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An Odd First Date

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2016 @ 2:01am by Ronin & Falon & Rhian & Warrant Officer Awf & Amoja Paz
Edited on on Tue Jul 5th, 2016 @ 2:59pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Onboard the Ning'Tao

* Ning'Tao *

Ronin reached the ship early and went straight to his quarters. He’d asked Paz to meet him a little ahead of time as they had something to discuss. Falon was already down in engineering, checking things over and prepping to depart. It was odd, having the ship so quiet around him. Given the number of crew, and the close quarters, there always seemed to be someone around, voices ever present in conversation, or at least Kaeli and Joe sparring in the cargo hold.

He dropped his small bag on the bunk and then sniffed the air. He could still smell the faint aroma of strawberries, left from Olivia and the whipped cream bomb, one of the many salvos in their practical joke war. It had been the one that finally brought them together, and thus the memory came with a sharp prick that he didn’t like. He was glad, then, to hear footsteps approaching which meant there would be plenty to shove Olivia away and bury her back in the dark recesses of his thoughts where she belonged.

Ronin’s thoughts were intruded upon by the loud footsteps and even louder voice of a Bajoran clomping along the corridor, knocking on doors as he went. “Anybody home?”, he shouted. “Hey! Which of these bunks is already taken?” He pounded on Ronin’s door.

Ronin turned and opened the door. “Welcome Paz. You can take that one.” He pointed to the door across the corridor, the next one down past his. “You’ll be next door to to Rhian. Throw your bag in there and then get in here. There’s something we need to cover before the rest arrive.”

Paz did as Ronin said, carelessly tossing his bag on the bunk and returning. “What are we covering?”

“Well, it concerns a Fleetie who has some romantic notion about leaving the Fleet and joining us." Ronin frowned slightly. “All because the thief in our little family has caught his attention.”

“A thief?” Paz frowned. “What sort of people are on this ship? I thought the Bajoran girl ran a clean ship. Am I going to have to lock my stuff down?”

“Your stuff is safer among this crew of Pirates than anywhere in the universe, I promise you. If it helps? Our captain and my sister are the ones who helped rescue your friend Nyyar from the Cardassian bastards who took her back to Cardassia.” Ronin smiled. “They would remove hands if anyone touched your stuff.”

“Our captain? Aren’t you the Captain? You hired me. Seems like you do more than the girl does,” Paz said, not hiding the insult to Panossian. “And now we’re going to take a ride without her along? Are we taking this Fleetie who has a crush on the thief?”

“I am the First Mate and Isaura is on her way back from making sure your friend’s life takes a normal course from now on. They took a great risk to get her out, especially since Isaura is a Bajoran.” Ro nodded then. “Yes, the Fleetie will be with us on this run. He’s a pilot also, and an Ocampa. Now do you have a better feel for the lay of the land?”

“Ah... okay. Are we recruiting this Fleetie or scaring him off?”

“I don’t think he’s really the type for this crew, so yes, you get the idea. This trip isn’t to fully scare him off, but I’d like you to make sure he begins to get the idea that it’s not all fun and games. It isn’t. I should probably warn you though, our crew’s doctor is Cardassian. We have another who is a passenger of sorts but both have parted ways with Cardassia. They were most helpful in Nyyar’s rescue, actually.”

“We have Cardies on board? A Bajoran captain and two Cardies? How the hell does that happen?” The disgust was thick in his voice.

“Oh man, it’s a long and twisted story, believe me. The short version is that these Cardassians defied the Order to save them once upon a time and went through hell because of it. We also have two humans, an Enaran, my sister and I are Romulan, and the thief is Ocampa. Plus one t’garev and thus you have our merry crew. We are very good at what we do and we watch out for each other. It’s not fun and games, though. It’s not a lark and it’s not ‘an adventure’. I have some friends who are willing to help us out once we’re away from 900.”

“Being on any ship other than a Starfleet ship is an adventure - one where you never know whether you’ll meet up with your death or score a great prize,” Paz opined. “How are those friends going to help us?”

