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Civil Unrest

Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 12:44am by Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Terrion System, Delta Quadrant

Major David Lorenz was in the command seat of the USS Boyington studying the tactical information overlay on the main viewer. It had been nearly fifteen hours since his Rapid Response Force had scrambled from Starbase 900 to the Terrion System in response to Ambassador Sikura's plea for assistance which had morphed into an automated distress beacon over the course of the fifteen hour transit time.

Quentin Harrison, his ever-present XO was at the tactical station, keeping a watchful eye on the ship and the tense situation. "Still no contact with the ambassador or her staff, sir!"

"Keep your scanners peeled, captain. Master Sergeant Woodard, let's gear up for surface incursion." Lorenz ordered, causing the senior NCO to begin barking orders through the intercom.

Lorenz didn't know very much about the situation, except that he had lost all coms with the ambassador. Protocol required an inquiry, but Dave felt that the Terrion System's proximity to hostile Kazon space warranted a stronger presence than a simple CSAR team would provide.

"Approaching Terrion Prime, sir." Quentin announced.

"Slow to half impulse and geo-sycnc orbit on the embassy." Lorenz ordered.

The Boyington dropped smoothly out of warp and slid into geo-syncronous over the assigned area.

"Quentin, hail the embassy control center."

"Reply comin in, audio only."

=/\= This is Lt. Merrick....were overrun.....armed rebel.....ambassador killed......distress call.....=/\=

"Lorenz looked at the information on the screen and came to a swift conclusion. "Reverse our course and head back to the station," he said in a dead-calm voice.

"Major, you can't be seriosu..."

"Iam MSGT Woodard! We cannot put armed troops on an allied planet, even if it is our sovereign soil. Our embassy was overrun by armed rebels, and putting Marines on the ground would constitute a violation of the Prime Directive..."

"FREEZE PROGRAM!" a voice shouted. Lorenz looked up to see Colonel Tessa Barthloemew enter the holodeck through the now-visible door. "Congratulations, David. You're not the warmongering asshole I thought you were."

"Oh, I am an asshole, and I like war, but starting them is not my style." Lorenz grinned.

"Good to know. I think it's safe to say that we have a capable officer in command out here, as the general's report suggests." Bartholemew was an attractive Rigellian woman, and had David been single he would have probably hit on her, despite the differences in rank.

MCC to Lorenz, we have a Situation: GREEN

"On my way, captain. Colonel, if you will accompany me to the command center."

"Lead on."


"Tis not a drill anymore, major. We have live EVAC request from the embassy on Timaek."

"It's Commander Kh'ali's baliwick,not ours. All we can do is provide evac and live-fire cover if the embassy is under fire."

Bartholemew nodded. "Confirm the ambassador's request."

Harrison looked at his screen. "Confirmed."

"Lt Holbridge, scramble CSAR!"

Chief Doyle nudged Lorenz's arm. "Far be it from me to tell you how to run this outfit, but who else are you going to send with your rookie pilot?" he whispered.

Lorenz nodded. "Captain Harrison, you and Sergeant Thomas will accompany JD's team on this one. Get going!"

Harrison nodded and quickly left the MCC.


JD, Quentin and Sergeant Thomas, along with JD's CSAR crew of Oddball and Vix, boarded the Arrow-class CSAR-equipped gunabout. Harrison was growling to himself as he secured his gear while Thomas secured his equipment in an efficient, almost mechanical manner. "Get us underway, laddie. I'll get a brief from Major Lorenz. Thomas, I want ye on Ops assistin' the lad." Quentin slid his large frame into the command chair and activated the coms viewer.

=/\= We got a hot one, Quentin. The charge d'affaires of the embassy got on the emergency transceiver before it was destroyed. The ambassador and three of his staff are in the emergency shelter under the embassy. What's left of the Marine detachment is mounting a defense in the corridor leading to the entrance. I'm scrambling two companies to accompany you. You will have command of this operation. It is vital that we get the ambassador out in one piece!=/\= Lorenz looked grim, and the female colonel standing behind him looked pensive.

"Who we facin, Dave?"

=/\=Approximately seventy-five to pirates known to operate in that region of space. They have already destroyed a Talaxian trading station with fighter aircraft according to an unconfirmed report from an asset in the area. That's all we have for now. Be careful, guys,=/\= The channel cut out.

"Company commanders, report in!" Harrison ordered.

=/\=Lieutenant Blake standing by=/\=

=/\=Chief Sovik standing by,=/\=

"We are on a rescue op, boys," Quentin began. "The ambassador is trapped in his emergency shelter and his Marines are making a stand in the entrance corridor. We are forty-seven minutes away and goin in hot! JD and the other gunabout pilots will provide top cover and FAC. Any questions?"

=/\=OpFor?=/\= asked Sovik.

"Seventy-five armed pirates, lads. They have already taken out a Talaxian trading post a short way from here. Expect heavy resistance. Prepare your men. Harrison out." Quentin turned to JD. "How much longer until we are in transporter range?"

"Thirty-three minutes, captain."

"Increase speed to warp-6." Harrison ordered.

"No can do, sir. We are running flat out now!" JD said calmly, bracing for the outburst from his uncle.

"Dammit, boy we have Marines in harm's way! make the fuckin' effort....never mind! Steady as she goes, lad."

JD nodded, increasing speed to 5.75 ETA is now fifteen minutes."

"Attention all Marines, gear up! We will be in transporter range in ten mikes." Quentin rose to his feet and went back to the equipment storage bay. "Let me know when we get to the insertion point."

JD nodded, maintaining course and speed.

To Be Continued


MCPT Quentin Harrison
Marine Hardass

2LT JD HOlbridge
Keeping It Cool


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