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On the Ones

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 8:34pm by Mamu B'yaga & Isaura Panossian & Ronin & Rafael Hernandez

Mission: Further Challenges

* Civilian Quarters - The Cherry Pit *

Isa’s giggle made Rafael smile and brought with it the urge to hear it again. He shifted slightly and was rewarded with another one, but the giggle melted to a soft, sultry laugh that sent a thrill racing up his spine. He leaned down and covered her lips with his own, kissing her until she was breathless.

“Good thing we have nowhere to go and nothing to do --” The beep of the terminal cut him off and he muttered a curse. “It’s probably for you.”

“Quarters are registered in my name; it’s my terminal... yeah.” She sat up, holding the sheet to her breast. “Although... no one ever calls you. Why is that?” It was, really, a rhetorical question since she didn’t give him time to answer before she opened the incoming communication.

The screen came to life and Halloran’s face appeared. The Romulan’s expression was, at first serious, but it changed to obvious surprise. “Oh, am I interrupting something Isaura?”

“Perhaps,” she shrugged, “but I’ll get back to that when you’ve said your piece. So what do you want?”

“There are a few things we need to discuss,” Halloran began. “Is your companion within hearing range? If so, it would be better if you closed the door.”

She glanced back at Raf and shooed him out of the room. He didn’t appreciate it, she knew, but she’d make it up to him later. Once the bedroom door was closed, she nodded to Halloran. “We’re alone.”

He nodded slowly. “Good. Now then, this concerns your recent visit to Romulus with Kaeli and that Cardassian who was supposedly a prisoner but who was taken away with you when you left. Specifically this is about your involvement with the death of Rekar.”

“Rekar?” She feigned surprise fairly well. “Why would I be involved in a Romulan’s death?”

“Well, let’s see. You were there in the outer office. You came with Kaeli and I know you two don’t have many secrets. We know his heart attack wasn’t natural, by the way,” Halloran stated. “We invented Felodisine, you really think we wouldn’t figure it out?” His eyes narrowed and now he smiled. “I’m sure you can see the problem here?”

“Maybe no one told you that I was kept busy by Tindam? He was rather thrilled to see me again.” She pressed her lips together; those three hours with Tindam hadn’t been her idea of fun.

“I’ve spoken with Tindam, yes,” Halloran answered. “He had some interesting things to say about how you manipulated him, an officer of the Tal Shiar. Such things are a dangerous business, Isaura, that carry a heavy penalty. There’s something else as well that you need to consider - your dear Kaeli. She raises an important question. Is she now our enemy? Or is she really one of our own and has come back into the fold, perhaps ordered to kill Rekar by us? Neither is good from where you sit.”

Isa frowned, puzzling through those questions. Finally, she asked, “Neither is good for me? How so?”

“It’s simple.” Halloran shifted slightly in his chair and leaned closer in. “If she killed him for personal reasons and is now our enemy, then anyone near her is also a target. If she truly has returned to the Tal Shiar, what does that mean for you and your crew, who holds two of Cardassia’s most notorious agents?”

“Two of...? Oh, no, we only have one. He’s... well, whatever.” She shrugged, a dangerous move considering her lack of attire. “Kaeli is fine... she’s not Tal Shiar. And if we’re targets... that’s nothing new for me. Drekkar hunted me down for years and you see what happened to him, right?”

That got a short laugh from Halloran. “I do. It seems to have worked out well for him, according to what I hear. Which brings me to my point here. Since the directors of the Tal Shiar know what you did and --” He stopped suddenly, frowning at her. “What did you just say?”

She blinked, her face blank. “What? What did I just say?”

“About Kaeli not being Tal Shiar. According to her last meeting with Rekar and I, well on her first return here, she agreed to come back. She, in fact, has current orders. Didn’t she tell you?”

“Ah... um...,” Isa’s brows furrowed together as she thought about how to back out of this one. “Well... maybe you should ask her about that? I mean, she said she’d talked to y’all about going back.... Maybe she and I didn’t finish that conversation. We’ve had a lot on our plates lately. You saw the young man I have... surely you’ll understand if my mind isn’t completely on the job, yeah?” She winked at Halloran.

“The point, as I was about to say is this: given what we know of you, you will be useful to us. We have a little something we want you to do and if you value your life, and Kaeli’s, you will do it.”

