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Into The Dragons Den

Posted on Thu Oct 27th, 2011 @ 2:48pm by Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitian Capitol

The council room was abuzz with conversations as the Divitian's prepared for the sitting to begin again after the half day recess. Unusually the agenda had not been released through the daily affairs committee, something that the elder Statesmen frowned upon. It had added to the usual hubbub and there were a number of voices ready to raise a point of order in complaint. The President looked on from his space in the front of the main government bench, contemplating his words carefully.

qeraQ' sat beside Lt. Dobry carefully regarding the ongoing discussions from the observation ring surrounding the wide and ornate council chamber. Over the past few days the young diplomatic officer had leant over numerous times to explain some point of order or matter of process that evaded the Klingon's understanding of politics. He was truly impressed with the speed at which the Lieutenant had been able to become conversant with the political life of the planet, especially given it's strange seeming foibles and ceremonies.

With a loud bang the large doors slammed shut, calling the meeting to order. Slowly silence rippled out until only the echoes of the voices in the room persisted in the domed roof. Soon they had faded as well. The President stood confidently and made his way to the circular lectern, walking around for a full circle, apparently to signify the togetherness of the Divitian Empire. He entered from the entrance furthest to the government benches. Apparently this was to signify that he was looking for consensus and prepared to go as far as it took to achieve it.

Once in the centre he bowed to the pole that rose up to the ceiling, and then turned to face the government bench. Nodding to them formally he then turned back to the rest of the Council, acknowledging that he had to turn his back on someone. It is no wonder this planet is a bureaucrats dream qeraQ' thought, Even before you can speak there is a trial!. Of course Dobry had explained that if he had wanted to force something through, or if the questions was a no-brainer, then the ritual would have been different. Subtle differences could mean the difference between a successful vote or an embarrassing defeat.
"My Fellow Council Members." The President intoned. "We are here once again, beneath the Great Dome as Generations of our forefathers have stood. Countless decisions have been ratified here, and the very foundations of our civilisation lay beneath our feet." During the speech he turned to regard every person in the chamber. "Before we begin the business for which we have gathered and as tradition dictates, are there any points of order to be brought forward?" This was the Council members opportunity to bring urgent matters forward. Normally it brought silence, there were very few urgent matters in Divitian's politics. Today there were rumblings, and the odd shout, but nothing distinct, the room became silenced once again.

"Very well, in which case we come to our first proposal. The Presidential Office of The Divitian People, as elected by the Peoples, and Ratified by the Council, moves that the Presidential Office be given full jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the survival of Divitian Prime and the freedom to act without prior consultation or review of the Council until the Planet's capability to sustainably support life has been restored." the noise in the chamber had begun to build again from all sides and the President raised his arms in an attempt to regain control. Not succeeding he rose his voice and continued. "Further to this it is proposed that all decisions not concerning this matter be delegated to the office of the Speaker and the Council be dissolved for a period no less than 2 months and no more than 6 months."

The last had caused a near riot to break out. Everywhere people were shouting and a few notepads were thrown towards the speaker, bouncing off of a protective shield that surrounded the dais. Around the government benches fights were erupting between those in favour of the matter and those against. It was not a pretty sight, and had it taken place in the federation council security would have been called to intervene. Thank Kahless this isn't happening on Qo'noS he thought.

"SILENCE!!" an older looking Divitian bellowed at the top of his voice, "DO NOT FORGET WHO OR WHERE WE ARE!"

Slowly the room began to calm, anger still filled the voices and there was a continual muttering from the benches. The older Divitian walked towards the central dais and nodded towards the President formally, turned, and looked around the room, pausing every once in a while. Finally he returned his gaze to the President.

"I Request to address the council on the matter that has been put before us, to question the proposer, and to shed light upon the right and the wrong for the Divitian people's."

The President nodded, "To shed light upon the right and the wrong I give way to the honourable Council member Feratanis." he moved from the lecture and the two swapped places.

"I have seen many crises, many issues. I have served this Council and the Divitian people for longer than any before me. My son and grandson sit in seats next to mine, and I count some of you as near-brothers, others as friends. I call on the President to present the evidence as to why this motion is required, and why it requires the destruction of our democracy. We have all seen him in conference with the Federation outsiders. We have heard of our past experiences with them and seen the game they play below the tables and under the benches. I ask the President to present the evidence of why this crises is bigger than those that have come before. I ask the President to explain why we require help from the Federation, and to prove to us that they are not out to grease their own skins. I call for these answers on behalf of the people and will allow my mind to be swayed by the answers."

The President began moving towards the podium again, the last sentence seeming to be a formal ending to the question. As he did Ferantis rose his voice again, to some murmurs from the assembled Council.

"Listen carefully to these answers, the Council must allow its President to make comment. When it comes time to decide let your votes do the counting."

With that he left and the President took the stand again.

"I answer the questions to explain the Right for the Divitian people. Let me address each of the Honourable Questioners requests in turn." he paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Firstly, it is clear that this planet is dying. Ninety percent of our power is being spent on maintaining shielding and atmospheric scrubbing. Outside of these walls you can see the land crumbling and turning to dust. Look up, what once was blue and full of clouds is now an ugly brown. With the help of the Federation this change has been slowed. Evacuation continues with their help, they have provided us with advanced terraforming equipment that we simply do not have available to us. For this I am thankful to them. However, our ways have prevented us from working with them. Our skepticism and loathing of them, much of which was based upon their previous visits to us, has stopped us from working with them more effectively. Instead of being able to setup the equipment we require, and advise us on the best course of action, they have been sidelined to minor tasks. We have tried to imprison there guards for investigating odd readings, and got in the way of them trying to discern the route cause. They have given me many proposals to bring to you, but all of them have ended in naught, crushed by procedure and discussion. If we are to survive this, then we must accept their help and act quickly, and we cannot do that with the council in this form, it is too slow."

He looked around the now silent room, again trying to make eye contact with everyone.

"I believe that with the help of the people that have been sent to us, and who came, knowing the history and of our mistrust of them, that this world can be saved. The Federation came to us when the Union of which we are supposedly members failed to hear our pleas for help. I have faith that our past encounters were with rogue members, or due to misunderstandings. Their Commanding Officer has given me assurances, he has told me that they will go if we ask it. I have asked them to stay. I cannot say whether they have a motive other than to help, but I know that they do not come to conquer. I answer these questions to explain the right of this matter."

The President stood down and the noise grew again. Heated discussions were beginning but Ferantis, the older Divitian looked on stoically and in deep concentration. Finally he stood, and the room became quiet again as he moved to the empty dais.

"Under this dome no falsehood can be spoken. I believe the President, I have seen the data that shows the situation. I believe no man's promise, however, until I hear it from them. Let the Federation make their promises and accept our questions. Call them into this chamber and let us hear the man you say you trust. THen we will see once and for all the right and the wrong of this matter, and we will be able to judge the value of these promises."

He returned to his seat, the President moved back to the dais and looked up towards where qeraQ' was standing, silently measuring the Klingon.

"This is in order, the motion is to call Commander qeraQ' to the chamber to give assurances and accept questions. If there is an objection speak now." Silence was the on,y sound beyond the thumping of qeraQ's heart. "The motion passes. Commander qeraQ' will join us, may he come to show the right and the wrong for Divitia, and to show the heart of his Federation.

The room exploded into noise and voices clamoured to be heard above others. qeraQ' sat for a moment, feeling like a bat'leth point were at his back.

"You had better get down there Sir. It is very rare for anyone not of the council to be called, and even rarer for an outsider."

"indeed..." he couldn't help but feel he were going into battle wearing a blindfold.


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