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Due Time

Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2011 @ 6:20am by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kh'ali's Quarters

Sulan reached over the side of the bed and grabbed a pillow that had escaped, pulling it back up gently so as not to wake Kit'rin'e as he dozed. They'd spent the better part of two hours talking and getting much more familiar with each other. Well, not that familiar, but it was something looming on the horizon. And that brought her to another big question about his expectations, since he's mentioned earlier that continuation of the culture (and therefore the species) was important.

Another growl by her stomach reminded her that she was, in fact, famished. Carefully she slipped from the bed, grabbed her skirt and shirt, and stopped first in the bathroom. She emerged a few minutes later clean and dressed and padded silently to the kitchen.

Kit'rin'e slept an easy sleep. One which while doing so and covered in her scent helped things progress smoothly for him and the coming changes. She did not seem bothered in the least that he was Caitian, the difference both the physical and otherwise. She now knew that she controlled the relationship that was growing between them. Everything lay in her hands and he would willingly, patiently wait for her to choose its direction, speed and depth. He didn't notice that she had slipped out of the bed, instead he still slept soundly, the faintest of content smiles gracing his face.

Out in the kitchen she resorted to the replicator, since he had not had time to really get things stocked. Thinking back years, she recalled some of what her only Caitian friend used to like and ordered accordingly. Soon, the aroma of breakfast drifted to the bedroom.

The smell didn't go unnoticed, pulling on the strings which kept Kit'rin'e asleep, they played like a tune of unique styles and melodies. Eventually though after a few moments he stirred, his eyes opened and that's when he saw his bed was empty. He worried, had she left him? Did she change her mind?

He pulled on a robe and tied the belt about him and walked out of the bedroom. That's when he heard her, he could smell her in the air even through the scents and aromas of the food. A smile grew, the food smelt familiar.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." She turned to smile at him, a bowl in hand. "Hungry? I had to think back to my friend from years ago to recall what Caitians preferred."

Walking towards her he gave her a gentle hug since she was carrying something. "I am, thank you." He replied only to realise he'd left his badge in the other room so all she heard were more purrs and feline sounds. It was evident what was the problem as soon as he realised it. He walked back into the other room and gathered the badge. "I hope you do not ache, or I was too...rough?" He added, hoping it was the right word.

"Afraid you rolled over in your sleep and squished me?" She smiled as he returned. She noted with some pleasure that he'd touched her without her initiating it. "I'm fine, I promise."

There was a marked degree of relief, his size and weight were a threat to her if he didn't keep a check on it. "I see you have made food." He took a seat. "A females if she would like may eat while seated in the lap of her Mate, or sit next to him at the table, if you wish it."

"Umm, I suppose that depends on the occasion. I think for a regular old meal, my own chair might be easier for us both." A quick smile flitted across her face as she turned back to the table. however. She could think of plenty of other reasons to sit where he suggested but she doubted very much it would be overly conducive to finishing a meal.

He smiled. The meal smelt wonderful, full of flavour and body. "It smells delicious," he remarked.

"All your native things, what few I could recall anyhow." Propping her chin in her hand, she regarded him a long moment. "I have a question for you, and as I'm usually one to get right to the point, I figured I should just ask so I could be sure you understood what I mean and get a straight answer."

"Of course, anything." He answered. He paused briefly admiring the meal to answer her.

"Do you intend to start a family anytime soon? I told you it has been a long time for me and if that answer is no, I'll need to drop in to see Connor or Ophelia." Her question was very matter-of-fact and as she finished she picked up her fork and took a bite of lunch.

"A family is up to you to decide, the female determines when she is ready, the male only provides." He answered hoping that was enough. She held everything about them in her hands, she decided when, where, how. Everything!

Sulan couldn't help laughing at his reply. "I hope that....ummm....yes...well...more tea?" Her eyes still danced with amusement, despite avoiding any further comment on that subject.