“However we need. I think this young man can’t see the real stars for the ones in his eyes. A near escape might do for now. I understand you’re good at those?”

“Near escapes? Sort of... I suppose. I had enough to bribe people to let us get away from Cardassia. But we can make up something believable,” Paz said. “We’ll knock the fluff out of this kid. Maybe take this on from two sides: scare his pants off and seduce his girl away from him.” He grinned. “I volunteer for the second task.”

That got Ro’s attention. “You know……” He pursed his lips in thought. “We may need get her off my case,” he grumbled.

“Off? You?” He laughed. “Why not just use that and deflower this kid’s hopes and dreams?”

“That’s complicated,” Ro answered. “I’d rather stay out of that particular triangle for the time being. So, have fun with that. I’ll let you know once my friends are in range. In the meantime, I’ll have him take the first shift so you can….ah...get to know the crew.”

Paz smiled and made a show of rubbing his hands together. “Sounds like getting to know them will be my pleasure. I’ll get up to the cockpit and start our pre-flight.”

“Certainly. The rest will be back on 900 in another week and you can meet them then. The two Cardassians are here, however if you’re curious.” The sound of feminine voice reached them, along with light footsteps outside the door. “I think the belle of the ball is here.”

Paz went to the door and opened it, catching a slight Ocampa in the corridor. “You must be Rhian. Prettier in person than in word.”

Rhian’s eyes flew open and she smiled immediately. “Why thank you! Um...who are you?” She glanced past him, wondering why he was in Ronin’s quarters but seeing Ro there she waved. “Welcome to the Ning’Tao.”

“Thanks. I’m the pilot, Paz,” he said. “Ronin assigned me a bunk right next to yours. You are in the one right over there, yeah?” He gestured a little further down the corridor.

“Other side of you, here.” She pointed to the door directly across from Ronin’s door. “So, we’re neighbors. Cool. How are you Ro?”

“Good, kiddo. Just going over a few things with Paz before we go.” He stepped around Paz and out into the corridor. “We have a bit so I’m going to get to engineering and see how Falon’s doing. Catch you two later.” He smiled and moved along the corridor, then disappeared down the ladder.

Rhian watched him go, then turned to look up at Paz. “You need any help getting settled in? The closet in your quarters has a tricky latch. You have to jiggle it just right to get it open.”

He thought about how she could come into his quarters and jiggle anything at any hour, whenever she felt like it; the image that called to mind made him grin a little wider. “Thanks for the tip, and the offer. I just might take you up on that. At the moment, though, I need to go do a pre-flight. Maybe later, you could show me around the galley and we’ll get dinner.”

She caught the direction of his thoughts easily and her eyes opened wider. “Oh...sure. Awf’s the other new pilot. He’s on his way so you’ll meet him soon. I’m just along for the ride but I generally see to the meals. You can let me know when you’re done. I’m not hard to find.”

“I certainly know where to knock,” he said, leeringly. “See you later.” He headed towards the cockpit.

“You will,” she murmured, watching him go. Finally, she made her way to the galley to make sure they had enough for the trip.

Another Ocampa had soon enough started to walk over before he offered an ever-so-slightly cocky smirk to the others. "You must be talkin' about me. I'm glad to be aboard. This whole mission sounds like it's going to be a load of laughs." Of course, Awf was rather ill prepared for what service here was actually going to be like. His fantasy wasn't going to mesh with the reality of it soon enough.

Rhian looked up upon hearing his voice and flashed him a bright smile. “Awf! Just in time. Come on, I’ll show you which cabin and then Ro wants you on the bridge.” She stepped to the door, took his hand and began to lead him down the corridor.

Grinning as his hand was taken, the Ocampa allowed himself to be lead anyplace that Rhian had elected to take him. Most people wouldn't have been so willing to be lead around on a criminal's ship, but then again Awf wasn't most people. This was just an adventure for him. "I thought I'd sleep on the floor or somethin'!"

