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All The Wrong Couples

Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 11:45am by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Niro & Ensign Leela Carter & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna - Alternate Universe

In our last episode: The Kohana, crewed by Vic, Janus, N’Riss, and Seren was chasing after the alternate universe’s Korenna, which had stolen the Kohana’s women: Leela, Six, Marie and Reva. Reva had disabled one of the Korenna’s engines but Six’s nanites were repairing the damage; meanwhile, Niro dined with Leela.

* EFK Korenna - Alternate Universe *

Niro set a second wine glass on the table and reached for the bottle. As he filled the glasses, he looked up at Leela and smiled.

“As you said, a girl’s gotta eat. Does that include dessert?”

She narrowed her eyes at him, mentally debating her answer. She wasn’t concerned about filling out her uniform; she was concerned about pissing him off. But, then, she didn’t really want to spend more time with him than she had to. Sighing, she answered, “It could. Depends on the dessert.”

His smile widened and he set the wine bottle aside. LIfting the two glasses, he slipped one into her hand, then touched his own to hers. “I’m sure I can come up with something you can’t refuse.”

“Hm... yes, since you can read my mind.” She glared at him warily then waited till he sipped his wine before sipping her own. “What would you want for dessert?”

He lowered his glass and his gaze was lingering. A slight push brought a certain memory back to the forefront of Leela’s mind. “You enjoy chocolate as I recall…”

“I do. Though you like the sour flavors, don’t you? Lemon? After all, you seem to like sourpusses.”

“I put up with you don’t I?” Niro laughed softly. “Sit, relax. I made your favorite.” He motioned her to sit, then held her chair. “We have time. You can tell me as well how our people in engineering are getting along.”

She took the offered seat. “Are you worried? You have Suresh and Riley down there watching identical twins of the women who have wronged them. What could possibly go wrong?”

“Yes, what?” Niro shrugged. “A lot could go right too, you know. They might decide they like it here. No rules, no cover story about a criminal who isn’t who he says he gives a certain freedom doesn’t it?”

His words called to mind Reva’s misbehavior - her not-so-long-ago issues with following the rules of the Fleet. Leela managed to not cringe, just barely. Did the Orion still want that lifestyle?, she wondered. “I suppose it does. If someone is inclined that way.” She swirled her wine before taking another sip. “Tell me about the Fleet here. You said this world’s Leela wasn’t in it?”

“She was, briefly. She was part of a crew on a Starfleet ship, sent out to begin Delta Quadrant exploration. They were only the second crew to make it out here. Otherwise, the Fleet has no real presence here. Their ship crashed on a planetoid in the Jathlin Arm. She said they were found and taken to Archadia. It would have taken Starfleet two years to get to them so they accepted the inevitable and settled into life on Archadia. That’s where I met her, the rest of the crew, and the girls. You...well she….looked amazing in native dress, I must say. Turns out, she fit in with this crew well.”

She was glad he hadn’t made them adopt the clothing of the women they knew. She knew what Archadians in her universe wore... the idea of wearing that costume made her shudder. Then again, so did the idea that the Fleet didn’t have a presence here. “Two years isn’t too long to wait for the Fleet to come for them. People abandoned their posts?” She shook her head.

“After a while, they simply became Archadians. Turns out, the Fleet hadn’t arrived in those two years. There were delays and get the idea. Life was great until...Ray. He took offense that she’d hooked up with the likes of me and decided to take the matter in hand. He was aiming for me you see, and she jumped in the way. Security officer to the end, no?” Niro drained his glass of wine and refilled his glass, then hers.

“I suppose so. Is there a Station? Something in orbit?”

He shook his head. “No, nothing like what I read in your mind. There is a docking ring, maintained by various species in that sector. It’s a pirate’s bay, to put it bluntly. You want something? It’s there or someone there can get it. Not the safest place to linger if you’re not part of my world. Lee was one of the few who were safe, thanks to her association with me. And Six, but they are all afraid of her. Seren, our Seren, doesn’t allow Reva to go there at all, for obvious reasons.”

“Someone controls where Reva goes?” Leela’s surprise made her laugh. “That’s a trick. That’s what the station was like, sort of, when the current administration took over. Suresh had a chokehold on the place; everyone was, still is, afraid of him.”

“Even the new Suresh?” Nico shrugged. “As for Reva, the danger is of her being stolen and sold, so she listens to him on that point. Well, that and a few others. They join us from time to time when it suits Seren or me.” He nodded to her plate. “Had enough?”

She pushed the plate away and nodded. “Yes. Are the others being fed quite this well?”

“No one has complained as yet.” He looked her up and down for a moment. “How about dessert?”

* Engineering *

Riley took a deep breath and reached up to rub the back of his neck. It had grown tight as he leaned over the panel, watching for any minute change in the readings as Reva and Six did their work. Now, he simply watched as they worked, outwardly silent, but speaking nonetheless through Reva’s quick touches to Six’s arm. He understood engines just fine but they took it to a whole other level that left him in awe. He turned finally and glanced to Suresh.

It will be time soon. The engines will be done and we’ll reach the rift.

And then we’ll have a whole new life. Suresh grinned. Life here wasn’t so bad - but it was rough. They lived on the edge, even with Niro in good with those in charge of the local pirate’s bay. Maybe we can sway these two to...., he frowned and shook his head slightly. He wasn’t so sure he would want this Six - or any Six - as his companion.