"Please." He replied, his cup empty after finishing the first one. "Does that answer your question?" He hoped it did.

"Somewhat. I'll think on that one." She took his cup and stood, returning to the replicator to order another.

"Regarding family, should you wish to have one," he said watching her move to the replicator. "What size of a family would you like?"

Ah, so they were still visiting this subject. The fresh mug of tea appeared on the replicator pad and she removed it, considering the question. "Of that I am uncertain." It was more her own future and his of which she was uncertain. So much depended on her past, and whether they would let her live in peace now.

He understood, she had already made one major life-changing leap, could not expect to do the same so soon after the last. He didn't reply, instead just nodded. He wondered if she was alright about them still, having slept on the subject.

"I will need to check with Dr. Bren. She is familiar with my...condition. It is she who will know if it's even possible, Kit'rin'e."

"Would you like me to come with you or...." He knew the choice was hers to make, he thought that by offering he could in some way be supportive or comforting to her.

"No need, it's time for my monthly check-in anyway. I've been doing this for twelve years now, I'm used to it." She placed the mug before him and smiled gently. "And will continue to do so. They want to make sure I'm stable and nothing's changing. After all this time, it doesn't appear it ever will but Starfleet is a cautious lot."

He nodded silently, she had her own routines as did he, it would take time to get used to them. Most of the time he sat in silence as he ate, he wondered if she rushed into things, wondered what her friends might say, he also wondered how she would react to being the family Elder now that she was his Mate.

"I did get us a table for tonight, however. Janice sent a message back that it was reserved and a congratulations from both her and Jackson."

"Wonderful." He answered with a smile. "I wonder if I have something to wear." He said, mostly to himself however. "Perhaps." He finished the meal quickly, it tasted great. "Do you have anything to wear?" He could find something for her, even replicate it if needs be.

"In my quarters, yes. Which reminds me, I should let Ops know I'm relocating." She rounded the table to rest her hands on his shoulders. "If that's alright with you?"

"I would be honoured my Mate." He replied, smiling from the touch on his shoulders.

"Good. I'll go run down and pick out something when we finish lunch." Leaning in, she slipped her arms around his neck from behind, resting her cheek to his. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked, his cheek brushing the silky fur against hers. Even his hands came to rest on her arms around his neck. A loving embrace between two people.

"For everything," she said softly.

"It should be I that is thanking you, you have given me something that I had given up hope of having since I left the Homeworld." He answered enjoying the closeness of her to him. "I was afraid that I would scare you away because of what I am."

"No." Leaning in closer, she whispered in his ear, then waited to see how he would react.

He smiled. "That is good then." He didn't turn his head. He turned himself in her grasp so that he was side on to her in the chair. "I would be most upset if what and who I am caused you discomfort, pain or suffering." His face however still held a devious 'appearance' to it, the black lines of his fur highlighting the features of his face to compliment that appearance.

She met his gaze and without a word, nothing more than the crook of her finger, turned and moved back towards what was now 'their' room.

"It is dangerous to taunt a Caitian," he said. He dropped to his hands and feet appearing much like the feline he was only now stalking his prey....her. A low rumbling growl could be heard as he followed her every move with his eyes. They never left her, judging the right moment to strike. His movements were fluid, full of grace yet screamed of danger.

"I never taunt, my mate. Only promise." And with those words, she disappeared into the bedroom.

Slowly he followed, watching for any movement, listening for any sound she might make. She knew he was coming from the growling he was making. He came to a stop in the doorway, a slightly louder growl could be heard, a warning to her that she was trapped, there was no escaping him now.

All that could be heard was his whispered name from the shadows of the room.

Kit'rin'e smiled. He'd got her. He closed in on where she was hiding, only a few feet now from where she was. A price had to be paid. Were it not a taunt but a promise, it was time to pay up. He pounced, time to claim what was due.

Tora Sulan
Who Never Teases

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer


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