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Life In The Pit

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2011 @ 4:01pm by Major Patrick Smith & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Civilian Entertainment & Quarters, Deck 530

Li led the way out of the turbolift and down the corridor. "Welcome to what's officially known as Civilian Entertainment & Quarters. The locals call it The Cherry Pit, and pit is fitting." Her pace was casual as they approached the end where a corridor turned off to the left. "Around that bend is the entrance to the square, a smaller version of the Promenade. And far less classy. Anything you want that is likely frowned upon above is ready and waiting down here."

"Usually I just set something up with a freighter Captain for that and drop in on him for a visit on patrol. Much easier," he said winking. "Sounds like my kind of place anyway. Much more relaxed than the main Promenade. All that fancy dress you lot wear just isn't my thing."

Li laughed briefly. "Yes,'ll love it down here." She decided to leave the rest for him to see as they went. Rounding the corner, a large open square became visible. Scattered around it were various bars and restaurants, to use the term loosely. Most were the 24th century versions of biker bars and fast food. Beings of all sorts of species were scattered here and there talking, laughing, arguing, shoving. Li's red hair stood out like a beacon in the night and the sight of her brought a quick hush.

A tall figure separated from a group in front of a bar that bore a sign saying Saturnalia. The group outside watched as he approached Li, wrapped a large hand around the back of her neck and began to speak in a harsh, guttural language. She reached up, took his thumb and in one quick move, bent it at an angle that pulled a howl from the make. She answered, somewhere in there indicating Patrick.

Patrick looked on, not sure whether to be more surprised as someone grabbing Li like that or that just twisting his thumb gave her control. Either way he decided a little bit of male help wouldn't go a miss and walking over to his other side put his hand on the back of the figures neck and repeated the action he had tried on Li. "Where to now then friend?"

Much to his surprise, both the male and Li laughed. "This is a friend of mine. Meet Lazan. Lazan, this is a friend of mine. You can call him...Nine."

Lazan inclined his head. "Good to meet you. And you have my sympathy, she's a handful."

"Don't I know it. Haven't got a clue what she's up too most of the time," he answered letting go and reaching out to shake Lazan's hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You two want a drink? " He motioned to the bar behind him. "Suresh has been asking for you. I offered him one of the others but he wouldn't hear of it. Come on."

Li gave Patrick a nod and stepped forward, moving towards the bar.

Patrick followed on and took a seat beside Li and Lazan at the bar before asking, "Who's Suresh?"

"Suresh is...Suresh. You see a girl around here, she generally belongs to him. He just...lends them out on occasion, for a price. And Lazan here makes sure they stay in one piece if you get my drift." What passed for a waiter here showed up with a clear bottle that held a green liquid, and three glasses. Li picked hers up ti inspect and satisfied it was clean, filled her glass.

"Interesting. Good to know who's who about here. Must say though I am liking the look this place has going," he said looking about the bar and outside again to the other areas in this section of the base. He wanted to go get a quick look about the shops to see if they had anything useful for the Blackbird.

"It's not bad. You want a tour sometime, or a little action, I'm sure Laz will be happy to show you around." She shot Lazan a look over her glass as she took a drink. And then, despite no announcement of his arrival, she turned her head, meeting the gaze of a man in the shadowed far corner, dressed in black. He was humanoid, his dark hair long enough to reach his waist. His eyes were also dark, and slanted up at the corners a bit. HIs gaze, as he watched them was intent.

"Suresh," she murmured.

Catching Li turning, 'Nine' turned to follow her gaze spotting and spotted Suresh. He had the look of someone you didn't want to cross. Nine leaned in and whispered, "Do we go to him or does he come to us?"

Suresh himself answered that question by slowly raising his hand and crooking a finger at Li. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

She rose from her chair and casually sauntered across the room as if she had not a care in the world. Back at the table, Laz watched her though he spoke to Patrick, his voice low. "You need anything down here, you find me, I'll handle it. My advice for him? Cut a wide path around him."

Patrick responded in a similarly low tone, "I have a feeling that I could be staying down here for a while so I'll keep that in mind. Is there any history between those two I'd need to know about?" he asked indicating towards Li and Suresh.

A slow smile spread across Lazan's face. "Two things. One, don't lay a hand on her with him around. There's a man who goes by Nero down here that's missing some fingers. Ask him to tell you that story sometime." Laz took a sip of his drink. "And two, give him some time to get used to you in small doses. He trusts me, so if I trust you...then slowly but surely, everyone's happy."

