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Suresh Gets Down To Business

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 11:58am by Suresh & Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr & Farco

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Cherry Pit

* Suresh’s Quarters - The Cherry Pit *

Suresh was pacing when Farco arrived. He hadn’t heard from Six since she left and he was on the edge of losing his mind over it, especially given the news that the station had lost contact. Then Darwin and Li had departed to go and track them down and there had been no word from Li either. To say he was worried was a vast understatement. And now Seyla was missing. For a brief moment he could understand why the old Suresh had been a little crazy. He had summoned Farco and Eldren. It was time they were updated, Eldren especially.

“What’s up boss?” Farco asked.

“A lot,” Suresh muttered. “As soon as Eldren arrives, we’ll begin.”

“Sure.” Farco watched him pace a moment, then had a seat, deciding it was better to stay out of the way.

It didn’t take long before also Eldren arrived on the scene “Suresh.” He nodded in salute then his eyes went briefly to Farco who simply shrugged. Suresh’s look wasn’t one of the best, electricity seemed to crackle around him, to use an euphemism, so Eldren chose to stay silent and wait for the boss to speak.

Suresh motioned Eldren to a seat. “We have several things to discuss. The first is that Seyla is missing. According to Bella, the chime rang, Seyla answered the door, and two men were there. They took hold of her and transported out. She had never seen them before and apparently there was nothing really remarkable about them.”

“Could that be a rich suitor trying to get the exclusive on her? I think a guy with the latinum to back him up could try that… Once knew a collector wanting to spend a fortune to get his hands on a spider. Seyla’s much better…” Eldren husked out getting a chuckle from Farco. But their sneers faded as Suresh clearly wasn’t in the mood to joke.

“Seyla’s already spoken for,” Farco stated.

“She is and this had nothing to do with that. There’s been some problems with someone siphoning off money from some of the houses down on Archadia. Marla was almost blown up over it and Commander Nalas was framed for murder because of it. Someone means business and doesn’t want us to find out who they are.” He stopped his pacing and stood before them. “The strikes have gotten personal, so that means we all need to be on guard. Make sure the rest of the organization is informed of that, Eldren. That also means that any of us could be the next target. Where is Nyyar now? I last saw her when we talked up on the Promenade.”

“She went up to her quarters a while ago… But I do not know where she was headed after that.” Eldren replied his eyes going mechanically to the device strapped to his wrist.

A frown settled on Suresh’s face. “If they are bold enough to swipe Seyla, then Nyyar could very well be in their sights. Farco, is Frank back yet?”

“He is.” Farco nodded.

“Good. I need to see him about the Lazan business.” He turned back to Eldren. “Have him stuck close to Nyyar when she’s out roaming around. Just in case. I’d have Edana do it but I need her with me. We’re going down to Archadia in a few hours.”

“Wouldn’t be better if I keep a close eye on Nyyar?” Eldren asked now alarmed by Suresh‘s words.

“Certainly but do you think she will be content to be so restrained?” Suresh asked. “There are also times when you are conducting business that she cannot be with you.”

Eldren had to admit to himself that she wouldn’t have been happy of that. He could settle for Frank, in any case Nyyar had the transmitter earring he’d given her should her come to distress.

“Okay.” Eldren agreed “I’ll let Frank do this thing.”

“Good. You can inform her. I intend to see this settled soon, so none of you will be inconvenienced for long. I’ll keep you informed , of course, and should have more once Ed and I get back from Archadia. Farco, go find Frank and send him to me, then get to work,” Suresh ordered.

“Sure thing.” Farco rose and nodded to them. “See you all soon.” With that he was out the door.

Once the doors were closed, Suresh finally sat down. “How was your talk with Nyyar?” he asked Eldren.

“So far, good. I believe… She wanted no secrets and I think she had the right to ask that. So… I spared nothing.” Eldren responded with a shrug.

