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Iggy and the Admiral

Posted on Mon Oct 24th, 2011 @ 10:47am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

* * * Admiral Wegener's Office * * *

"...and so far, here's what we have." A padd rested on the desk before her but Li had no need to refer to it. She was too used to relying on her memory. "We've solid reason now to associate Kh'ali's disappearance with the Speaker and the murdered Enaran. He mentioned a plot to get to the Speaker, and as such, we've looked into who might have such an interest. There are three known dissident groups operating within the confines of The Perenalthorias Union of Commonwealths. The usual suspects, as it were. The first favors explosives. The second, social chaos and disorder, and the third would simply have sent in an assassin and we would now be trying to explain to Divitia Prime why their Speaker was dead. None fit this profile. My feeling is that it has to do with the Union, who'd be perfectly happy if Divitia Prime finished poisoning itself and imploded tomorrow."

"With the research I've done on them, it wouldn't surprise me at all if that were true," Ricky said, leaning back in his chair. "The Union members would be able to benefit from the Divitian's fall by horning in on the territories they would be leaving. That's just more revenue and trading for those members."

The doors of Ricky's office swooshed open as Kai Sarkozi hit the panel, much to Iggy's delight. The black and purple goliath spider, now fully oxygenated, dashed into the room. She quickly noted that Li was there and practically squealed, Li! I found you! She scaled the Admiral's desk and stood in the middle of it, close as she could to Li, and rose up on her four back legs; her front four waved in the air, as if to make her easier to see. As if anyone in the room might not notice the large, hairy spider. You are in danger and I am here to save you.

The Admiral, not exactly sure just what the hell had hopped onto his desk, almost fell backward in his chair into the floor. It wasn't until Li spoke its name that he remembered that he had signed off on the...animal...being on the base.

"Iggy." She frowned at the spider's words, then looked back at Ricky, ready to scoop the spider up and out of his way if things got hairy. She had no idea how Ricky felt about spiders, and Iggy was not just any spider, but one of epic proportions.

Regaining his composure, but his chair still backed away from the desk, Ricky asked, "What do you mean? What type of danger?"

Partly turning to look at the male behind her, Iggy carefully eyed him, then asked Li, This male... is he this admiral thing? She dismissed him as unimportant by looking at Li again. Why do you keep these males around when they are not very intelligent? It is no wonder this Rhys male is causing you danger. Were they spiders, they would have made convenient meals for their mates. Particularly Oralia's, the spider added, not altogether kindly.

"Yes, he is the Admiral." Li fought back a smile at Iggy's assessment. "This one is smart. He possesses mental abilities similar to my own." She gave Ricky an apologetic look. "And Rhys is dead. She seems to think that his appearance in my dreams, Admiral, is a danger to me physically."

He glared at the spider again then turned back to Li. "Is this a possibility?" he asked. "You two were connected somehow, were you not? And his actions prior to his death weren't exactly...civil."

No, not physically, although it would end up being physical, Iggy insisted. He will kill you from the inside.

Li frowned. "Connor was picking up a secondary resident brain wave pattern when he ran my scan yesterday. I can't say yet whether it's something definite, or an echo left over from the crystal's effects. Until I know for sure, I'm having Norval camp out with me at night in case something strange happens so he can call Connor since Rhys only appears in my dreams." She caught the sudden acute embarrassment of Kai behind her and smiled. "I know about the rumors, and thanks for looking out for me. There's no truth to them, of course."

"You're very welcome." Kai smiled a moment. "I know what it's like to have a father in a high place."

Rick, dismissing the Ensign and Lieutenant Beckman for a moment, asked, "This brain wave you speak could if affect you? This is the first I've heard of it. Does it work against your telepathic abilities? I'm assuming that's partly the cause of it..."

"It actually used them to ....reach me. That's why, I assume, he only appears in dreams. I am curious to see if it remains or fades. That will tell us what it is for sure. If it remains, then it will need to be dealt with and for that I'll need Sakkath." Li glanced to the spider a moment. "And likely Iggy, strange as that may sound."

Rick could understand Sakkath, but Iggy? With a sigh he added, "Well, I'll leave that to you, Doctor McKinney, Sakkath...and..." he didn't really want to say it, but since the thing was sentient, it would be rude not to, "...Iggy. However, you will inform me if this causes problems with your work. If needed, I'll place you on leave until this can be sorted out. You have a good crew in your department to pick up the slack while you would be out."

"I don't foresee that happening, sir. But if something arises, you'll be the first to know. In the meantime, I'll be assisting Oz as needed, and getting Lt. Smith settled in."

Rick turned to his aide and the Ensign, whom he'd only just realized was Lucius' aide. "Ladies, thank you, but I believe you can be dismissed. Uh, Hope?" he added before his aide wandered off. "A little warning next time please?" he said, gesturing to Iggy. The ladies left the office and closed the door behind them, leaving Rick to now address the arachnid.

"Iggy, while I greatly appreciate your concern for Lieutenant Hawke's health and welfare, and commend you for your efforts in ensuring her safety, we will have to work out some other way for you to get around or for you to get in touch with someone instead of busting in and pouncing up on desks." He smiled, wondering if she would even notice or care. "I will, however, have a word with Oz to find out if you will be making regular trips around the base on your own and, if so, will have to give special dispensation for that to well as notify every man, woman and child so they don't think they're being attacked."

The spider caught the admiral's smile in two of her secondary eyes. She turned to regard him with her primary ones. I have attacked no one, Iggy answered the Admiral. You bipeds look juicy, but you're too big to be a meal. I'd prefer a cockroach. Do you have one?

"We'll handle the cockroach issue at home." Li hid another smile as she stood. "Thank you for your time, sir. Ready Iggy?"

Ready. Iggy approached the edge of the Admiral's desk and waved two legs in the air. Could I ride on your shoulder?

Li nodded and once her passenger was in place, she departed.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Lt. Hope Beckman
Ensign Kai Sarkozi


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