Over in the corner, Li stopped before the dark man, who took a very possessive hold on her shoulder and leaned in, lips moving at her ear. Li answered in kind, indicating Patrick at the table. Suresh's eyes lingered on Patrick for far longer than might have been comfortable before he spoke to Li once more. His hand tightened on her shoulder and she reached up, wrapping her fingers around his. Her grip tightened, and held, till he hissed and gave in, relaxing his hold. At that, Li smiled and turned, walking back towards the table.

Patrick shuddered slightly under his inspection even more so than he may have done thanks to Lazan's revelation. As Li came back Pat smiled and joked, "He seems nice. Like a big brother always watching to keep you safe. Assuming you don't annoy him."

"Depends on who you are, I suppose. He generally watches his step with me for various reasons." She glanced to Lazan, who nodded just slightly, then held her hand out to Patrick. "Ready?"

Patrick stood up and glanced over his shoulder at the figure in the shadows before taking Li's hand and giving it a squeeze and letting go. "Sure thing. Lead the way." Instantly he was alert waiting for the man in the shadow to react to the contact, aware of the people around him.

Suresh immediately rushed from the corner but Li held up a hand and spoke, the language guttural. He stopped but he did not look happy about it. He replied, motioning to Patrick now and Li shook her head. Still seated, Lazan began to laugh.

"Had to test it did you?"

Patrick winked, "Just be glad I wasn't drunk. I'd probably have lifted her and spun her around had I been. Also it's rude to use a language no one else understands," he said as he frowned at them. "Feels like I'm only getting half the plot you know?"

Suresh approached once more, stopping before Patrick. Deliberately he put Li behind him before he spoke, this time crystal clear.

"She says you may do as you wish with her. I don't like it, and I will be watching you." The menacing tone shifted slightly, now bearing a grudging admiration. "Not many have the balls to push me. I will do as she asks, just don't push it too far."

Pat took a step forward leaving the two similarly sized men just a foot apart, so as to not show he was intimidated. "Well then I guess a night cap is out of the question." Stepping around him and back beside Li Pat stood with his arms folded across his chest waiting for Li to lead the way.

Without a backwards glance, Li did just that, leaving Suresh and Lazan in rapid discussion behind them. Once they'd cleared the bar and started back down the corridor, she stopped to lean against the wall, finally giving in to her laughter.

"Well done. I can't wait for Nick to meet you, by the way."

"Thanks," Pat replied laughing along. "I do try. Two things, Who's Nick and can I get a notepad for all these names?" he asked both jokingly both semi seriously. As with most people names were rarely a strong point.

"Nick is the fourth in our band of merry men," said as they stepped into the Turbolift and the doors closed. "He's on Divitia Prime at the moment, but should be home soon, hopefully. They began to ascend and Li leaned back against the wall. "Suresh is tiring."

"Ahh I see. Lucky him. I was gutted the fliers never got sent out there but somehow I doubt that Valkyries flying about would have helped their feelings towards us." Patrick stood again arms cross leaning sideways onto the side of the turbolift. "He seems like it. A handy guy to keep around though from what I hear even if security would have a field day with him."

"He manages to stay just clean enough to avoid problems. It's his organization that does the dirty work and I am making headway. I work for him. At least as far as he knows, but he never sends me out. He's too selfish."

Patrick frowned at that one. He had particular views on that kind of thing but it was never good to air them when op's depended on it. "Well maybe I'll be able to work my way into the more manly side of things. I'll take a trip round sometime and see if there's any work needs done. Who knows maybe they need a pilot."

"Or some muscle. There's rumours that he's involved in trafficking too, but haven't pinned them down yet. If so, your flying skills may get tapped before you know it." She closed her eyes now and lowered the mental shields. Patrick's view on Suresh's activities was loud and clear now. "Just for the record, I don't service anyone."

Now a raised eyebrow from Pat, something he found himself doing more and more. "Didn't think so. You don't fit the type." He shifted position turning to lean with his back against the wall. "Getting a job flying for them would be handy. It'd help nail down a large part of the operation, everything from who, where when what and how. But anything is a good start."

"Expect it to go slow, however." She nodded, accepting his answer. "Even so, if one of these days I am not where I am supposed to be, you know where to check. Lion tamers can only control the wild beasts for so long."

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied calmly.


A Post By

Lieutenant Patrick Smith 'Nine'
Chancing his arm


Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Arming Him For His Chance


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