“I figured as much, which is how I approached it when I had coffee with her earlier. I was curious to see how she was handling things and where we should go from here where she is concerned.” Suresh paused to study Eldren a moment. “It does raise some questions.”

“What kind of questions?” Eldren asked suddenly on the defensive.

“Well, given what she knows now, plus the fact that you are too valuable to me to lose, she and I had some things to discuss,” Suresh began. “I wanted to be sure she could handle knowing what you do for me. It is a lot to take in, given what she has been through and I have a lot riding on whether she can be comfortable in such a life.”

Eldren’s eyes flicked elsewhere as he thought how to respond. Then he returned to meet Suresh’s gaze “I don’t think she’s fit for this kind of life and don’t want her tainted too. Now she knows and has taken a decision. About the future we’ll see. I’ll be taking a day at a time and see how it goes, can’t say I would be surprised if at some point she should decide to break off…”

“With you?” Suresh was obviously surprised at the idea. “You can’t be serious. You seem to be the one thing she is sure of, and I have no intention of interfering.”

“With me, yes.” Eldren pointed surprised at how hard were those words to come out.

Suresh sighed aloud. “I think you are wrong. As she put it, there will be no giving up of anyone. She also reminded me that she is now part of the conspiracy to kill Boroca. She’s right, of course. She has assured me that whatever business of ours she knows will be kept to herself. Which, actually, puts her in a little deeper, but completely by her choice.”

“I know that. Still I fear that, with time, this borderline kind of life will lose all its glamour and she’s a wealthy woman now. I’m just trying to get used to the idea that’s why I refrain from planning ahead. There was a thing I had to fix about her, a thing having its roots way back in the past, and that’s been done. What I’m living now with her is happiness on borrowed time. More than I could have hoped for.”

Suresh shook his head. “That’s not exactly how she tells it. I think perhaps you should tell this to her, not me. If it helps, she said she will not interfere in your life-long quest or in our business. I am not worried on that front at all. I also think that even if I turned her into one of my most active people she would never let it taint her.” He held up his hands to ward off any objection. “I am not saying I plan to do that. I do, however, think you should tell her your worries. She might surprise you. There was a time I was convinced that Six would never have anything to do with me because of this life and my reputation. We see how that turned out.”

“There will be time enough to sort things out with her.” Eldren replied thinking better to avoid voicing any other doubt in front of Suresh. “So… While you’re away on Archadia and Frank takes care of Nyyar’s security, what should I do?” He asked in the end changing the subject.

“We should only be gone a few hours,” Suresh assured him. “In the meantime, I want you to see what you can dig up down here. Whoever is behind this is someone who knows enough about this operation to know where to steal the money, they know who is involved with who, which explains why they tried to take out Commander Nalas and now have Seyla. They attacked Edana too. This ends now.”

“I’ll be sniffing around. And if I get my hands on some of their people I’ll make sure he’s going to spill you the entire story of his life up to the grandfather.”

“Excellent. Report in as soon as you find anything. Also, alert Nyyar regarding Frank so she won’t get freaked out that a Cardassian is skulking around after her.”

“Will do.” Eldren nodded standing from the seat “If there isn’t anything else I’ll be on the matter at once.”

“Be careful,” Suresh advised as Eldren departed.

Out in the corridor it was quiet but light, quick footsteps were approaching. Moments later, Nyyar appeared coming around the corner. She spotted Tohr and immediately smiled. “I was looking for you.”

“I too.” He said reciprocating her smile and relieved to see her safe and sound after Suresh’s grim prospects.

“Oh? Why’s that?” She reached out to take his hand. “How’s Suresh?” she asked, noting the doors before which he stood.

“Suresh is… Uhm… Very busy at the moment. He’s going to leave for a day or so and given me instructions for the time of his absence. And… For the moment being he thought to assign you a guardian angel so don’t be scared if you see a Cardassian following you. His name’s Frank and is one of ours.”