Well, Paz is taking Jock’s old quarters and you and Falon are sharing the double for now. He’s the second engineer, who works with Rafael,” she informed him. “Jarad’s rarely in his quarters but he hangs onto them. He and Kaeli have an….interesting relationship. This one is mine,” she tapped a door as they passed and a few doors down, she tapped the panel to open the quarters. “Here you are.”

"Still, that's a lot more spacious than I thought like totally I mean...I figured like I'd be layin' on some floor just jamming with myself or something', but this actually pretty gnarly!" Awf grinned as he peered around, seeming to actually feel like he was on the side of things that were looking rather up all things considered. He then frowned, "Wait, what do you mean an interesting relationship? Are they trying to kill each other or somethin'?"

She blinked back at Awf, then laughed merrily. “Well, they weren’t before she left but I think he’s in trouble now. We’ll see when they get back but I am betting he’s walking on thin ice for a little while.” She motioned to one of the bunks. “Toss your bag there and I’ll take you on up to the bridge. We’ll be leaving as soon as you get up there.”

Shrugging for a moment, the Ocampa threw down his bag and laughed a bit at the conversation that they were having thus far. Exhaling for the time being he allowed his shoulders to droop a bit before he looked up again and figured that he would actually like heading off to the bridge for now. "Yeah, I'm assuming that you're gonna be puttin' me in the driver's seat by the sound of the way you said that, huh?" Naturally he grinned at that plenty.

“I think that’s the plan.” She smiled back at him. “Let’s go, time is wasting.” She took his hand and led him away towards the bridge.

* The Bridge *

Ronin left engineering and soon reached the bridge where Paz was preparing for launch. He stepped through the doors and approached the center seat where he turned on his terminal. “Engineering is ready to go. You can request clearance anytime now. Awf has arrived and is getting situated in his quarters. He’ll be up shortly.”

“Be interesting to meet the little guy. He’s got Ocampa biosigns; that right?” He glanced sideways at Ronin before looking back at his console and entering in a request for clearance.

”He does, one more reason our little thief is such a flame for that moth,” Ronin answered. “But before he gets here I have something for you. You’re taking the second shift so about an hour in, Falon will be calling to report some problem. Shortly after that, we’re going to stall out. That is when the fun begins.”

“Only an hour out? At that point, the Fleet’s patrols could intercept us,” Paz pointed out.

“An hour into your shift,” Ronin clarified. “Which should put us a good nine or ten hours out.”

“Ah, okay. Send the kid up and I’ll take off once we’re out of the Fleet’s space control,” Paz said.

“Good. Then let him take over and go do...whatever it is you want to do for the next eight hours or so.” Ronin rose from his seat and moved back to the doors. “I need to see to a few things but I’ll be back on the bridge shortly before we depart.”

Paz waved a hand in dismissal then took a call from the controller: they had clearance to depart.

It was only a short time later that Ronin returned to the bridge with Awf at his side. “Take your seat,” Ronin ordered. “Paz has the course laid in and we’re clear for departure.”

Soon enough, Awf was flicking his fingers across the controls in a practiced motion. While this might have been somewhat differently configured from the way that he had everything to his liking with the computer profile that he used while serving on Starfleet vessels, that didn't mean that he couldn't have worked with these controls just as well. "I'm taking us out. Any idea on the specs here I have to work with?" Naturally he hadn't yet been told an impulse speed thus far.

“Once we’re out of dock, one-quarter impulse till we are well clear of the traffic lanes, then proceed to warp two. After that, Paz is relieved and you’ll have the first shift Awf. He will relieve you in eight hours.”

Ironically that was something that had disappointed Awf, though he wasn't going to say it. He had figured for a moment that everything was going to be a bit more laid back now that he was on a technically illegal craft. Oh well, at least his training was going to come in handy. Smirking to himself, the Ocampa got comfortable in his seat. "Uh, sure, I could pull a longer shift if you wanted, but I'll keep to the schedule now." Admittedly he would have liked to have just remained in that chair for what it was worth.

