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It Just Keeps Getting Better

Posted on Thu Sep 29th, 2011 @ 3:16pm by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Leto

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Jackson's Office
Timeline: Following 'Land Of Confusion'

* * Jackson's Office * *

Just when did this place become the crossroads of the entire galaxy?

The thought sauntered through Jackson's mind and took hold. He certainly had been popular this morning. He liked attention but the sort he'd had this morning had not been of the best sort. One irate lover (not his own) who was somewhat misinformed, a former lover (yes, his own) that reappeared from no where and never heralded anything good, a possible lover (maybe his own one of these days) who was as confused as he was, and a young lover (not his own but tied to the brother of his possible lover) who'd caught wind of the storm that had been brewing in his office. That about summed it up.

It almost sounded like the plot of one of the novels Kh'ali wrote. At least it was over. Holding his coffee mug to his forehead, he addressed it softly. "At least you love me don't you?"

"So do I hot pants."

The voice came from outside his office door, causing him almost to drop the mug. No, the coffee had not spoken. He was sure of that. That voice was one he knew well. Another lover (again not his own, but not for lack of trying years ago). Nenita. Apparently this hellish morning was not over yet.

"Alright Nita, real funny. Git yer ass in here."

She sashayed into his office and paused as the doors closed behind her. "Jackson, honey, you look like shit."

"Yeah, I love you too. HOw could a fella resist such compliments? You come to torment me too? Everyone else on this station has, it seems to be the sport of the day."

"Oh?" She moved over, planting her butt on the corner of his desk and nudging his leg with her foot. "Spill it."

He groaned miserably and sipped his coffee. "The short version? I've been accused of sleeping with someone else's woman by her man, a bad penny turned up, the woman in question arrived just as confused as me then kissed me, and we were interrupted by Eli. In a nutshell."

Nenita blinked at him, momentarily speechless. "Umm who did you piss off?"

"Ya got me, and now you're here. Given the way this mornin' is goin', I"m guessin' this ain't a casual flyby?"

"Not exactly." She took his empty mug and moved over to the replicator to refill it. "It's about that bad penny."

"Oh peachy. I shoulda known the spooks would know the minute she set foot here. Is there anything you don't know?" Like hopefully the names of those who'd visited him this morning...

"Nope. So how's things with Oz?" She set his mug before him and resumed her seat on the desk.

Jackson groaned again. "There are no things with Oz. To give you a little perspective, I got closer to you than I ever have to her."

Nenita shook her head. "Sad. Janice is right, you're gonna end up a lonely old man. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Ever the matchmaker, never the match. What is with you Jackson? You're a handsome man, you're a great lover - at least you were ten years ago and I doubt it's shriveled up and fallen off since then. Well, it might have from disuse."

He glared at her and reached for his mug. "All my parts are in fine working order thank you." His tone was sour. "And not that I wanna dwell on it, but about that bad penny?"

"Yes, we were alerted when she landed. She's really not that bad Jackson, maybe you should consider it?"

"No way, no how. What's she doing here? Besides working in my bar?"

"Working here?"

"Yeah, Janice hired her. That sneaky woman is the real matchmaker in the crowd, I tell you. I bet you all of Nick's cigars she's got hopes for me and Sulan."

Nenita smiled and reached over to pat his cheek. "Maybe she is right. How's Su look?"

Jackson sighed as he looked back to Nenita. "As good as always. Not a day older."

"Just like you. If it makes you feel better, I'll keep an eye out. If she is here, there's a reason and I don't want it turning into a circus. So no worries, Nita is on the case."

Jackson smiled finally and took her hand. "Thanks, that's the only good news I've had all day."

"Anytime baby." Nenita slipped off the desk and made her way to the door. She stopped and turned back, a wicked grin on her face. "Jackson?"


"You've got lipstick..." She pointed to the corner of her mouth, then began to laugh as he frantically wiped at his lips.

"Get out!"

"Bye darlin'." She slipped out of his office, her laughter echoing back to him along the hall.

Lt. (jg) Nenita Quidley
Intelligence Officer & Bearer Of Good (?) News

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Hapless Victim
The Nexus Club


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