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The Fight is Over

Posted on Thu Oct 13th, 2011 @ 6:57am by Commander Sakkath
Edited on on Thu Oct 13th, 2011 @ 6:57am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Marine Command Center


Captain Lorenz studied the reports coming in from the deployed Marines escorting the science teams. Tension is building, was the bottom line. Occasional Divitians harassed the Starfleet, only to be taken into custody by the Divitian Constabulary. Lorenz didn't believe that Nuth had forgotten about him and in the back of his mind he didn't trust anyone that wasn't wearing a Starfleet delta.

Chief Shelton came up to David. "I just got this, sir,"

Lorenz took the padd from his subordinate and stared at the message. "That sonofabitch! I'll rip his guts out!"

Shelton held up his hands, but the infuriated Lorenz shoved his way past the man. Shelton picked up the padd and read the message, To: Captain David Lorenz, From: LtCol Qunicy Morgan, Starfleet Marine Command BUPERS; RE: Chemical dependency issues. Captain, Command has received a report from Starbase 900 that you utilize an unknown chemical compound to treat a disclosed illness. It is the policy of the Starfleet Marine Corps that no Marine may use any unauthorized medication at any time while deployed downrange. Upon completion of your mission, you will submit yourself to the nearest detoxification center for ninety days. Morgan.

Shelton tapped his badge. "Shelton to Patrol Five, secure Commander Sakkath at once! Tell him Captain Lorenz is on his way to his location and is very angry!"


Sakkath sat at his console in the Operations Center on the surface of the planet, navigating the somewhat unintuitive Divitian computer network. He had managed to locate the energy usage data and was preparing to compile his report for Commander qeraQ' when a small band of Marines entered. Though the Vulcan did not turn, he did note the suddenly elevated level of chatter from his subordinates. The footfalls of the men in green was enough to identify them.

"Is there something I may assist you with?" Sakkath asked in his usual, emotionless monotone as he turned to face them, PADD in hand.

"Yessir. Captain Lorenz is on his way here and he is quite angry with you. Chief Shelton sent us to make sure he didn't harm you." the lead Marine, a big bear of a human named Kowalski, said in a bass voice.

Sakkath quirked a brow. "Indeed?" he asked as he rose, setting down his PADD and straightening his duty vest in the process. "Kind, but I do believe I am capable of handling one emotional human without the assistance of a party of Marines. I have been trained in tal shaya, though the Captain is no doubt a man who will listen to reason." Perhaps the Vulcan's sentimentalities were wasted, however, on Lorenz in particular.

Kowalski just smiled. Fleet wimps thought that martial arts could help them against a pissed-off Marine in full battle rage "That may be the case, commander, but I never knew a Marine that cared about martial arts. Captain Lorenz has survived things that make me wanna piss myself, and that man is mad at you for some he comes!"

Lorenz burst into the room, his face red with fury. "GODDAMN YOU, SAKKATH! YOU POINTY-EARED, GREEN-BLOODED HOBGOBLIN! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO DISCUSS MY MEDICAL SITUATION WITH MY XO?" Dave tried to give the Marines in front of Sakkath a "get-outta-the-way-or-I'll-kill-you" stare.

Kowalski stared down at the angry Lorenz. "Sir, we are not letting you near the commander, per orders from Chief Shelton!"

"Quite all right, Mister Kowalski," Sakkath said as he stepped next to the Marine guarding him. He regarded Lorenz with what could only be described as academic interest.

"Descriptions of my appearance aside, I am a Starfleet officer, Captain Lorenz," the Vulcan replied. "Regulations are quite clear. Use of unauthorized substances are to be monitored, especially in situations as potentially volatile as the one we find ourselves in. Captain Fulton seemed the logical choice to monitor your behavior for signs of concern."

BY now, all traces of discipline were gone from David's mind and body. Without another word, David knocked Kowalski out of the way and punched Sakkath in his jaw as hard as he could followed by two right jabs and a left hook. Sakkath was sent reeling from the blows, but kept his feet.

