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Just When You Thought It Was Safe

Posted on Tue Oct 18th, 2011 @ 9:22am by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D.

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club/Piper Medical Center
Tags: Jackson, Natalia, Nexus, medical

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson did indeed manage to escape his office without any more visits and, much to his relief, the female population of SB900 had left him alone since. Which was now part of the problem. After he'd introduced Janice and Eli, and the early show started, he had skipped his reserved table and returned to the bar. It afforded him a better view of the show lounge and as he scanned the room, he noted several new faces. One of those was a tall Caitian in the second row of tables. He hadn't encountered one of them since a side trip to Mars quite some time ago.

One new arrival he didn't see, however, was Natalia. Interesting. He motioned to Sulan, and she hurried over.

"Full house tonight, Jackson." Sulan smiled at him, then thanked Vic as he set a tall, frosty glass before her that held a pale pink drink.

"Full house minus one. What happened to the reservation I was holdin'?" He waited as she took a sip.

"Whoever it was didn't show. I held it for the usual time over, but then I had to let it go. I gave it to the Caitian gentleman. Table seven."

"I see." Jackson held out a hand to Vic, who slipped a martini into it. Gratefully he took a drink and sighed with satisfaction. And damn. The one female today he wouldn't have minded seeing.

"Who was it for, anyway?" She clinked her glass to Jackson's as she spoke.

"Natalia Bren." He paused, waiting.

"Your date for the evening? I don't think I've met --" She stopped mid-sentence, her mouth forming a small O. "Wait...the Natalia Bren?"

"In the flesh. I found her in sickbay when I went to get my nose fixed. Just transferred over, had no idea we were here." Jackson held up his hand. "But don't worry, she's keeping that little piece of info to herself."

Sulan slowly nodded. "Umm, I should get back to work." She moved away from the bar, slowly, moving back through the crowd.

"An' I should go seek some medical attention. I'll be back in time for the second show, Vic."

Vic saluted as Jackson drained his glass then departed.

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

According to the computer, Natalia was at Piper Medical Center and so there Jackson went. Stepping out of the turbolift, he made his way along to the main reception area.

Natalia sat behind Connor's desk in the CMO's office, going over his itinerary for the next day, postponing whatever meetings could be postponed, working into her own itinerary what she could. Occasionally, through the one clear wall, she would look out into the reception area, and she looked out just now to see Jackson. Oh my gosh, what's he doing here! she thought, placing a hand over her forehead, scrunching herself further down the seat till the monitor obstructed her view.

Jackson took a moment to look around the expansive reception area, then fixed the woman behind the desk with a look. Casually he ambled up to the desk, hands in his pockets.

"Hi Kier, long time no see."

The pretty blonde watched him approach with a girlish smile. "Why Jackson, how are you? And the nose? I heard about the ruckus in the Wormhole." She stood and leaned close to check out his nose. "You look as good as ever, I must say."

Peering from around the side of the monitor, Natalia frowned, What did you expect, Natalia, Jackson 'is' Jackson., and unhappy with herself for going in that direction, again, she turned off the monitor and began gathering her things, holding them close to her as she planned her escape.

"Why thank you, darlin'. Nat did a helluva job. Speakin' of which, can you call her out here for me?" He gave Keir his most charming smile and she patted his cheek.

"Sure thing." Pressing the comm panel, Keir paged Dr. Bren.

Damn, Natalia hit her combadge in return, "Yes, Keir?", and she winced, he was there to see her after all. How could she 'protect' him if he persisted? She stood up, keeping her back to them as she grabbed her personal padd, and her coffee cup.

"Patient here to see you, Dr. Bren." She eyed Jackson a moment, then continued. "For followup." The comment got a silent laugh from Jackson.

Inhaling deeply and gathering her wits, Nat walked out, her eyes widening in surprise as she entered the reception area, "Jackson? I didn't know we had an appointment", and her surprise grew into a smile, "I'm on my way to my office, how about we do your follow up there."

"Actually, you had an appointment with me that you missed. But I'll let you make it up to me. Your office is just fine." His slow easy smile came again as he looked at her.

Feeling herself warm at the look he gave her, she quickly turned away, just wanting to get away, and headed into a turbolift, telling it where to go before the doors even had a chance to close.

He followed, stopped the doors from closing, then stepped in. Once the doors closed, he spoke. "I thought I was the one supposed to be avoiding you."

"But that's just it, you're not avoiding me, you're making it known loud and clear that we know each other. Jackson..", she turned to face him, "What is it you want from me?"

"For starters, to have you show up and enjoy yourself. And two, we are a long way from the Briar Patch, Nat. This truly is the final frontier. For now, it's safe. No one here knows anything about...then. Why shouldn't I be speakin' to you?"

"I don't know. It's just alot for me to take in right now..", her eyes studying his, "I'm still sort of" Her cheeks coloring, she admitted, "I was hiding from you in the CMO's office, actually 'lowering'.." she showed him with a hand, "behind the computer monitor. Planning my escape when Keir paged me?"

"Why? I should think you'd be thrilled to have back. Why didn't you come to the club tonight? I saved you a table."

She opened her mouth to answer, but hesitated when she could see the sadness and disappointment on his face, and it surprised her. "Jackson..", her face softened, and she placed a hand on his cheek, regarding him silently for a moment. "I am happy to see you. I told you, I'm worried. Perhaps too much...but, I was going to come tonight. There was an emergency.." She was about to explain more when the doors opened, and she lowered her hand slowly and started to exit. She looked back at him, wondering if he was going to still come with her.

He stepped from the turbolift and fell in step beside her. "What kinda emergency?"

Nat lead him into the reception area, "Not here", she said quietly, taking notice of the two security guards posted outside of the surgical restricted area. She continued into her office where she locked the door behind them. "I don't want anyone walking in", she said, setting her things down on her desk.

He followed her into the office, his gaze lingering on her, noting the change in mood. Jackson, you asshole. Why don't you just chew up that foot in your mouth, huh? Moving over to the desk, he rested his hands on her shoulders, leaning her back against him.

"Tell me."

She closed her eyes, her body reacting to the close proximity of his, and that was when her day hit her. She bent her head a little, "I had to perform emergency surgery on my dept head..."

"Connor? What the hell happened?" His hands tightened on her shoulders. What more happened is more like it.

"You know him?", she said, it was a statement more than a question. "This afternoon he was attacked in his quarters while he slept. A knife blade was stabbed into his groin, and considering how it was done...I am guessing, with a warning in his ear. We almost lost he a friend of yours?"

"You could say that, yeah." He turned her around to face him, his hands slipping up to cup her cheeks. "But he's not the type to attract that sort of attention." Oz rose unbidden in his mind and he frowned, wondering if it was related to all the strange events on the station. "You look wiped, Nat. Let me get you outta here."

She looked at him curiously, and nodded as she smiled.

Without another word he slipped his arm around her shoulders, leading her from the office.


Jackson Banning V
Owner Whose Life Resembles a Kal-Toh Sphere
The Nexus Club

Lt. Natalia Bren, M.D.
Chief Surgeon
Not Finding Much Order In The Chaos Yet


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