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The Past Meets The Present - Part I

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2016 @ 8:09pm by Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Quarters

* Administrative Office 581 *

“I’m sorry, Sir. I can’t give this information.” The Ensign refused in a kind but firm manner. “Mrs. Indra Nyyar is a guest on SB900 and currently under the jurisdiction of the Diplomatic Department.”

Vral pursed his lips casting a sidelong glance to Daren who stood near the entryway looking around as he waited for Vral to be done.

“Well.” He said in the end “Would you then be so kind to pass a message to her?”

“This I can do, Sir.” The ensign nodded “What should I tell Mrs. Indra?”

“Oh, nothing important. Just let her know that Dolen Vral is here in visit on Starbase 900 with a friend, just arrived from Bajor and will stay here some days. And that we would be glad to meet her one of these evenings.”

Vral watched as the young man typed his message on the terminal until he looked up “Done. She’ll receive it as soon as she has access to her terminal.”

“Thank you. Ah… Here this is my terminal code in the case she decides to accept the invitation. So she’ll have a means to reach me.”

Leaving the ensign to his job Vral returned to Daren who perked an eyebrow in an interrogative way.

“I left a message. She’s still under protection of the Federation, let’s hope we find her in the mood to see people of her homeland.”

“Protection?’ Daren raised an eyebrow. “Is that a nice way of saying diplomatic asylum? I suppose given her two husbands, the Fleet might have a great interest in her and what she knows.”

“I greatly doubt she’s been made privy to their secrets by both her husbands and when she came to Bajor months ago she was effectively a runaway. It is plausible to think that the asylum request came with a Security addition embedded. I hope we’ll have the opportunity to know what really happened recently.”

“So do I,” Daren replied. “It’s a start. Let’s hope she is willing to see you. Or is that us?”

“I mentioned a friend so she’ll know there are two of us, don’t want to give her the impression of being ambushed.”

Daren nodded. “Given what little we do know, I’d say that’s a good idea. So, shall we get to your quarters in case she replies?”

“Yes. We’ll wait there a little.”

* Nyyar’s Quarters *

With Eldren occupied, Nyyar had taken advantage of the time to return to her guest quarters and pick up a few more things. She also needed to check for any messages, since the station’s computer had her officially registered to this set of quarters and not Eldren’s. She emerged from the small kitchen with a mug of tea and settled at the corner desk. The monitor showed several messages from Cardassia - condolences from Boroca’s circle of associates, notes from the women she knew there, and one from the legal office informing her that the estate matters would be concluded within the week. She cleared them away and rose to refill her tea. Seeing it there on-screen made it finally real. She was free of Cardassia after twenty-three years.

The water in the kettle came to a boil and she refilled her cup, letting it steep for a few minutes as her thoughts wandered. Suddenly, the terminal beeped, announcing a new message and interrupting her thoughts. Carrying her mug, she returned to the terminal and opened a message that had been routed through Kh’ali’s office. Lt. Dobry’s words said he had received a request from an administrative office - a Bajoran man had inquired about her and wished to see her. His name was Dolen Vral. Dobry had included a terminal code if she wished to make contact.

Nyyar’s eyebrows shot up. Dolen? Here? That was a surprise and she wondered what had brought him all the way to 900. Given what he had done to help her, of course she would see him. She set the tea aside and sent her reply immediately. Once the correspondence was done, she moved off to the bedroom and began sorting through her closet.

* Later… SB900 Residential *

“I didn’t expect so quick a reply maybe she feels a little homesick. Last times must have been testing for her.” Vral said as they walked the way from the turbolift to the quarters Nyyar had indicated in her response. “Cardassians are known for having a strong grip on their property.”

“How could she feel homesick?” Daren asked. “The majority of her life was spent on Cardassia, as part of the ruling class. Why did she stay so long before running? You said yourself that she knew staying on Bajor wasn’t an option.”

“I’ll concede that she didn’t live in a labour camp in her time on Cardassia all the contrary. Still we do not know anything of how her cage was set up, despite the luxuries and the feigned gentleness of her so-called husband. Why she waited so long you say? Not everyone had the strength to pit himself against the oppressor in those days. Would you blame her?” Vral responded casting a sidelong glance to Daren gauging the young one’s reaction “Do you believe her to have been a collaborator? You wouldn’t be the first.”