Ronin shrugged. “We’ll see. You may be glad to grab some food and a few winks of sleep, but if you’re good after eight hours, I’m sure Paz can find something to do to entertain himself.” He nodded to Paz. “Alright, take her out and then let him have it. I’m going to see if I can track down the girls.”

“You bet your sweet ass - or, rather Rhian’s - that I can find something else to do,” Paz remarked with a smirk as Ronin rose and departed the bridge.

* The Galley - Two Hours Later *

Rhian had unpacked her few things and had ordered the computer to do a better job of clearing the air in her quarters. It smelled strongly of strawberries and she recalled very well why. A lingering aroma to remind Ronin of Olivia was not what she desired and she hoped this would help. Once done, she made her way back to the galley and sat with her feet propped in a chair, reading a romance novel on her padd. There was a rumour going around Saturnalia that one of the Fleet officers had written it but Rhian had her doubts. It was really good and so she was oblivious to the approaching footsteps.

Entering the galley, Paz paused and smiled at Rhian. Not caring that she was absorbed in a book, he said, “All unpacked, babe?”

She jumped a little at the sudden voice, but then smiled. “I am, not that I brought much. What about you? You met Awf?”

“I did, yeah,” he wandered into the galley proper and opened the fridge, looking in to see what food he could nosh on. “He’s... ah... he’s young.”

“He’s my age,” she said, somewhat defensively. “I”m three. For us, that’s not young. It’s sort of….well...our 20’s you could say. Does that help?” She rose and reached around him to pull out a container, which she slipped into his hand. “Try that.”

“What’s this?” He cautiously opened the container and took a sniff. He reeled a little - not from the smell of the food but from the fact that she was just three. It was a little mind-boggling.

“A little something I whipped up while you all were doing your thing. There’s enough for everyone. With Isa around, I’ve learned to make a few Bajoran dishes. You’ll like it, I promise.” She gave him a wink. “Want me to taste it first so you’ll know it’s not awful?”

“No, no, Bajoran food is great,” he smiled. “I can give you some of my dad’s recipes if you want authenticity.” He pulled out a plate and looked at her, “Do you want some or am I just feeding myself here?”

“I ate already but I’ll stay if you don’t mind the company. Can I get you something to drink?” She shooed him to the table. “You sit.”

He sat, liking that the little female was going to take care of him. “Yeah, do we have beer? Something like a pale ale? Those go well with the spices in Bajoran foods.”

“Sure.” Rhian requested it from the replicator and placed it on the table before sitting down across from him. “I’d better warn you too, this crew loves its bourbon, thanks to Joe. He’s one of the...well...muscle I guess you’d call it. Him and Kaeli are the ones who generally deal with the rough stuff.” She looked Paz up and down. “You look like you could hold your own too.”

“I can,” he nodded. “There have been times when I’ve needed to, too. I helped a young woman escape her captor - guy who’d held her for twenty years or so. Got her clean away so that she could have her own life.”

“That’s impressive, and a wonderful thing you did.” Rhian’s voice softened. “You took a great risk to do it too. Where is she now?”

“On SB900,” he said, taking a sip of his beer. He then spooned some of the food into his mouth and chewed. Thirty seconds laters, he was breathing fire and gulping for air.

“Too hot?” Rhian leaned closer across the table. “The food I mean. Ro likes it extra hot. I should’ve warned you.” She pushed his beer glass closer. “Have some more.”

He drained most of the beer and it still took him another minute before he could talk again. “No, delicious, really. Just a little... unexpected. Most non-Bajorans won’t make something that hot.” His voice was a little hoarse. He swallowed then drank more beer. “Good job.”

“You want another?” She pointed to the glass. “Then I’ll show you around the ship if you like.”

He nodded, “Yeah, that’d be good.”

Rhian rose and ordered another ale, then passed it to Paz. This time she sat down beside him. “I’ll clean up a little later. You drink.” She reached out to wipe away a few beads of sweat at his temple.

“You’re sweet,” he said, tucking into the food and beer again.