Riley caught the thought and frowned. You can’t lie to me. I know what Niro promised you. He’s not planning to return them is he?

Would you, were you him? Suresh grinned. Even if they don’t work out for us... you know the Orion on the station will pay for them. They have no one to come after them, unlike the real ones.

No one except the Fleet, but then getting over here is the battle and then finding us would be almost impossible, you’re right. Riley’s gaze shifted momentarily to Reva. He had read the details of her time on Fisher’s ship and just recalling it stirred his anger, which was quickly followed by a strong urge to protect her. It drew a quick look from Six. He recalled that she was an empath and reminded himself to be careful. He mentally addressed Suresh once more. We’ll make it work.

Here or there, Suresh nodded slightly, also drawing a glance from Six. He smiled at her, recalling some of the good times he’d had with the real Six.

Riley nodded slightly, then directed his next thought to Reva. How soon?

The part-Orion shot him a glare. “Soon enough,” she snapped. “Quit asking.” It was the first time he’d asked. She leaned into Six and passed her a thought, Can we slow this down? Maybe push the weapons offline?

Six frowned for a moment as she considered. A little but with so many nanites in the system now, going so many different places, not as much as you will need. I could assimilate these two if it would help? Now she smiled slightly, leaving Reva to wonder if she was joking...or not.

Jerking away from Six, Reva shot her friend a look. “Ah... we can handle that some other way.”

“Kidding, Reva.” She sensed Riley’s curiosity and quickly replied, “Girl talk.”

Riley studied her and his eyes widened. You wouldn’t…. His hand went instinctively to the phaser on his belt.

Suresh caught the undertone in the room and also moved to draw his weapon. “Riley?”

Six stepped in front of Reva and held out her hands. “It was a joke Riley, settle down. If I wanted to assimilate anyone it would be that ass Niro, not you two.”

“Assimilate us!” Suresh looked horrified. “You’re as bad as the Six in this universe.”

Six sighed aloud. “It was a joke! Get off my back!” She turned back to the panel before her and pressed her hand against it. It flared a brighter green instantly. “Tell Niro that the warp drive will be complete in just a few minutes. Then tell him to take us back or I’ll kill his ship, then him.”

Reva, too, turned back to the consoles. Suresh looked at Riley, trusting him to pass the message on.

Riley took Reva’s arm gently. Come with me. He will want specifics and you can give them to him.

Her first instinct was to pull away from him, but she squashed that and moved to go with him. “Six...,” she nearly warned Six to be careful with Suresh, but changed her mind, “Suresh, I’d be careful around her if I were you.” She laughed as the door slid shut.

Once they were out in the corridor Riley spoke to her once more. Would she really assimilate him you think? Niro I mean, not Suresh. She thinks he may be your only way out of this mess.

If he angers her enough, she might. Suresh is our only way out? Not you? She touched his arm and looked at him.

Riley stopped walking and turned to face her. His expression was uncertain. I can’t answer that. You are a long way from home and help. I can keep Niro off your back but he’s very good at hiding what he is thinking, even from me. I think he wants a lot more than he is saying. Like Leela for instance.

She tried to read him. This close, with her Riley, she could usually read him easily. But they had a connection. With this one, she didn’t. You’d keep him off my back, though?

Riley nodded. Yes, absolutely. I promise you that, whatever happens. It may not be much but at least you’ll be safe enough. He turned to start walking once more. Just be careful around him. I warned Six too. She needs to watch her mouth when he is around.

We both do, she agreed and trotted to catch up with his long strides. “Besides, we’ll be back on the Kohana soon enough.”

Riley chose not to answer that as they entered the lift to go up.

Back in engineering, the silence had drawn out until she had to break it. “So, what happens now? I’ve done what he wanted.” She didn’t turn to look at Suresh, she didn’t quite trust herself not to cry. She couldn’t read his or Riley’s thoughts but the emotions coming from them were clear, even if they were confusing.

“We’re headed for the rift. We’ll go through and then...?” He shrugged. “We’ll see.”

“We’ll see?” she repeated. “That’s it?” Finally she turned to face him, and her eyes narrowed. “Whose side are you on?” She knew it was a stupid question the moment it came out of her mouth. “Never mind, don’t answer that.”

He didn’t. He leaned back against the wall and watched her work. He preferred her silence.

It didn’t last long. When she spoke again, her tone was softer. “When Leela was here before, she said something about Niro keeping his promise to you. What promise?”

“Promise?” Suresh hedged. “Ah... he said that he wanted to provide the crew with a better life. This region, in this universe, is... difficult. An Orion syndicate controls most of the area. So, the promise was... to improve our lot.”

“You’re lying, but it’s okay,” Six answered. Then his words pricked at her curiosity. “Orion syndicate...who runs it?”

He clammed up, shrugging. “An Orion. Hopefully you’ll never meet her. She really doesn’t like Six.”

She studied Suresh for a moment, then realized he was speaking very much as if she would be around a while. She didn’t want to believe that. What he’d said about the syndicate, though, was interesting. She had to tell Reva.

Niro (Alt)
Lt. (jg.) Leela Carter
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six Of Ten
Riley (Alt)
Suresh (Alt)


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