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Hope Springs Eternal

Posted on Fri Oct 7th, 2011 @ 6:09am by Jackson Banning V

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

* * Jackson's Office * *

"You want a lover who treats you like her teenaged son?" Janice's question floated back to him from the hallway.

All Jackson could do was laugh at her parting shot. No, what he wanted was someone who knew her own mind, and his, as well as Janice did. Someone who spoke plainly, understood that life was short and thus to be enjoyed. Was that so much to ask? Apparently so. Then again, his own life was far from simple. So much from the past to keep quiet, so many things seen and survived, so much that could change any moment.

Li and Nenita understood it - they'd lived through much of it with him. They knew him better than anyone besides Jan, understood him. So if Nenita thought that Su was worthwhile, that was a big endorsement in his book. Maybe....

And right on cue, the past walked into his office in the form of one auburn-haired Bajoran. For an instant, his office transformed into the close darkness of a small storage area hidden beneath old, worn floorboards. He could see her face plainly, dusted with grime, in the semi-darkness as the footsteps of several Romulans passed overhead. Their gruff voices as they searched had left Jackson and Sulan afraid to breathe too deep. Their hands had clutched together tightly as they waited what seemed an eternity before the room above emptied....


He jumped as Sulan's voice snatched him back to the present. "Sorry I's just that when you came in, I was reminded of....

"Paradise City." Sulan's smile was brief. "I think of it often, as well. We're lucky you and I."

He nodded. Suddenly, he didn't want to be serious. He'd had plenty of that already today. He just wanted...the evening, the pleasant comfort of the music, of Janice and Eli - his small 'family', the soft murmur of the Nexus crowd. Maybe after closing, he'd take Su out for a late dinner. Just to talk.

"We ready for tonight, Su?"


She slipped from his office and only then did he wonder if, perhaps, she'd answered the question he hadn't asked.

* * *

Janice and Eli were wrapping up the final set of the night. They were in fine form tonight and as Su had promised, they did indeed have a full house. The velvety notes of the song washed over him, a soothing blissful wave that eased his frazzled nerves. The soft clink of glasses, quiet conversations and laughter, the sparkle of jewelry beneath the muted lighting...this was his place and he felt right for the first time that day.

And what a day it had been. Connor had ended his visit by handing Oz over. And as much as Jackson might love the idea, it was all wrong. He might want her so much it consumed him, but not that way. And Oz, the kiss. It was far better than he'd ever expected, and just as wrong. She was in no place to go from one man to the other. She needed to figure out what exactly she wanted so that all three of them didn't end up crushed beneath the weight of whatever this was.

And Nenita. He'd always relied on her advice and in a roundabout way, unusual for Nita who had no fear of plain speaking, she'd politely steered him away from Oz. That is exactly what she had done, he realized now. So did Janice... And both had pointed him at the one who had dropped back into his life out of the blue.

Tora Sulan. He searched the room until he found her, speaking with a member of the wait staff. Tonight, her hair was piled on her head in a mass of curls, revealing her earring to striking effect. An emerald-green velvet dress reminiscent of the era of the club's decor clung to her figure, and it seemed to Jackson as if she'd been made for the Nexus...timeless. The irony of that thought was not lost on Jackson.

And as they had so often during the day, his thoughts drifted back to Oz and that kiss. And Eli's entrance just after. He knew Eli was fully aware that he'd never made a move towards Oz but what he surely picked up this morning might bring some doubts. He had to head that off immediately, and the sooner the better. But even these thoughts were not enough to ruin his mellow groove tonight.

He poured himself a glass of lemonade, notably non-alcoholic tonight and raised the glass. Once more, he sought Sulan. A passing waiter stopped to offer her his try that held several glasses of champagne. She smiled her thanks to him and lifted the glass. Before she took a sip, she seemed to sense eyes upon her and met Jackson's gaze. Her smile widened as she raised the glass to him, then took a sip. He did likewise. It was almost quitting time for him, it was now or never. Slowly he crooked his finger at Su. Without a word, she stepped around the waiter, leaving her glass on his tray and began to move to the bar.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Holder Of The Past
The Nexus Club

Tora Sulan
The Past


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