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Back to the Fleet

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 11:56pm by Lieutenant Kazvar Guten & Lieutenant Jason McIntyre

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Runabout / SB900
Timeline: Current

Looking out the portal of the small runabout he could see the stars flying by as if there didn't want to be close to him. Kazvar had been on the Runabout for almost a week, and he was getting cabin feverish. It was a very long trip from the far side of Borg Space. This was his second trip from his home world to Star Fleet space, and neither one of them was a short trip.

Looking away from the portal he looked around the small room. There were only two rooms, not including the bathroom. The crew was of just 1 human male, Zanzavarnianan male and Zanzavarnianan female. It was becoming more common for the crew of small ships to be of mixed sexes. The human male was only there because he was on the Zanzavarnian diplomatic ship to learn what he could for his Cadet status of star fleet. After all the one thing Star Fleet always wanted was knowledge of anything and everything.

Being on the small craft for a week together they had already talked about everything they could and even played every game they could think of more than a few times. They were at a point where they were just sitting in each other's company without talking. If one of them thought something, the others already knew what it was about.

Suddenly voice broke the silence and cut into the tension, "We are finally at Star Base 900." With that everyone's eyes jolted forward to look out the forward windows. The stars were still sliding by as they were in warp still. With a slight shutter they dropped out of warp and moved to impulse speeds. The SB appeared in the distance and started to grow larger in the window.

"Star base 900 this is Runabout Fc'Kyu, arriving from El'jomi Liz of Zanzavarnian Space. We are requesting permission to dock." After speaking the pilot slowed the impulse speed from full to one quarter and waited for a response. This was the first time a Zanzavarnian runabout had been to a Federation Star Base, so everyone was a little on edge about what would happen next. All the requests and notifications had been sent and acknowledged before they even left Zanzavarnian space. But would it still all be cleared, who was to know.

A voice came through the speakers, "Runabout Fic'kyuo this is Star base 900 Dock control, you are cleared for docking on landing platform 2. You are cleared for the next 120 minutes." With that the voice went away and it was silent again.

The runabout just eased forward as the altered the flight path from straight on toward the upper pads. As the runabout reached the upper levels they leveled off and moved to directly above pad 2. With a few taps of the console and a flip of some switches they halted directly above pad two. Three struts extended from the corners of the runabout to form a tripod stance for landing. With that the runabout eased down and through the atmospheric shielding and touched down on the pad.

The whole crew and the passengers all stood and moved towards the side door and waited for the green light. The light by the door flashed green and indicated that the ship and landing pad had equalized in pressure and it was now clear to open the door. As soon as it flashed several of them all reached for the door release, then paused as the closed moved in and pressed it. The door shoot open for them and they all looked out and waited a half sec for who would be first to rush the door.

Turning around Kazvar pulled his midsized duffle from between the seats and put the strap for it over his shoulder and followed the others out the door. Stepping onto the pad he was overwhelmed with the sense of reality, He was now back in Star Fleet. It had been a long time and he was still only in his Zanzavarnian robes. Lucky for him he had his Star fleet uniform on under it. Walking into the star base he looked around for the first turbo lift, it was time to report in and see about getting to work.

Stepping into the lift turned around and dropped his bag. As the lift doors shut he gave the order, "Lt Kazvar Guten, Command deck." The computer acknowledged him with a beep and started to move. Lifting the robe up over his head he slipped it off and held it in front of him. Giving it one more look he folded the arms behind it and then in thirds as he put it down on his bag. Zipping his bag open he slipped the robe into it and closed it back up.

The doors opened and he looked around as he stood and picked up his bag. Quickly stepping out he gave the room a good look over as he tried to find the Chief Engineer's office.

Jason had just finished his tenth mug of Java. He was getting ready to go down to the Medical Center on Deck 361 when he saw someone approaching the doorway. He looked at the unusual figure and it dawned on him that a new arrival was here.

"Lieutenant Guten I presume?"

Stepping into the doorway his eyes glanced around the room to see the attire and who was sitting behind the desk. Looking at the older man behind the desk he assumed that was who he was supposed to report to and replied. "Yes, I am Lt Kazvar Kedar Gihon Guten. Lt Guten is what most call me though. I am reporting in as the new Floating engineer."

Jason looked for a moment at the unusual figure. His Red hair with it's Green tips, his sallow skin and gold eyes was most striking. Almost as though the species was a cornucopia of colour. He had never met a Zanzavarnian before and it was certainly an interesting experience. After shaking hands, Jason beckoned him to take a seat.

"Floating Engineer. Well that is a new departure for me. I've read your file and you certainly have had an interesting career so perhaps you can give me an insight as to what you as our new Floating Engineer will bring to the Engineering Team."

Sitting in the chair across the desk from him Kazvar set his bag on the floor next to it. Settling into the chair he replied, "Experiences." Letting just that one word sit for a moment in the room he spoke again to explain a bit. "I have been on ships from many different races, and have studied engineering specs from even more then that. While aboard the USS Saturn we had many difficulties. Everything from Borg to first encounters to Klingon batleth tournaments. The Saturn was a small experiment of almost no humans on-board a Federation ship. It was truly unique."

Giving him just a few moments to think about what he just said Kazvar leaned forward and added one more thing to it, "My main focus will be docked ships of what ever kind and helping them in what ever way needed in their engineering needs. I am not here to take over engineering of the star base or to challenge anyone for position. I did everything I could back home, so now I have returned to where my real home is, Star Fleet." With that he leaned back in his chair and rested his hands on his lap. He wasn't sure what LT McIntrye would say, but he would listen.

Jason regarded the Lieutenant with a curious look.

"I certainly hope you are not interested in taking over Engineering as I believe Commander Frost might have an issue with that. On a serious note we are glad to have you here as we are quite short handed so any assistance you can give will be helpful. In that regard perhaps you can look at the Starship Docking Schedule for the coming six weeks and start with some diagnostics and scheduled overhauls."

Nodding he looked at the LT and replied, "I will do that. I will put my things in my quarters and then head to the docks. If there is nothing else you need I will be on my way."

Jason looked on as his newest Engineer left his office. It was one bright spark in a very dark day so far.

With that Kazvar turned around, left the office and headed to the turbo lift to locate his assigned quarters. Stepping into the lift he turned around and spoke, "Computer take me to the assigned quarters for LT Kazvar Guten." With that the lift was off in what ever direction it was traveling.


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