Daren shrugged, making an effort to calm his tone. “I don’t know. It might explain why Zikar came so far to retrieve her. But the war was over long ago. What use would a collaborator be in the years after? Why would he keep her?”

“I can’t think of anything but possession until she had too much of that. Still I doubt we’ll ever have her to trust us with her inner feelings.” Vral answered leaving it at that, even if he knew that the main reason for Nyyar’s run had been her having a glimpse of the real business of her husband.

There was no need to let Daren know this now as he evidently was holding something out to him. “Ah… Here is the door.” Vral said then reaching out for the chime.

There was only a slight wait and then the doors opened to reveal Nyyar standing there. She smiled at Vral and reached out, taking his free hand in hers. “Come in, please. It’s good to see you.” She looked past him to Daren and nodded. “Hello. Please come in.”

“Gladly.” Vral responded with a smile stepping into the room “This is Daren Reim, my assistant.” he gestured to the young Bajoran as he entered too.

Daren looked Back at Nyyar, seeming to be at a loss for words momentarily. “Nice to meet you,” he finally managed.

“I’m happy to see that you’re fine. Do they treat you well?” Vral asked looking around the ample and richly furnished room.

“They do yes.” She turned, leading the way to the sofa and chairs and sat down. “Have a seat, and tell me what brings you two so far out this way.”

Vral took a seat too keeping his stick close “Well, it would be quite a stretch to say that we just happened by and thought to pay a visit like good neighbors.” He said with a thin smile “Reality is that old habits die hard and even if I consider myself retired… In this trade you never really are. My connections have given me informations on your whereabouts from the day we helped you out of Cardassia and recently. Informations serious enough to bring worry and I wanted to check personally. Moreover some of the recent events have brought a… Stirring, in the political scenario for which many parties are concerned. The most important thing is that I see you alive and well, but I wonder if you can have been the proverbial pebble…”

“That started the ripples?” Nyyar finished for him. He had no idea how right he was, she thought, and finally nodded. “At least somewhat. I take it you have heard of Zikar’s death? Were the circumstances made known to you?” She reached out to the table before them and poured three cups of tea from the teapot that rested there. One she passed to Vral, then one to Daren, who had thus far been silent since introductions. He startled slightly as her fingers brushed his.

“Well… I have to admit we were hoping in you to shed some light, If you can.” Vral responded stirring his tea slowly.

“On Zikar?” Nyyar looked from one to the other. “He came here in pursuit, which made me wonder how he knew I was all the way out here. He never did say how, just that he had learned I took a transport from Bajor to here. I would say that if you deal with anything confidential in your usual business, you might examine those close to you.” She turned to Daren then. “You might as well. Someone is talking about your private matters.” Now she recalled him. “You were the one who led me to Vral that day. Thank you for making the time for me.”

Daren nodded to her. “My pleasure. What you say, however, is worrisome.” He glanced over to Vral. “Perhaps she is right.”

“There is always a risk in this business. I’ll double check all my acquaintances.” Vral considered with a hint of irritation about the possibility to have a mole close to him. “Anyway, Zikar’s not the only problem. Boroca’s been too and perhaps more now that he’s dead than when he was alive. How was that you became married to a second Cardassian so quickly after Zikar’s demise? And one bent on building something bigger than you can think.”

Nyyar sighed aloud and reached up to rub her forehead. “After Zikar lost it and attacked me, and was killed to prevent it, we thought the danger over. The man who got me away from Cardassia returned here and we met. He was not exactly the friend I thought. He was working with Zikar’s second in command and they whisked me away from here. We met up with Boroca’s ship where he was waiting and began the trip home….” She paused and corrected herself. “Back to Cardassia. On the way, Boroca returned to his quarters and announced he had filed the papers to make our ‘union’ a legal one. Given his position, that is all it took.” She turned as Daren uttered a cry - his hot tea had splashed over his hand. She reached for a napkin on the table and passed it to him.

