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Finding Kh'ali

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2011 @ 2:58pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need

"Got it!", Ensign Levkova said watching the scanner's readings. "That escape pod is lighting up like a supernova!"

"Is that so?? Chronitons at last. Time to release the anyons," Mr. Edney next to her gleefully announced. She hopped up and, locating the correct escape pod along the corridor, yanked the door open. "Here goes nothing...," she muttered and flipped the switch on her anyon beam emitter.

***** Inside Escape Pod *****

Inside the pod, Kh'ali had continued her frenzied interactions with anything and everything she could pass through. It had grown hot in the shuttle and sweat ran down her face, slipped beneath her dress and trickled down the valley between her breasts to her stomach. Hoping against hope that it would work, that someone would notice, she finally paused to take a breath. It was then she realized she was in even more serious trouble. The oxygen level was getting short in here and she'd been using it up at an accelerated pace. Already, she could feel the squeeze on her lungs competing with the pain that throbbed in the bones of her face.

"Hurry up!" she growled.

As if on cue, the door to the Escape pod opened with a hiss showing Aleksandra peeking cautiously inside with an awkward device in her hands "Here goes nothing..." She said. While the Science Ensign behind her seemed very excited "Now. Activate the beam now!"

The device buzzed and a strange light painted all the pod back and forth. A mild dizziness took over Kh'ali while her stomach rebelled threatening a retch fit.


She heard Aleksa yell, promptly followed by the clanking sound of the device hitting the floor, but she was too busy fainting again to bother.

Aleksa got hold of her preventing her fall and, helped by the funny equine faced ensign, brought her out of the pod.

Plain recycled oxygen had never been so sweet.

Another security crewman on their team called for Zeferino and then for Medical. Within moments, Oz and Gilroy were on site, though both realized that there was nothing they could do. "Medical is on the way, Commander," her minion informed her and she nodded.

Gilroy's nose wrinkled from the smell coming out of the escape pod. "I'll make sure Ops knows about the need for a clean up here."

"Fine," Oz nodded again then pointed at four of her minions, "You four are to stay with Commander Kh'ali or keep a presence at the entrances of any rooms the doctors take her into." The four nodded.

Kh'ali growled aloud as she was shifted and the pain rose through the haze that clouded her brain. Sagging against Edney, she took him off balance, pressing him into Gilroy.

Better Edney than him, Gilroy thought but then relented and moved to take up Edney's half of Kh'ali's weight. "We have you. Let's rest her here," he instructed Aleksa and looked up to see two medics running towards them.

One, an older female named Sara, skidded to a stop as she approached. She already had her tricorder out and was scanning the Klingon. "Dehydration...," she started listing off the various readings she was getting from the scan. At first, Gilroy thought she was telling him or just generally speaking for the group at large. It was a litany he didn't want to hear. Then he realized that the medic had a commlink open to Main Sickbay.

From that commlink came a female voice: "Beam her here, Chief. We're prepared."

"Will do, Ma'am," Sara answered and nodded to her fellow medic. She glanced the Security Chief as she called for the emergency transport and the three of them disappeared in a shimmer of lights.

Frowning, Oz looked around, poked her head into the escape pod, then saw that the four she'd ordered to guard Kh'ali were still there. "What are you waiting on? There will be no emergency transport for you."

"Ah...." Furtive glances were exchanged.

"Better start running," Gilroy grinned at the four and they took off. He turned towards Oralia and laughed.

She returned Gilroy's smile; both of them were feeling the relief of having found Kh'ali. "Let's follow. Maybe we'll be in time to get her statement before the doctors prevent us from seeing her."

Lt.Cmdr. Kh'ali
Free at Last

LC Zeferino
Lt Gilroy

Ensign Aleksandra Levkova
Ensign Edney
(NPC'd courtesy of Patrick Leroy)

Random Medtechs


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