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The Spider's Walk

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 11:03am by Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Oralia's Quarters

In the ordinary course of life, the goliath tarantula known as Iggy would have been completely content to stay in her burrow and wait for food to come to her. Her terrarium was a nice one, forty-gallons with a foot of substrate and a very nice, shallow little pond at one end. For a terrestrial spider, it was a good life.

For Iggy, however, life was different. It was no longer ordinary; she'd been 'awoken' by something outside herself that made her aware of herself and of the lives around her.

One such life was in trouble and that bothered Iggy. She had already defended Li from one threat this morning; now she was determined to protect her from any other threat.

In Oralia's quarters, the spider moved along the walls, occasionally using the silk spigots on her tarsi to climb up the wall or over a table, looking for a way out. She found a way: an air vent that opened with just a bit of her coaxing. I'll return before Oralia realizes I'm gone, was the naive arachnid's departing thought. There was no way for the spider to know that Oz would be home within the next two hours - an early end to her day.

Iggy disappeared into the vent and was surprised when it suddenly sloped downward; losing her grip on the smooth surface, she slid into darkness. After a short slide, the sticky silk from her feet stopped her wild (for the spider it was) descent. Moving carefully, she continued on in the same direction, took a turn, then another turn, went up, went left, went down and soon realized she hadn't a clue where to find Li or Oralia. Lacking any sort of plan of how to find them, Iggy dropped down a level and crept towards what sounded like people talking and, possibly, laughing.

Spider on a Quest

((OOC: Think this is too short? Check the Forums under "Special Projects"!))


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