Vral glanced at Daren as he wiped himself of the spilled tea then sipped his own, thinking. “Well, I see you attracted unwanted attentions in Zikar’s entourage. Boroca was becoming dangerous in more than a way so I will not say I’m displeased with his end. Even if this is opening an entirely new and unfathomed scenario. Still…” Vral paused as he put down his empty cup “There are some more elements to this story that should need to be cleared. Two more women seem to be involved in the whole affair a Bajoran and a romulan. Have you ever met them?”

His question caught Nyyar by surprise and she wondered how in the universe he could know that. Suresh and Eldren had been very clear that those involved in her rescue and the other events remain unknown. She stood to take the wet napkin from Daren and refill his tea.

“I was not there when Boroca was killed. By that time I was on my way back here. Boroca...had gone to a remote house he kept for vacations and it was there that he was killed. The reports were gruesome to read.” She paused a moment as she returned to her seat. “I know what he was up to, Vral, regarding the new Obsidian Order. I was the one to inform Starfleet of it when I found the information in Zikar’s computer files while he was here.”

“You knew?” Daren asked. “And the Fleet was aware too?”

“I assume so. I gave the information to my diplomatic liaison,” Nyyar answered.

“Well, now things have been messed up a little so time has been gained. Someone will take up where Boroca left and we’ll have to deal with the threat when it will present itself. If all things happened recently are just the result of individual actions, and I’m the first one not to believe to coincidences, then we’re fairly safe. But if there is a greater plan ongoing Bajor and the alpha Quadrant could be threatened again like decades ago and we have to find out what it is. If you can help…” Vral said letting his last words linger.

“Boroca’s death was certainly a blow to them, I would imagine,” Nyyar stated. “I think, also, that they bear watching. But unless there is someone on the inside, it will be difficult to know what they intend.” She decided that keeping what she knew about that to herself was wise. She had no love for the Order but right now, her involvement with this whole situation was complicated. “But as you can see, the past few months have been difficult to say the least. I think, however, that life is finally settling down for me.”

“And that is a good thing.” Vral said with a warm smile “Well, I think we stole enough of your time for today. We’ll be around the base for some days, we discovered that they have a Bajoran restaurant here that is not bad, feels like home. Maybe one of these evening you’ll want to join us?” He ended getting hold of his stick and standing from the seat.

“I would be honored.” Nyyar smiled back at Vral. “Perhaps tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow is fine,” Daren answered. “At 1900 hours?”

“Of course.” She made a mental note to check with Eldren. “If you would like for me to show you some of the station, just call. I’m happy to do it. There is a lot to see.”

“We’ll do” Vral nodded as they moved towards the doors when the intercom chirped for an incoming call.

=^=Nyyar? It’s me, Tohr. I’ve had a complication at work. Have to go down to Archadia for a few hours. I’ll call again as soon as I’m back. Are you fine? =^=

Nyyar stood still as stone for a moment, but she knew she needed to answer or Tohr would think something was wrong. She crossed to the wall panel and pushed the comm panel.

“I’m fine.” She could feel the intense gazes of Vral and Daren. “I am visiting with an old friend of yours. Dolen Vral.”

The silence that followed for some instants lingered heavily even through the intercom as the temperature seemed to fall.

=^= Archadia’s going to wait. I’ll be over there in no time and better that I find you untouched =^= Tohr rasped in a tone that meant no good, with the last words surely intended for the audience rather than Nyyar.

She blinked in surprise at his words but answered quickly. “Of course. We’ll see you in a few minutes.” She closed the channel and turned to Vral. “It seems Tohr is coming. We might as well get comfortable. Given his tone, perhaps something stronger than tea.” SHe motioned to the bar on the far wall.

“I’ll get it,” Daren offered and crossed the room, leaving Nyyar to escort Vral back to his seat.

“He’s always been like that. Quick to anger, slow to forget but always managed to stay cold and channel his rage to maximum effect… I think it will be an interesting exchange as things are coming around at last.” Vral said then eyed Nyyar “You seem to be the fulcrum of many a thing, dear.”

More than you know, she thought.

To Be Continued...

Indra Nyyar
Dolen Vral
Daren Reim


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