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Waking Up Is Hard To Do

Posted on Fri Oct 21st, 2011 @ 6:02pm by & Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D.

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Current


She had gently spelled out those six letters on his hand, and with his subconscious's neurons firing in response, his hand twitched now in his sleep.

Natalia caught the movement, and looked up at the neuro readings above him. "He's going to be waking up soon", she stated softly to Ophelia who stood opposite her, "Please inform Counselor West."

"Yes, Doctor", and Ophelia left.

"You cheated on me! I never hurt you that way, I couldn't..not even here..!" he jabbed at his head. "But I get it.... It's my fault, you've made that clear. I...didn't love you enough, I drove you crazy, I chased you to him. You want to punish me...okay..or better yet... use that energy, 'n' keep yourself alive."

"I didn't cheat on you! I never would have! I love you too much to do that to you."

Nat pulled up a stool, continuing to watch him, his serene expression changing to one of anguish. She placed a hand on his forehead, "Connor...," her natural soft and sweet voice soothing as she tried to wake him as gently as she could.

"I come bearing a message to your lovely Oralia." A shadowy figure drove a blade into his groin; Connor bolted upwards and he gripped the arm that held the blade within him. He gasped as the blade was driven in further; his eyes widened at the pain intensity as it was pulled back out. As he fell back on a pillow, laughter rang in his ears. That soon turned into shouting, and weapons fire...

Taking note that his heart rate was racing, Natalia held his shoulders as he jerked around. She was about to order something to help wake him when Counselor Eliza West was suddenly there.

"He's going into a flashback, Doctor", and she had pulled a smelling stick from out of her pocket and moved it back and forth under his nose. "To ground him", she said, glancing quickly to Natalia, "with a strong smell to slow it down. Peppermint works for Connor", and true to form, Connor relaxed. Not too much later, he was awake.

"How long?" he asked, barely opening his eyes.

"Fourteen hours. Part of it was drug induced; most of it wasn't."

He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut before asking, "Oralia?"

"She checked in on you first thing this morning," Natalia informed him. "She said she probably wouldn't have time again till later tonight. I expect you'll be home before then, though."

He nodded and looked away; home use to be with Oralia.

"Connor?" she brought his attention back to her, "Only with the promise you'll relax, give yourself a few days. As long as you do as I say, we'll start you back on light duty."

"Aye aye", he lightly smiled at her.

Even though a small voice told her it wouldn't be that simple, she smiled back.


Connor McKinney

Natalia Bren
Chief Surgeon



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