“Thanks.” She watched him in silence for a moment. “This trip will probably be boring for you but trust me, it’s a lot better when everyone is here. We hang out here a lot, play poker, talk. Jarad tends to work on his embroidery here too and Zarv just sorta hovers. Rafael and Drekkar fume at each other. Good times.” She took his first glass and finished off the sip left in it.

“Jarad? Embroiders?” Paz looked at her a little incredulously. “Jarad is the Cardassian doctor?” Something came together for him and he said, “Jarad... the Butcher? Oh. Hell.”

Rhian nodded. “That’s what I hear. He’s really good though. He’s seen this crew through some dire times.” She was silent a moment. “What are you going to do for the next eight hours? I could show you the rest of the ship if you want.”

“That’d be good,” he smiled, nodding. “How did you end up with this crew?”

“I stowed away to begin with,” she admitted. “They were loading these pig things and were coming and going in the town and leaving the ship open. It was easy enough. And I was good enough to swipe food from this galley and their quarters when they left them. No one here locks doors it seems.”

“Why would they?”, he shrugged. “It’s a tight-knit group, right? They probably don’t expect to have a thief in their midst. Besides, replicators sort of make stealing unnecessary.” He finished off his food and downed another half a bottle of beer to tone down the heat.

“True. But it was Joe actually, who first got suspicious. Some of his MRE’s were missing and I dropped the wrapper.” She leaned closer. “People think he’s not that smart but he is in the ways that matter. Why don’t you finish up and then we’ll go? I’m going to dash to my quarters for a second.”

“I’ll be here,” Paz said. He waited till she was out the door then stood to recycle his plate... only to discover that he needed to wash the plate and utensils. He did, grumbling about doing such a menial task, and stowed the cleaned (mostly cleaned) dishes in the cabinets.

A tall blonde man stepped into the galley and looked around. “Hey. must be Paz.”

Paz turned to look at the newcomer: tiny red spots on his temples, a scar along his left jawline and what looked like a modified Romulan disruptor at his hip. Enaran, and certainly not Fleet. “And you are?”

“Falon, the new engineer. Good to meet you.” He moved on in and settled in a chair across from Paz. He then nodded towards the door. “Who’s the bit just leaving?”

“A thief, Rhian. Cute, isn’t she?” Paz grinned.

Falon studied him a moment, then smiled. “Yeah. Wait, thief? Part of this crew? Seriously? She looks like she should be some Fleet Academy poster girl.” He snorted lightly.

“Seriously. Yeah, she should be; she’s already gotten one Fleetie wanting to transfer loyalties. He’s joined us on this little day trip. Another Ocampa, a pilot. Bit of an eager little kid.”

“Oh, yeah, I saw him when he got here. Should be an interesting trip, yeah?” Falon rose and went to the replicator, ordering a beer. “And you have plans regarding that eager kid I see? Or both of them?”

“Just the female one,” Paz admitted, laughing. “The other one, we’re just supposed to scare the crap out of. Convince him that life on this little ship isn’t for him.”

“Oh? Need a little help?” Falon dropped back down in the chair and propped his booted feet in the seat next to him. “I have tools down in the hold bigger than he is.” He grinned at Paz, then took a drink of his beer.

“Ronin has something planned for the kid. For the girl,” he was about to say more but said girl walked in. “Here she is. Rhian, have you met Falon? He’s the engineer.”

Rhian’s gaze swept over Falon, noting the tiny red spots. She smiled and offered her hand. “Welcome to the Ning’Tao. I know Rafael will be glad to have you now that Olivia’s gone. This ship’s a good one but it can be cranky now and then.”

“So noted.” Falon raised his bottle to her. “Good to meet you.”

He grinned at her and Rhian’s brows drew together. A moment later, she shrugged it off. “Ready for your tour Paz?”

“Indeed I am, lovely girl,” Paz grinned. As they left, he winked at Falon.

Ronin - First Mate
Ulterior Motives (Several)

Amojas Paz
Happy to Help with Those Ulterior Motives

The Elf-eared Maniac

Ready To Watch The Circus

The Center Of The Web


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