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A Bit Of A Mystery

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2016 @ 10:42pm by Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Bajoran Transport

* Bajoran Transport *

Daren Reim sighed aloud in the quiet of his quarters. He sat at the small terminal, the screen live before him. Idly, he scrolled through the images there, all of which had an obviously Cardassian setting, not lingering long on any of them. Next up was the report on the death of Boroca. He’d read it many times, each time lingering over the details of place and manner of death. No matter how many times he looked, it didn’t add up. There was something there, beneath the surface of the report that nagged at him.

He changed over to read the other report of the sighting of Eldren Tohr, along with Nyyar and two other women, on Boroca’s estate. There had been two deaths there and one other incapacitated, but Boroca had left unharmed. According to this information, the women were described as one Bajoran and one Romulan. That also was an odd combination. Why would they even associate with each other, much less be on an estate on Cardassia? And why would Eldren be involved with a Romulan? And for that matter, how did he come to be on that estate on Cardassia with Nyyar? Questions swirled in his mind that had no answers. He knew that was part of Vral’s motivation for taking this long trip. For Daren’s part, he was really curious to see Starbase 900. It was the lure of the Delta Quadrant after all.

Finally, he turned off the terminal and rose. It was time for dinner and therefore time to go meet Vral and escort him to that dinner. Reaching down, he removed the isolinear chip he had inserted into the terminal and hid it in his bedroom. That done, he departed to find Dolen Vral.

* * *

“So…” Started Dolen Vral setting aside his empty plate and regarding the younger one who’d been silent for most of the dinner “Have you been able to guess something more from the scant traces we have of the matter?” He asked, and the word ‘guess’ had been chosen deliberately. For Vral knew they had almost nothing in their hands to start with.

“Does having more questions than we started with count?” Daren asked. “Very little of it makes sense in any logical way. Other than two things. Both Zikar and Boroca are dead and that seems to fit with Eldren’s motives. I have no particulars on Zikar’s death yet but I should soon. Perhaps that will shed some light. For now, the what is reasonable. The how is what’s tripping me up. There is something here we’re not seeing.”

“About Zikar I can help you a little. I’ve contacted some old friend in Federation Intel from the time they helped us with the occupation. From what I’ve been told for Zikar’s death Eldren is fully accountable. A report exists, though a hushed one, about him having stepped in in legitimate defense of Indra, when Zikar attacked her, in a questionable hotel on the planet SB900 orbits around. Said hotel rumored to be property of a powerful local syndicate boss.” Vral shook his head considering “Things seem to be quite messy and apart this no other details have been given… Maybe still too few to chew on.”

Daren frowned at that news. “So, yet again, we have Eldren and Indra Nyyar associated. Doesn’t that strike you as odd after so long? When you put her on that transport away from Bajor, did she seem to know him?”

“Definitely there’s something going on between the two, that nature of which we’ll have to ascertain. I’ve only briefly met Nyyar the day she came back from Cardassia Prime on the run. I did just move some lever to help her out of the way and never heard of her until now.” Vral spoke calmly his mind’s eye going to the past also to the other event when he’d got a glimpse of young Nyyar during his Kohn-Ma days. A fact that he purposefully held out from Daren.

“I think that tracking down Eldren will be nigh impossible. We can hope, though, that Nyyar still has a clean slate and a normal life on the starbase. That would make far easier to reach to investigate about what transpired. Always with an eye to our back, because if Eldren is close with her, he will surely react to a perceived threat.”

Daren shook his head with a sigh. “All this seems like something out of fiction, doesn’t it? My real concern is that with two such high-profile officers dead, there will be consequences for all in the area.” He studied Vral for a moment, then put forth his question. “Do you think she had something to do with the deaths? I only saw her for a moment, long enough to direct her to you, but she seemed..well….too naive for such things. Or perhaps a very good actor. She did live with one of the worst on Cardassia for a long time.”

“I had the same impression about her naivety.” Vral replied breathing deeply “Still people have the power to surprise us, sometimes in the worst of manners. Still I would say… No, I don’t think she had something to do with the matter, not actively at least. But I could be proven wrong.”

Daren refilled their wine glasses and had a sip before he spoke again. “I suppose all this is strange for you, isn’t it? Two decades later and you are back where you started, in a manner of speaking.”

“This is very much so.” Vral replied taking his glass, looking at the color of the wine and then taking in the scent before sipping. “Years ago I would have simply shrugged at the situation. But now... There are days I think that the Prophets weave our paths in a subtle way…”

“I absolutely agree with that.” In more ways than Vral knew, Daren thought .”Wait a moment. You said that Eldren killed Zikar? And that it was hushed up? Will there be any repercussions at home?”

Vral chuckled “On Bajor? I don’t think so. Perhaps they will be searching for Eldren and some hound could be unleashed sniffing even on Bajor… But no more. All those Cardassian hierarchs will have their hands full climbing the ladder.”

Daren nodded. “I hope so.” In the silence that followed, the padd in Daren’s pocket beeped. He pulled it out, read it and slowly set his glass down. “There’s been another death.”

“Who?” Vral asked furrowing his brow.

“On Romulus,” Daren answered. “Chairman Rekar, the director of the Tal Shiar. Apparent heart attack. What the hell is going on, Vral?”

“I don’t know… That could be a coincidence even if it sounds strange.” Vral considered pensively “Sudden decapitation of two of the most dangerous Intelligence Agencies of Alpha Quadrant… No probably it isn’t a coincidence. Bold plan… Bold plan indeed. I wonder who’s behind all of this and the motives driving such a destabilizing operation.”

“I don’t believe in coincidence,” Daren stated. “Surely you don’t think the Federation is behind this? If they weren’t, then how could individuals on the outside reach such high-ranking and secretive officials? They would have to have inside knowledge and contacts.”

“Relations between Cardassia, Romulus and the Federation aren’t so tense in this moment to justify such a move. No, surely it hasn’t been the Federation and where an organisation like Starfleet Intel would surely be held in check by constant control of the two Empires government a few loose dogs could have slinked in through the mesh.”

Vral pondered some more finishing his glass of wine then putting it back on the table and returning the gaze to the younger bajoran added “What I can think of is that the victims knew their murderers and just ‘opened them the door’ in spite of security protocols and procedures.”

Daren nodded. “Do you find it odd that there was a Romulan on Cardassia? Who was apparently there with Eldren and another Bajoran?”

“Odd enough.” Vral nodded. “And while I can believe Eldren’s interest for taking out Boroca Romulus is too far a place from his personal universe, he has nothing with them. The romulan woman could be the key to it all If we just could locate her…”

“Her, Eldren, Indra Nyyar….the web is growing.” Daren smiled finally. “We will be entering the wormhole soon, do you wish to go to the observation lounge to see it?”

“I think so. I’ve seen it more than a few times but my eyes never grow tired of that marvel.” Vral replied standing from the seat while his hand reached for the stick.

Daren hurried to his feet and slipped the stick’s handle into his hand. “From there, it’s only a little over a day to 900. Things will be interesting there I think. Besides, you could use a little vacation once business is concluded.”

“I think that is a good idea.” Vral smiled.

Daren Reim
Taking Care Of Business

Dolen Vral
Intrigued By Mystery


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