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Help When You Least Expect It

Posted on Sat Oct 8th, 2011 @ 3:02pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Thomas Linacre Medical Station, Deck 115
Timeline: Immediately Following 'She's Come Undone'

* * *Thomas Linacre Medical Bay, The Previous Day * * *

Ring watched the doors of the medbay from around the corner. Glancing at his chronometer, he noted that forty-five minutes had passed. That long? Why was the Betazoid still in there? Once more he glanced nervously at the time. He despised being out in the open now, feeling exposed.

He'd hoped to catch her in the corridor when she left, hopefully without her Trill lapdog that seemed to be with her all too often. Their intel had said she was living with a Vulcan, but Ring had not seen him. He was, apparently, off the station which was something of a relief. If the Betazoid became trouble, she would be far easier to remove without her mate in the picture.

He'd been out here too long. If he was going to make contact, it was now or never - he'd have to go in and take his chances with the Trill.

* * *

In the wake of Connor's departure from the exam room, Norval returned. Li looked him over and nodded finally. "You look much better." She rubbed her own temples, glad of the respite from the pain that vibrated around Connor, bright as a sun. Slowly, she breathed out. Whatever was going on, it had ratcheted up her sensitivity ten-fold. The difference in Norval was soothing, however.

"I feel much better," he agreed, smiling easily again, "but look? Heh, maybe after I put some real clothes on." The self-consciousness... maybe self-possession was more apt... had returned in force. "What about you? Was Connor able to give you anything?"

"He's sending something now, he said." No sooner had the words left her mouth than the door to the room opened and Ophelia bustled in.

"Hello Li. It's been a while since I saw you around here and --" Ophelia stopped mid-sentence, realizing Norval was in the room. A whispered conversation she'd overheard out in the dispensary, one she'd not put much faith in, flashed back in an instant as she looked from one to the other. "Lt. Tigan, nice to see you."

"Nurse Payne," Norval replied with a nod, fighting back the sense of amusement he still got from such a simple thing as her name.

Recovering quickly, she instructed Li to lie down, then pressed the hypospray to her neck. "That should help. Give it a few minutes and you'll be as blissfully unaware as any non-telepath."

"Thanks, Ophelia." Li returned the smile.

"Anytime, and Dr. McKinney has informed me that you'll be staying for a little while." Turning her gaze to Norval, she continued. "What about you?"

Norval shrugged. "Provided you're feeling all right," the Trill addressed Li, "and you're going to stay away from that crystal," he added for good measure, "I suppose I should get to Ops and see what I can do to help with the search for Kh'ali."

"I'll be fine." Reaching out, Li squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Norval, and send word if there are any developments."

Ophelia watched them only a moment, then slipped out, closing the door behind her.

"Sure," the Trill said, squeezing back for an instant before turning and heading for the door. "Get some rest!" he called back as he left, folding his hands together behind his neck as he strolled happily from the medbay.

* * *

Out in the corridor, Ring glanced once more around the corner, checking to see if it was all clear. One tentative step was taken and withdrawn just as quickly when he heard the medbay doors open. The Trill! As he watched, the male moved off in the opposite direction towards the turbolift. Well, wasn't that handy? One less obstacle. And given the station personnel he'd seen rushed in not long before, his chances of reaching the Betazoid were even better. With one last look, he slipped around the corner and rushed through the doors.

* * *

Now that Norval was gone, the room was completely quiet. Already the flood of emotions that filled sickbay was dulling, and this time around it was a relief. Between Connor's distress, and the pain of the engineers, if it hadn't been for the Lexorin, she'd have politely excused herself and gone to rest elsewhere. Ophelia would be back soon with the delta wave inducer and then, if she was lucky, sleep. Sleep without Rhys. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, as the doors opened.

"Welcome back Ophelia," Li began but was cut off by a guttural grunt. Opening her eyes in surprise, she found not Ophelia but the mysterious telepath. "You!"

Ring dashed across the room, clamping a hand over Li's mouth, his thoughts boiling furiously at her. The things she was picking up -- Kh'ali, the Speaker, a group planning his assasination -- made her eyes widen.

Hurry! I've been given an inhibitor, I can't read you too clearly, and it's fading by the second.

He kept his hand over her mouth as he continued. I don't know where your Klingon is, but he has her. I have to go. If I am seen, he will kill me.

Let us help you! I'll call the CSEC. Go find her. She will keep you safe. Please! If this man is successful, it will cause a massive political tidal wave out here.

Ring nodded. That's his point. I have to go.

Get to security.

I'll try.

Without a look back, Ring dashed from the exam room as Li's telepathy finally shut down completely. She tapped her comm badge and when Oz answered, gave a hurried report. Just as she finished, Ophelia returned, set up the delta wave inducer, and in moments, Li was sound asleep.

* * *

Ring stepped through the doors of the Thomas Linacre Medbay and made his way to the turbolift. Right behind him, passing easily through the doors unseen and stepping into the turbolift with him, was Thumb.


Lt. (j.g.) Norval Tigan
Acting Chief of Operations

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer


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