“Another Cardassian in your business?” That surprised her. “I mean, I’ve met Patch but it seems rather unusual.” Then his meaning sunk in. “Why? Am I in danger?”

“Yeah another Cardassian…” Tohr remarked the hint of despise in his voice “It’s just a precaution you have nothing to worry. Rumor has it that an unknown organisation is opposing Suresh’s interests and he cares for his own. Besides, you can always resort to the earring to call me should anything happen and I’d be there in no time.”

Nyyar nodded. “Very well.” She hesitated for a second before continuing. “Did he tell you we spoke? At Java?”

“Yes he did.”

“Did he tell you what was said? He was concerned, I think, that I might be a….a leak.”

“If he was he’s no more. He assured me that he’s completely comfortable with your coming to the ‘family’.” Tohr responded to reassure her as they resumed walking down the corridor “He also hinted at the possibility to have you as a more active member of the organisation.” He said then turning to meet her eyes “Did he say that to you too?”

“All he said was that I might be able to do him a favor some day but nothing more.” Nyyar slipped her hand into his as they walked along. “I think he’s concerned, also, that I wasn’t going to take flight and leave you. He had some astonishing insights.”

“Yes he seems to have a knack in understanding people. A useful trait in all trades and especially his.” Tohr replied keeping the tone of his voice even while he tensed inside at the idea of having Nyyar used as a tool and perhaps putting her in danger just to return the favor. Suresh help was never given lightly and sooner or later he always presented to collect.

She felt his hand tense as she held it. “What? I don’t think there’s going to be anything he will want me to do, really. I’m not used to his sort of life and I don’t know how to navigate those waters. I don’t know that I’d be much use anyway.”

“Most probably it’s just like that. I’m worrying for nothing.”

A slow smile spread over Nyyar’s face. “About too many things. He’s right about one thing, though. The Occupation is finally over for me, it just took longer.” She left it at that, seeing no need to mention she had actually offered to help Suresh if she was ever needed.

“And it was about time, I would add. Now… With newfound freedom you could do everything and also having the means to do that. Has this occurred to you lately?” he probed her with a thin smile.

“It has. What would you like to do first?” She pressed him back against the bulkhead with a smile. “The possibilities are endless you know.” A man they both recognized from Saturnalia strolled by and gave them a curious look. Immediately, Nyyar blushed. “Sorry, I don’t normally do such things in public.”

“No harm done.” Tohr chuckled “This isn’t an uncommon sight down here.” He ended holding her close for a while as he pondered. “It’s been so much time… Perhaps a visit to Bajor wouldn’t be bad. Felt its call for years but never abided, now the idea gains a deeper sense.”

“Not my village. I am despised there. When Paz delivered me there, and I went to see Councilor Vral, an old woman remembered me and hit me with her cane. All those around his office stopped to stare, then began to whisper. They all know what I did. They won’t forget or forgive.”

“There have been Bajorans who betrayed their own kin but people fail to see that in your case the Cardassians made all the decisions… Anyway doesn’t matter, Bajor is big with many wonderful places we can choose just one at random.”

“We should, once Suresh can spare you.” She kissed his cheek, then stepped back. “You are on your way to do something though, yes? If so, I have something I can do. I promised Jarad dinner once things settled down, as my way of saying thank you.”

Tohr’s eyes narrowed at the hearing of the name but kept a straight face. Didn’t like the idea of havin that cardassian around Nyyar but he’d patched him up and he couldn’t just shrug the thing off. He would have instructed frank to be particularly careful on this one.

“Well… yes, Suresh has left me with hands full so… Enjoy your dinner and take care.”

“I will. I suspect that anyone who might consider planning trouble would think twice with the Butcher at the table, no?” She noticed his expression and shook her head. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll see you when you get home.”

“I’ll be there.” He nodded.

In Search Of Seyla

Eldren Tohr
Dog Of War (Let Loose)

The Shadow

Indra Nyyar
Roaming Free


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