Kowalski came up behind Lorenz and wrapped his arms around the enraged Betazoid in a n effort to control him. David twisted his frame, then sent a vicious headbutt back to Kowalski's nose, breaking it.

Sakkath managed to regain his posture, touching a finger to his lip where he had felt it split. The digit returned green with his Vulcan blood. Inside, his ancestral nature raged, wanting to leap forward and tear David Lorenz limb from limb. He is only human, a voice inside asserted. You are stronger by far.

Outwardly, decades of training prevailed. Sakkath stood there in passive silence, not even lifting his hands to defend himself in the brief moment that Kowalski held his former CO.

"Marines," Sakkath said evenly, "place the Captain under arrest for the assault of a Starfl--"

The remainder of the order did not escape the Lieutenant Commander's bloodied lips as David freed himself. Sakkath moved to the side and lifted his right hand, hoping for the opportunity to put an end to this, applying the nerve pinch if the Captain charged ahead.

Lorenz didn't wait for Sakkath to finish his order and charged, feeling slender fingers grasp the right side of his neck and squeeze. David quickly shrugged and grasped Sakkath's collar, then fell to his knees not-quite-stunned but disoriented.

Sakkath felt his duty vest tear as he took hold of David, lifting him back to his feet. "Impressive," he said, mostly to himself. The quick shoulder motion had been enough to prevent the full effects of the nerve pinch, causing Sakkath's application of pressure to the trapezius nerve bundle to veer off target.

The Vulcan turned to the other Marines, holding out one hand. "Restraints," he said simply, accepting the cuffs from a Second Lieutenant and binding David while still dazed. Satisfied, he dismissed them summarily. "I will handle things from here."

He waited for them to depart before escorting David from the Operations Center, lifting a PADD in the process.

"So this is how it ends, huh? Taken down by a Vulcan doing a Xenexian's dirty work!"

Sakkath said nothing, but instead released the restraints once they were sufficiently far from the other Starfleet personnel, entering several command before handing his PADD to the Marine Captain.

"The most logical course of action, Captain, would be for you to authorize this resignation of your commission. You will be able to find transport not far from here, one of the runabouts is in need of maintenance following exposure to this planet's atmosphere. Perhaps you would see it back to Starbase 900 for me as a last duty of sorts before collecting your belongings?"

David shook his head, attempting to clear the tweeting birds and buzzing flies from his ears. "I must have something crazy in my ears, I could have sworm you told me to resign...never mind, I'll do it! I have had enough of this bureaucratic bullshit!" David pressed his thumb print on the PADD face, then offered it to Sakkath. "I do apologize, Sakkath. Have a nice life!"

David turned away from the Vulcan he had just punched and walked away, rubbing his neck as he did so. I just flushed my career in the Marines down the shitter, now what do I do? he asked himself as he boarded the runabout in need of maintenance. Once settled at the helm, he found a message from Sakkath.

Captain Lorenz, if you are reading this, then you have heeded my advice. A resignation on your terms is preferable to a court martial. You are a Marine, a soldier, and your ways differ greatly from the Vulcan path I have accepted as my own. I respect that, but you have allowed that martial aspect to overcome you. Return to Starbase 900, gather your things, find your roots and your perspective at home in the Alpha Quadrant. Leave things here to me. You may not embrace logic, but I assure you that the Divirians cannot stand against it. Things here will resolve. Arrogance, perhaps, but a truth I accept. Thank you for your service. See this vessel home.

David nodded silently, unable to process the favor Sakkath had done for him. There was something terribly wrong with him and it was time to put it right. With tears of rage in his eyes, David took off the Starfleet delta from his uniform blouse and slid it into his pocket.

a Joint Post by:

ex-MCPT David Lorenz
ex-Marine Detachment CO
Starbase 900


LCDR Sakkath
Operations Officer
Starbase 900

OOC: There is one more post cominng from Dave before we say good-bye to him.


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