“Tell me what it is, then I’ll decide whether the price is right,” Isaura said.

“Drekkar. We know his position in light of the death of Legate Boroca. Given your closeness, it should be a simple matter to draw some information from him from time to time.” Halloran’s smile returned. “See? Simple.”

Her smile fell away. “You want me to ... get information from Drekkar?” She had been thinking they were nearly done with him. She mentally weighed her and Kaeli’s safety with having to cozy up to Drekkar again. Part of the equation was Rafe and the fact that he’d likely be livid if he found out - when he found out. “That’s it? Just information from time to time? And in exchange, you’ll leave us alone?”

“We’ll leave you alone,” Halloran corrected. “I also have a question for you. Kaeli swore to Rekar that she was no longer associated with Jarad. Is that true?”

“Well... at the moment, she’s locked in a room with a fellow named Patchouli. What does that say to you? Besides the fact that the guy has weird parents.” She skirted the question.

Halloran perked his eyebrows as he looked back at her. “You answer questions like she does, at least until Rekar could convince her to be more direct. Let’s hope, for her sake she wasn’t lying. If she is then she’s running afoul of her orders. It is difficult to kill the one you’re involved with is it not?”

“Ah... well... it’s difficult to kill anyone, whether you’re involved with them or not. Really. I mean... she’s not a monster. So that’s her task? Kill Jarad?” Oh... that’d go over like a lead balloon, she thought.

“Just remember, my dear, that for now? You belong to us. Make friends with Drekkar again and I’ll be in touch.” Halloran’s face vanished, leaving the SB900 logo on the screen.

A few seconds later Rafael emerged from the living room. “Everything alright, querida?”

Halloran’s words echoed in her head and chilled her. She shivered. “All’s good,” she lied with a bright smile. “Feel like a walk on the Promenade?”

He reached Isaura and pulled her to her feet, then wrapped her in his arms. “Who was it? That dared to interrupt us? And was private enough to need me out of the room?”

“Just a contact, Raf,” she smiled and stretched up to kiss him. “Did you ever tell family or friends that you’re fine? That you were rescued from a life of slavery by a beautiful woman?”

He shrugged lightly. “There is no one left to tell. Those who were not brought along as I was were killed...considered useless. So, no. This crew is my family, whether I like them all or not. Same way as a family, yes?”

His story made her sad in a way that the others’ stories didn’t. “I thought maybe there was someone left... back on Earth or somewhere. The Ning’Tao is family, yeah. Dysfunction included.” She paused and pressed against him. “Now... I’m a little restless, so either wear me out or let’s go to the Promenade.”

“The Promenade is fine, we could use dinner too.” He held her tight, sensing something was up but was wise enough not to press her on it. That never worked with Isa. “Get dressed and then we’ll take off.”

Isa dropped the sheet she’d been holding and pulled on clothing. As she pulled her hair up, she caught his arm, kissed him and said, “Let’s go.” She pulled him out of the guest quarters.

Several minutes later, they stepped out of the turbolift onto the promenade. This level was teeming with people, given it was dinner time. Rafael took her hand and they blended into the stream of people.

“What do you feel like?” he asked.

A couple of possibilities for an answer to that ran through Isa’s head: like a pawn... like an idiot... like going back to bed - and not to sleep.... She chose an answer: “There’s a cute little shop I wanted to check out. Plus, I just wanted the walk.”

“Lead on then.” Rafael smiled down at her as they continued along. “I’m all yours.” He hoped it would be a quiet stroll, one that would ease Isa, at least somewhat.

The stroll to the shop was quiet. Stepping into the shop... “Do mine eyes deceive me?”, a choked voice rasped as a short creature in a hooded robe moved down one of the aisles towards them. “I told you to stay away, girl!”

“Ah... well, it’s hard to stay away, this bein’ the only Fleet station in the quadrant,” Isa replied.

“Don’t care! Go ‘way!” The tiny little woman shook a cane at Isaura.

Rafael reached out and easily snatched the cane away. “Stop that now,” he growled. “What’s your problem, you little lizard?”

Isa’s eyes went wide and she stepped back slightly. Mamu, though, shifted her demeanor. She smiled up at Rafe. “My, what a big human you have protecting you, Yoche. Where did you find him? More to the point, can you find more?”

“Mamu!” Isa hissed. “Don’t play around. I’m here to get that thing I left with you.”

