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Ready! Aim! Fart!

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 4:55pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: In Our Time of Need

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Eli had finally left his studying behind with more than a little relief. He had something far more pressing to look into and so, he was now hurrying along the Promenade. He was a half hour early for work but that should be enough time. Unless Sulan wasn't talking, then he'd have a half hour to kill. Oh well, he'd just have to see what was what.

Stepping into the Nexus, he waved to Vic behind the bar. "Where's Su?"

"The back," Vic motioned down the hall towards the offices.

"Thanks." Eli hurried on past and down the short hall to the small office Sulan used, now that she'd taken on the position of House Manager. Peeking in he smiled. "Hi Su."

She looked up with a quick smile. "Eli. A bit early?"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Sulan stood and nodded. "I was just about to go out front while it's empty and get something to drink. Come on."

Eli followed her out and once they had drinks, settled at one of the small tables. "So, you mind if I ask how your dinner with Jackson went?"

Sulan shrugged. "Not much to tell, really. He's an old friend. We worked together in some strange times Eli. It's good to see him again but it's not what Janice is hoping for." She sipped her drink and leaned in closer. "Now I have a question for you. What gives with Chance?"

Eli immediately flushed and motioning her closer, began to speak softly.

If Chance were Connor, the scene Chance walked in on would have driven him nuts. As it was, the scene - Eli and Sulan sitting with their heads together - made Chance frown. He didn't go straight to their table; instead, he went over to the bar and ordered a Talaxian beer. The brew tasted good going down, but Chance knew it'd smell foul going out. He figured it'd be a little bit of payback on Eli later. Tilting the bottle up and taking a good swig, he glanced over at Eli.

Eli nodded, looking a trifle uncertain as he answered Sulan. She considered and rested a hand on his arm, then spoke quietly. Eli nodded.

Remembering their conversation in their quarters, the one about interfering with Jackson and Sulan and whether sleeping with Sulan was an option, Chance swallowed another draught of beer and his irritation. He set the bottle on the bar and deliberated for a moment before snatching the bottle back up and heading for the table where the two sat, looking like lovebirds. "So... imagine running into you two here," Chance said the line before he could stop himself. Of course they'd be here: they work here.

Eli rolled his eyes. "That the best you have?" He stopped as Chance's irritation hit him, leaving him puzzled.

"Good afternoon, Chance, how are you?" Sulan sat back in her chair as she looked up at him. Spying the bottle in his hand, she grimaced. "You are going to regret that later. You both will."

"Ah, but at least I'll have had the pleasure of drinking it!" Chance smiled. "My roommate, however," he shrugged eloquently. "Sulan, I'm Chance Conradi, nice to meet you," he held out a hand and turned on the charm.

She shook his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you officially, Eli's had a lot to say about you. What brings you in tonight, aside from your self-torture?" She indicated the beer.

Eli continued to watch Chance, still a trifle confused but it was beginning to shift to a realization that was much more clear. Surely he didn't think.....shaking his head he remained silent.

"Oh, you know, the usual: I'm done with studying for the day. Thought I might come in and check out the girls," he answered Sulan. "I'm sure you know that Jackson brings in some of the best looking ones."

"So I've seen." She smiled briefly. "This past week especially. More than he likes it seems to me. Poor thing. It's been a plague for him all the years I've known him." She stopped before elaborating. The length of time she'd known Jackson would raise questions she had no intentions of answering.

Eli looked to Chance and shook his head slightly. "You staying a while Chance?"

"Yeah, I'll hang out a bit. Who knows, maybe Oz'll come in and share a drink or two with me," he slid in to the seat next to Eli, moving a hair closer to Eli than most friends would get.

The closeness seemed to relax Eli just a little. "Maybe. But fair warning, Jackson's sworn off women. I passed him this morning on his way to the Wormhole and what he was thinking was loud and clear."

"Sworn off women?" Chance grinned and nudged Eli. "Guess I should take my shot now, huh?"

"At who?" Eli looked back at Chance, then Chance's intent was clear as a bell. "Oh...Hmm. I should get to work I guess."

Under the table, Chance squeezed Eli's thigh. S'all good, right?
Eli's lips pursed a moment, then he nodded.

"Okay," Sulan spoke, looking between them. "What did I just miss?"

Blinking innocently, Chance smiled at her and shook his head, "Did you miss something?"

"Umm, yes." She motioned between the two of them. "Trust me when I say that when Eli's not happy, those around know it, and you know what I mean."

Leaning slightly away from Eli, Chance looked at his friend. "Yeah, I do know. But... not sure that's something we should discuss in front of you," Chance had dropped his charm somewhere along his way to the table.

She smiled at both of them. "Relax. I'm just looking out for the kid."

"Kid?" Eli's brows shot up and Sulan laughed finally, showing she was not the least bit serious.

Laughing with Sulan, Chance again squeezed Eli's thigh. "Kid," he smiled at Eli.

Eli rolled his eyes. "I need to get to work old man." He grinned at Chance. "I'll take Su with me so she's not in the line of fire." He indicated the Talaxian beer.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be worried about Sulan being in the line of fire," Chance wrinkled his nose at Eli, "Roomie."

"Hmmm...I may be home late." He grinned at Chance, then leaned in, giving him a peck to the cheek.

"I'll be sure to sleep in your bed till you come home, then," Chance whispered while Eli was close to him and laughed. "See you later, kid."

"You bet you will." He turned to follow Su towards the bar and muttered. "And thank the station's designers for the air filtration system."

Chance Conradi
Good with the Punitive Measures

Eli Ziyad


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