darwin’s hand gripping his forearm, but Rick had been advancing on the Borg Queen, his voice getting louder and angrier the closer he got. Stopped now, however, he noticed a few of the drones had stepped from their alcoves and were ready to move if he did much more.

“We are each entitled to our own opinions.” The Queen’s smile lingered. “You are as protective of yours as I am of mine.” She motioned to the drones now visible from the shadows. “Which is why we intend to prevent the Krenim from this idiotic pursuit.” She glanced at the drones and one of them turned, stepping back into the shadows.

Noticing the glance, Darwin also looked that direction; he caught the barest glimpse of the drone. “You’re suggesting we align with you?” His inflection implied he thought her crazy. He did. He glanced at Rick, whose arm he was still holding. Crazy.

“Would you prefer that your station and all your people be destroyed? I don’t specifically mind that, though not all would agree. I do, however, intend to keep my own in one piece.” She had noticed the direction of Darwin’s gaze and her smile returned. “Surely you both see the logic in this?”

“How do we know that we can trust you? Huh?” Rick demanded. “That you won’t just use us to save your own ass and then come after us? I need some reassurances from you. Hell, even a temporary peace agreement, just for us scratching each other’s back this time. Something...or you can just kill me right now because I won’t do a goddamn thing to help you take out any of my people.”

“If you wish. Let’s consider it a personal favor among us, shall we? We have no wish to take on you and all those who would come to your assistance. It would be a fool’s errand wouldn’t it?” Her gaze was on Rick now. “So you wish to do something quaint like shake hands?”

“You mean...actually touch you?” he asked, quizzically. Then, in a moment of levity, or stupidity?, he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue asking, “Do I look stupid to you?”

Darwin coughed lightly to hide his amused chuckle.

The face didn’t last long before he added, “How about we just agree to be friendly for a while, no backstabbing, no plotting. We’re just going to work together for a common goal and see where the road takes us. Maybe a cease fire for a few years? How does that sound to you, your worshipfulness?”

The Queen looked utterly repulsed at the sight of his tongue and stepped back a pace. “Let’s see how this goes first, shall we? It is useful to have your station in this quadrant and we have no desire to let the Krenim use this area for their own amusement, for obvious reasons. We also have our own personal reasons for not harming you. I will leave it at that.”

“Hmph,” Rick grunted. “I’ll take it. So, what’s the plan, then? You already seem to know more about what’s going on here than I do. Care to share some information?”

She looked back at Darwin for a moment, her gaze lingering. “Interesting. As for the Krenim, we have evidence that they have armed two ships. They are not so careful in their communications, either through stupidity or simply not caring, but what he have intercepted shows they will be departing for Starbase 900 within hours.” She was silent for a moment, listening. “The rift you were approaching has widened.”

“That means we still have time to send an encoded message to prepare the base for a battle. But that’s not the plan, is it?” Rick asked. “To let them get to 900? You want to stop them long before they arrive there.”

“It would be advisable but you have far more firepower there, and your allies are closer,” the Queen answered. “You came to get your missing team. That’s what you should do and face the Krenim on your home turf. We will return with you.”

Turning to Darwin, Rick blew out his cheeks. “Well, that’ll take some explaining.”

“More than a little, Admiral,” Darwin agreed quietly. “Getting our team out of the rift might take some doing; we need to send a message back to the Station before even attempting to get our team back.”

Rick turned back to the Queen. “How do I get my people out of the rift? You’ve already been studying it. I won’t return home until I get them.”

“I am given to understand that one of mine, or one that used to be mine is among them. I have made contact. There are those among them with experience in such matters. Perhaps all you need to do is wait.” She smiled slightly. “Perhaps you two should return to your ship. Your women may be getting anxious.”

“Our women may be getting anxious? Did we just travel back in time about 500 years?” Rick shook his head. “Fine, Queen. We’ll wait and see if they return.” Turning to walk away, Rick spoke loudly to Darwin. “C’mon, Commander. Let’s go make sure the women-folk back on the homestead are doing okay without their big, manly men to take care of them. And if they ain’t got that warshin’ and cookin’ done, I’ma take a belt to ‘em!”

“Could we not tell Li about that particular joke?” Darwin said, wincing. “Who knew that a Queen would be so sexist.”

There was movement back against the wall at Rick’s comment and the drone who’d been earlier dismissed stepped forward. The Queen glanced his way and immediately he stepped back into the shadows.

“We will transport you back. We have made peace but not everyone here is so open minded.”

Rick stopped in his tracks. Without turning, a cold and ominous tone coated his next words. “I know he’s here, Queen. Someway, somehow, I will have him back. Peace be damned.”

Not caring to hear a reply, he continued walking back to the point at which they had arrived. And in a flash, they were gone.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Apparently Bi-Polar and Off His Meds

Captain Li Hawke
Apparently Not The Queen’s Favorite Person

El-Shar Blackhorse
^^ Actually Anxious

Lt. Commander M. Darwin
Actually Not Happy

The Borg Queen
Actually Extremely Satisfied


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