Rafael looked from Mamu to Isa, more than a little curious. “A thing? What’s going on Isa?”

“Piff! You think I’d still have that old thing?” Mamu waved a hand dismissively.

“I told you to keep it and I’d be back for it!” Isa complained loudly. “Did you sell it?”

Mamu looked at the floor then smiled up at Rafe. “She’s the same as ever: bossy. How do you put up with her? Or are you just a Station... oooh... are you a Station resident? You know, I’m a very good cook if you’d like to come by for dinner once you’re done with her.”


Rafael sighed aloud. “What’s going on here, Isa?” He edged a little farther away from Mamu.

Mamu shuffled along as Rafe backed away. Isa stepped forward, knocking Mamu’s hand away from Rafe’s ass as she did so. “Stop that, you old goat. You didn’t really get rid of my trunk, did you? You said it would always be here!”

Defiantly, Mamu glared up at Isa for a long moment. “Pah! You’re so damned stubborn.” She turned and shuffled off towards the back of the shop.

“Pot, meet kettle,” Isa muttered, following her. “Well?”

Mamu made several strange noises, mocking Isa’s questioning. “I have it! I never go back on my word. It’s back here.” She disappeared through the curtains.

Just as Isa reached the shroud, Mamu leaned back through them and waggled a finger at Isa. “Don’t come back here.” She disappeared again.

Sighing, Isa stopped short of the curtains and looked at Rafe. “At least she didn’t ask you how much a date would cost her.”

He rolled his eyes and groaned. “Don’t let her touch me again,” he pleaded. “She’s creepy.” He reached out for Isa, pulling her close. “So tell me what’s up?”

Whispering, Isa told him the story: “Mamu agreed to keep something for me when I was last on the Station - you know, back before I stol... erm... got the Ning’tao. It’s just a trunk of stuff, but I’d kind of like to have it now.” She didn’t mention the weapon buried in the trunk. “‘Course, I think she took Suresh’s side on the whole Ning’tao issue. That or she’s mad that I never called.”

“I can see why. I don’t think I would have --” Rafael stopped as the curtains parted. “I hope she’s not telepathic.”

“Oh, she is,” Isa nodded then moved forward to take the box Mamu was hauling through the curtains.

“Get back, harpy!” Mamu slapped Isa’s hands away. “You owe me now.”

“Ah... I do? Oh.” She paused. “Right, what do I owe you?”

Mamu looked Rafe up and down. “How about him?”

Rafael cursed softly in Spanish and shook his head. “Forget it old woman.” He glanced over at Isa for help. “Do something?”

Isa looked like she was considering it, for just a moment. “Oh, right, forget that, Mamu. He’s not for sale.” She blushed red to the tips of her ears as Mamu looked her and Rafe over and smiled. She could easily read what Mamu was projecting. “Gold pressed latinum? Let’s talk in those terms.”

Mamu frowned but nodded. “Fine. The man would have been more fun.”

“Yes, he is more fun. How about a slip?” Isa offered. Mamu refused and they negotiated till Mamu was satisfied. Isa passed her the latinum then gestured to the trunk and asked Rafe, “Do you mind carrying it?”

“Not at all.” He stepped closer to the trunk, then looked to see where Mamu was before he bent down to lift it. “Where to next?”

Isa headed out of the shop before she answered him. “Home. The Ning. We can leave this there till we head out.”

* Ning’Tao *

Rafael stashed the trunk in Isa’s quarters then turned to the door. “It’ll be fine there till we’re done.” He pulled her towards the door with a smile. “Now, feed me.”

“I’ve heard of a place called Bubba’s. Apparently they serve barbeque, a human cuisine,” she said, buoyant now that they had the trunk hidden away.

“Good but messy. You’ll love it I think.” Rafael reached around Isa and touched the panel by the doors. They opened to reveal a surprised Ronin reaching to ring the chime. “It’s for you, Isa. Again.”

“Again, you never get any calls,” Isa shot back. “Ro. Good to see you. Anything awful happen while you had the little pilot out with you?”

Ronin entered and leaned against the wall. “Our little show went off without a hitch. They stunned Rhian and when Awf found out she was being taken to repay my debt, he blew his circuit board, damned us all to hell and left. She hasn’t seen him yet, but she ripped into Paz and I decently.” Ro smiled a moment. “So that little problem is fixed. She’ll be sympathetic when she sees him and send him on his way. That solves one problem with our little cricket, as you call her.”

