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The Past Meets The Present - Part II

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2016 @ 8:11pm by Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Quarters

* VIP Quarters *

The doors hadn’t finished opening that Tohr was already inside, thunderclouds in his eyes which went in turn to Nyyar to the unknown youngster to lock in the end in Dolen Vral.

“Long time no see.” Vral greeted him coldly as he stood from the seat leaning on his stick.

“Perhaps not enough. Thought you were enjoying the fruits of your new status, so hardly earned after the Occupation,” Tohr replied his old wintry smile back. “And who’s this one, the new sidekick?” He asked gesturing with the chin in Daren’s direction.

“My assistant. Daren Reim.” Vral replied through gritted teeth.

Daren nodded. “I’m glad to finally meet such a legend,” he said. “The stories are many.” He looked from Eldren to Nyyar, noting that the man had taken up a protective stance before her. “We mean her no harm, don’t worry.”
“Many people said ‘don’t worry’ lately to her or me and I well know the results, boy.” Tohr replied then his eyes turned again to Dolen “She’s out of any talk. Speak with me if you wish... For you’re here up to something aren’t you?”

Vral stiffened at Tohr’s words, his eyes flaring “You make this seem a dirty job. No one’s here wants to hurt Nyyar or threaten you…”

But Tohr had entered a state of mind that linked him directly to the past and would not let Vral finish or explain anything “Yes, dirty jobs just like those you threw me into… One after another until that suited you or the leaders of the Kohn-Ma only to discharge me when it seemed convenient to appease the Federation latecomers to our tragedy!”

“No one discharged you!” Vral retorted as the tones of both men went rising by the second “The war simply ended, damn you! But you could not accept it! It was time to lay down arms…”

“A thing all of you did quite eagerly while our enemies laughed at our backs for the easy way Federation got them safe from payback!” Tohr’s mouth twitched in a snarl as he spat the words. “While you busied yourselves in sharing power and charges in the new bajoran government I…”

“...You went rogue!!” Vral shouted stomping his stick on the ground.

Silence fell in the room as Tohr’s eyes narrowed, his face impassive save for the vein pulsing in his forehead and the left hand clenching while the right one raised to his back where Nyyar could see the handle of a disruptor protruding from under the jacket.

“No!” She grabbed Tohr’s arm, stopping his reach. “Enough!” With all three men watching her now, she motioned Daren to a seat then turned to Tohr. “First, we should hear what they have to say. This man did, after all, save my life when I was running from Zikar, and put himself in danger in the process.” She looked up, meeting Tohr’s gaze. “Then we will know what to do.”

Daren sat immediately, but watched their exchange with interest. Her assertiveness with the former Kohn-Ma operative was unexpected, he had to admit. Finally he spoke. “At least hear us out.”

The fire in Tohr’s eyes seemed to extinguish with Nyyar’s words, his muscles relaxed and his right hand went down away from the weapon. “Speak then.” he said in his husky voice.

Nyyar relaxed as well and led him over to sit by her on the sofa. “I think Vral has some concerns over some recent events.”

“I know what he does want to know. It doesn’t take a fine diplomat to guess that the axis of power is shifting in the Alpha quadrant with the disappearance of two major exponents of Cardassian government.” Tohr said watching Vral.
“Right.” Vral grinned “Seems you’ve learned your lessons well and if you care for Bajor, as you keep saying you do, you won’t restrain yourself in sharing this information. I have enough pieces but there are these two variables in the picture that do not fit in quite well. Two women, one Bajoran, the other Romulan.”

Vral left his words linger an instant observing Tohr’s reaction, only to find his impassive expression, perhaps just lined by the hint of a scornful look. Instants passed and then a thin smile appeared on Vral’s lips as he slowly shook his head.

“Why, if I do have met these women... You always taught me that in our line of work no names are given and no deeds uncovered.” Tohr said candidly.

“That was for our war organisation…” Vral pointed out quietly.

Nyyar suspected he wouldn’t let go that easy and finally, she spoke. “They are two friends who accompanied Tohr when he came to get me away from Boroca. Nothing more. We left the estate and didn’t see Boroca again. That’s all there is to the story, though I will admit that do not mourn his loss.”

Vral’s eyes flicked for an instant to Tohr, who shrugged, as he listened to Nyyar’s words a bit incredulous “So you are saying to me that this shift in power with all its possible consequences is just the product of the recklessness of a bunch of people and the stupidity of former Cardassian Order leaders?”

“Or incredibly bad timing and coincidence,” Nyyar suggested. She sighed softly. “You know the circumstances of Zikar’s death, yes? Perhaps I can give you some details that might put it in perspective.”

“You’re right about one thing, Nyyar,” Daren spoke up suddenly. “He did come to Bajor, not long after you left and tried to pressure Vral into telling him where you’d gone. I assumed that someone there in that house or outside told him, but that is how he knew.”

