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He Says, She Says

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2011 @ 9:01am by Captain Li Hawke & Jackson Banning V

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900
Tags: Jackson, Li

"And then he dipped her and I would swear that he would've --"


Li left her room in the Linacre Medbay in just what she'd worn there the previous day - shorts, tank top, no shoes. She at least looked well-rested. The sudden stopping of the conversation was not lost on her and she had the sense, purely non-telepathic given the inhibitor effects still in force, that it had to do with her. Odd. She said her goodbyes and left, intending first of all to get to her quarters and change.

It was a bit of a walk and as it was later in the day, the station was busy with people going here, there, and everywhere. People greeted her as she passed, but again, she got the impression that she was interrupting conversations that they didn't want her to hear. She didn't need telepathy to pick up on the curious glances, the speculative expressions. For once, she would have loved to be open and able to read the people she encountered.

Reaching the safety of her quarters, she showered, donned her uniform, then replicated a cup of coffee. Being home, among Sakkath's things, breathing in the spicy scent that lingered from his favorite tea, soothed her tremendously. Guilt pricked her at her recent lack of communication, however. So much had been going on that she had opted not to contact Sakkath. He'd see something was off, even with the distance between them, and she didn't want to worry him. Or face his ire. There was that too.

Plenty of time for that later. Right now, she had three people to see, starting with Jackson. The news from Oz of the murdered Enaran, the telepath, had her worried. An Enaran? It seemed a little odd, given Eli's past. The Nexus would be her first stop. Then on to Ops to give Norval the good news that he was on watch for the next few nights, and finally the Admiral. Best get going, Li.

* * *

The Promenade was busy this time of day - people going to restaurants, shops, gathering to talk and pass news...and one particular bit of news ran from person to person like wildfire.

"I saw them walking arm in arm going into Lao's just days after Sakkath left --"

"She came into Ops to see him and they left to go out to dinner. Thornton told me all about it --"

"Did you see the way he held her at the Nexus a few nights ago? Jerr overheard him talking to Jackson later and he said --"

"He was at the Wormhole with Jackson later that night and you shoulda heard what he was singing --"

"And they stepped off the turbolift looking like they'd both just crawled out of bed and went into Sickbay --"

Whispered conversations that ceased immediately, turning to smiles and hellos as Li passed. It didn't mean they respected her any less, but a good story was a good story, especially when it concerned two such unlikely subjects as Li and Norval.

Upon her arrival at the Nexus, she stopped to speak to Gilroy as he left, then made her way back to Jackson's office.

"Jackson?" She peeked in and found him scowling behind his desk.

"Another female? What did I do to deserve this??" Jackson ran a hand through his hair, then realized it was Li. "Oh, hey Li. Funny, I was just about to call you."

"Oh, what for?" She stepped into his office, and pressed the panel to close the doors behind her. "I have a couple of questions, but you first."

He fixed her with a stern gaze, then patted the desk beside him. "Sit down."

"Alright." She settled on the desk, watching him. "What's up J?"

"I got in a fight at the Wormhole, a riot actually, over something that concerned you."

"Me?" The feeling that, again, she was missing something rose in her.

"Yeah, you. Seyla was spoutin' off some garbage about you foolin' around with Norval. I called her on it, things got hairy, and a fight broke out. Now what I wanna know is, why would she say that? Somethin' about you two turnin' up at Sickbay half-dressed."

The oddities of the looks and whispers as she'd passed through the station suddenly made sense. Li rolled her eyes. "There's a good reason for it, J. I've been having some awful nightmares....about Rhys. The thing is, yesterday morning I could have sworn something touched me in my quarters, but there was no one in there. The dream seemed so real. I went to see Norval to tell him about it, get his opinion. I dozed off on his sofa and it came again. Something happened while I was asleep; he seemed spooked. So we went to sickbay so I could have Connor check me. Satisfied?"

"Hmm." Jackson considered. "I've been hearing there were other things too...dinners out, the way you two danced the other night. He admitted to me that he'd had hopes for you. Surely you knew?"

Li nodded slowly. "Yes. All that aside though, he's a dear friend. Tell me you don't believe some silly rumours? You've never experienced a Vulcan mating bond but believe me when I tell you that what they think is happening is just about impossible." Her eyes narrowed as she looked back at him. "Tell me you don't believe it?"

"O' course not, Li. Why do you think I was so quick to defend your honor, even with Rio takin' a swing at me?"

"Rio? Really? Oh dear." Li blinked, then a smile appeared. That smile turned to laughter. "That was foolish Jackson, but thank you. You should leave him to me to deal with."

Jackson looked from his tall frame to Li's tiny one. Despite the difference in sizes, he knew she was far more capable of taking the huge man down then he was.

"I'll remember that next time. An' I'll start squashin' the stupid talk for ya. I can't blame Norv though, I was there once. You had the good sense to tell me no and that was that. It's been along time, Li."

"That it has. Now, for my questions? Does Eli have any associates from home here?"

Jackson frowned. "Gilroy was just askin' that same question. This about that Enaran that was murdered?"

Li nodded. "He is, or was, involved in a plot against the Speaker. He found me in Sickbay. He and the others had some sort of falling out, and he was hoping to spill what he knows in return for protection. I sent him to find Oz, and now he turns up dead. What worries me is if there is some danger to Eli. I don't think Eli would be mixed up in this plot but I just want to be careful where anyone from his home world is involved."

Jackson nodded. "I think that was Gilroy's thoughts too, at least I hope so. I'll keep a close eye on him and warn him to be on the look out. Thanks, Li."

"Thank you Jackson. For looking out for me too. How're you holding up?"

"You really have to ask that?"

She nodded. "Inhibitor, I can't read anyone right now."

Jackson smiled finally. "Honey, right now that may be for the best. Now I gotta get to work."

"And I have to get to the Admiral." Li slipped off the desk. "You take care J." And just like that, she was gone.

Jackson locked his office doors and hurriedly dressed for the evening. Thankfully, no more women showed up.


Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer IN The Dark

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Illuminator
The Nexus Club


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