“Good. I’d hate to have a Fleetie on the Ning. We already have ...,” she paused, frowning at Ronin, then amended her comment: “Fully do-gooder Fleeties. We already have the Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order on board.”

“Tal Shiar? Since when?” Ronin asked. “And since Drekkar’s taking that over, isn’t he going back to Cardassia?”

“Ah... yeah, um... well, I don’t actually know. I haven’t spoken to him. I need to - to see if he wants to stay or go.” She glanced at Rafe.

Rafael’s eyes narrowed at that bit of news. “If he wants to stay?” He crossed his arms as he looked back at her. “One condition.”

“What condition?”

“He keeps his paws off you completely,” Rafael replied. “Then I won’t kill him in his sleep.”

Ronin shrugged, then grinned at Isa. “Sounds fair. I promise to keep my paws off too.”

“Right. That shouldn’t be an issue,” Isa nodded, shooting a dark look at Ronin for his joke. “It’s probably a moot point: he’ll likely want to go back to the live of luxury he had on Cardassia.”

“We can hope,” Rafael muttered, then it was his turn to smile. “So, Ro, you got rid of your competition?”

Ronin frowned until he realized what the engineer meant. “Oh no, don’t you go there. I just didn’t want a tenderfoot Fleetie on this ship. That’s all. I swear.”

Isa laughed. “That’s the official story, at least.”

“Bite me,” Ro growled.

“That line would get you farther if you used it on the cricket.” Rafael laughed aloud now. “I heard about the Nexus.”

“Isa, do something with him, would you?” Ro reached out and nudged her. I need to talk to you too.

“Oh, we were about to do something, Ro.” She looked at Rafe, “What was it? Sex? No... we were off to get dinner. Rafe? Do you mind going ahead a little? I need just a minute.”

“Sure. I’ll meet you at Bubba’s. Oh and Ro? If you get cornered, yell and I’ll come save you.” Rafael began to laugh again as he left Isa’s quarters.

“Everyone’s a comedian,” Ro grumbled.

“We tease because we get a reaction. What’s up?”

“What’s going on with Kaeli? Were you serious about the Tal Shiar? Or is she playing them yet again?”

“Ah... far as I know, she’s playing them,” Isa answered, avoiding thinking about Halloran. “But she will feed them some information, otherwise they’ll think something’s wrong.”

“It’s pretty tangled now, isn’t it?” he asked. “Her association with them again, Jarad… Drekkar... and you. Add in the deaths of Rekar and Boroca which, by the way, are getting too much attention.”

“They can’t trace anything back to us, Ronin, particularly not in Boroca’s death.” She shrugged. “It is tangled. Perhaps more than we know.”

“Granted, Jarad is not my favorite person but he could be a target, as could Drekkar if the Tal Shiar gets ambitious. I just don’t want you caught in the crossfire, or at the wrong end of your agreement with the Fleet.”

“Thanks.” She was already in the crossfire. “Um... it’ll all work out. I would like to get away from the Station for a while, though. Leave Drekkar here, leave at least some of the drama behind.”

Ro nodded. “We can do it. Paz and Falon can go anytime and I’ve no doubt Rhian would like to be out of sight after she parts ways with Awf. I’d feel better if you and Kaeli weren’t right under Intel’s noses too, at least for now.”

“Exactly. Let’s make plans; I’ll contact our sponsor and see if there’s a task he wants done. Maybe something that’ll pull us out in his direction.” Isa said, walking towards where Rafe had gone.

“Good enough.” Ro opened the doors and stepped out. “Keep your eyes open for Kae. I’ve not been able to find her yet today.”

“I think she’s resting up in guest quarters.” Isa told him. “I’m sure she’s quite fine, Ro. Where is Jarad?”

“He just left this ship after making sure Rhian was alright and conscious again. They were headed to Iapetus, last I heard. Anyhow, enjoy your dinner. I’m going to the Pit to poke around and make sure Rhian stays out of trouble.”

“Have fun keeping the cricket in line!” Isa laughed as they caught up to Rafe and parted ways.


Isaura Yocheved Panossian
One Track Mind on Many Tracks

Rafael Hernandez
One Condition

One Concern

Mamu B’yaga
One Price

One Order


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