“It seems we’ll have to conduct a thorough screening of many people upon our return on Bajor.” Vral considered aloud. “And in any case, for how incredible this thing seems, we’ll have to deal with the consequences in the near future. What really worries me now is… Are these friends of yours over with their agenda or there will be more to come? The scenario is already destabilized enough.” Vral eyes went to Tohr first.

“I don’t know.” He grumbled none the more cooperative. Then Vral shifted his gaze on Nyyar hoping for a response.

“It is their business,” she stated. “Zikar lost control and physically attacked me. It was pure defense of me that caused Tohr to shoot him. It was his own fault. As for Boroca, the reports said he was ripped apart in a remote region where he insisted on going alone. While that is a tragic loss for his family and he was a long-time close friend, given his actions towards me, I cannot mourn him.” She felt Daren’s gaze on her and turned to face him. “If that sounds harsh, so be it.”

Daren watched her for a moment, having the distinct impression there was something missing from the narrative but he couldn’t place what it was. One thing made him curious, however.

“Why would he go to such great effort to have you removed from the station and brought to him?” he asked.

“Maybe he was worried I knew about the new Order and wanted to keep me close to home.” She glanced quickly at Tohr. “There were also personal reasons that I don’t wish to discuss.”

“Hm..” Vral grunted. “Then I think we have enough material to keep us busy in the next weeks. Perhaps we should leave now.” He ended looking at Daren.

There was a lot here that budged at Daren but perhaps Vral was right...for now. “Of course. We didn’t come to cross-examine you Nyyar.” He managed a smile now. “We’re just concerned about life at home and you too.”

Tohr impassive as a stone statue watched them, doing little to hide his hostility, especially to Vral. He’d been this close to lose control... A thing that had distressed Nyyar and now he preferred to keep silent until they were gone.

“Well, may the light of the Prophets shine on you.” Vral said moving closer to the doors and waiting for Daren to come along, eyebrow perked at his hesitation.

Daren followed, then turned to look back at Nyyar. “Don’t forget, dinner tomorrow.” He pressed the door panel and followed Vral out.

“Dinner tomorrow?” Tohr’s husky voice repeated from behind Nyyar’s back as the doors closed.

She nodded and returned to sit by Tohr. “I had suggested meeting them for dinner tomorrow while they are here. Before your arrived, that is. Why does he worry you so much?”

“I’m not worried by him. I despise him. He was the one to drag me away as you were abducted by the cardassians that day. It’s only by a twist of fate that you’re still alive. Moreover he abandoned all that we had fought for without a second thought... When Federation stepped in barring the cardassian rule on Bajor.” he remained silent then for some instants. “Our people cry in the thousands from thereafter… I wonder if he’s able to sleep at all.”

“Maybe he’s atoning for something now by serving the people of the village,” she suggested. “I don’t know. When I got there, they all seemed to respect him. Daren certainly seems rather protective of Vral. I don’t think he likes me very much though.”

Nyyar’s last words got a chuckle from him, that felt so strange coming from him “I’ve seen. It’s been he who reminded you of the dinner.”

“Yes it was, but perhaps that was simply done on behalf of Vral.” She shrugged and settled in against Tohr. “We should warn the girls.”

“Growing fond of them? Perhaps this would be just the time to set us apart from their schemes. Vral might not be the only hound sniffing this trail.”

“Agreed, but that’s why they should at least be warned. You and I are too tied up in this to let them get caught and have more revealed than any of us want. In a few days, Vral and Daren will return to Bajor and that will be that. I suspect, though, that they really want to know how you and I crossed paths. It’s rather obvious what our situation is.”

“It happened. What just there is to be known about that? Anyway, go to that dinner and answer their questions if you wish it but don’t go anywhere on their suggestion. Just get back here and remember always your earring if something turns out wrong.”

“Do you want to be there?” Nyyar asked. “Or do you need to get down to Archadia?”

“I have to go down there with Suresh. He said a few hours but I do not know how long it can take. In any case I’ll gladly skip a dinner with Dolen.”

“Alright.” she tilted her face up to kiss his cheek and a sudden thought occurred to her. “You’re going to check out Daren Reim aren’t you? I know how you think my darling. He’s an unknown and you don’t like those.”

Tohr smiled at the shrewdness Nyyar was increasingly showing with each passing day “Perhaps I’ll give a look if there’ something on him. But I doubt that he’s relatively young and, being bajoran, I would tend to think he’s not a threat. But you… Don’t lower your guard.” He ended leaning to press his lips on hers.

“I have to go now.” He whispered after a while “Before Suresh gets nervous… But I’ll be back soon.”

“I’ll be here. And, I’ll stop in and warn the girls...just in case.” She rose as he did and walked with him to the door. “See you soon.”

He nodded, gave her a last kiss and exited through the doors.


Eldren Tohr
Indra Nyyar
Dolen Vral
Daren Reim


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