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The Shining Blade Of Destruction

Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2011 @ 12:06am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 - Hangar 51

*** 1633 hours - Standard Galactic Time - The bridge of the Skareen Military Fast Cargo Conquest approaching Starbase 900...***

Rogdanan Kaal observed the the screen intently: the structure seemed impressive to his eyes yet he'd always been scornful of still installations in the vastness of space.

Long years in the Skareen navy had forged him into an expert officer, used to starship battles where superior mobility came out with the upper hand more often than redundant shields and structure.

"They're sitting ducks..." he murmured to himself softly, but not enough to avoid being perceived by his second in command.

"Sorry Commander?" The young officer beside him inquired thinking to have lost some issued order.

"Nothing, Executive. I was just thinking aloud." Rogdanan responded to the officer address "Let us hail them as per standard procedure." He added with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"At once Commander." The officer promptly responded. "It's been a long way here, Sir. The refilling of deuterium will take some time. Should I give directives to the crew about shoreleave?"

"No." Rogdanan replied out of instinct as he turned to exit the bridge hands draped behind his back. "Well..." he added then stopping in his tracks "Give permission to shoreleave to any crewman who desires so."

"Yes Sir. It will be done." The young officer responded smiling.

Rogdanan turned to face his Executive "You're eager aren't you? Curious to have a look to these strangers coming from afar."

"Yes sir, I am. Many are talking of this Federation people but few of us have had the opportunity to see them in person. Yes I'm curious to see their station and verify first hand the things are being said about them throughout the Jathlin Arm."

Rogdanan smiled of a fatherly smile. "Keep your men in check, Executive. Satisfy your curiosity starting in an hour, and that of our crew, but I do not want to have any kind of problems caused with them, and that's an order."

"Yes Sir." The officer replied happiness evident in his eyes. "The needed number of crewmen to refill our deuterium tanks have already volunteered, while the others are eager to set foot on the starbase. I'll follow them."

Commander Rogdanan Kaal nodded silently to the address of his Executive when the operator at the console interrupted them:

"Starbase 900 is answering to our hail. We're cleared to dock Commander. The coordinates are being transferred to our computer... Now. Minimum impulse speed, Hangar 51."


*** 1634 hours - Standard Galactic Time - Miranda Class USS Dublin's bridge. On station, close to Hangar 51...***

Leslie watched the Skareen ship approaching slowly to the Hangar 51 docking structure of SB900, her lean hull dotted with strongpoints and extra armor, aside from usual energy shields, of course.

"Stroyd, Do you think they could be a threat for us?" She asked turning suddenly to the crewmate at her side, her auburn ponytail waving in the air.

"Almost anything in this quadrant is a threat for us, doorknob." The ensign responded using the nickname she'd been jokingly bestowed upon embarking on the Dublin months before. "The Skareen are a militaristic culture. Very pragmatic, think of Klingons but without the honour part."

"Ooh,Very Scary-een" She chuckled mischievously.

=^= USS Dublin. Are you copying? The Skareen Cruiser Conquest is approaching hangar 51 for deuterium tanks refill. Please change position to the following coordinates to facilitate operation. SB900 out.=^=

Leslie's lips crooked in irony "Facilitate... At once."

Stroyd scolded her mildly: "Don't be silly Leslie and keep those parameters in check. We have to move the Dublin out." the ensign added pointing to her console.

"Oh my, my... Yes Admiral Stroyd, here you go." She replied teasingly moving hands on the helm consoles and checking the screen as her ponytail wagged back and forth.


*** 1634 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 Hangar 51 control room...***

"...And so I told him: Are you speaking to me, big ox?" Ensign Wallace said with a grin while leaning back on the seat.

"Well I see you're here alive and healthy so that Acamarian must have been deaf." Riley teased his crewmate with a grin.

Wallace furrowed his brows "I'm serious..."

=^= Hangar 51. This is Ops, lift the force field and prepare to dock the Skareen cruiser Conquest for Deuterium supply =^=

Wallace turned serious and started typing commands on the console "We'll talk about this later... Don't worry."

"I'm not worrying, I'm really curious to hear how you could come out with your bones intact from that...Wait!" Riley stopped suddenly watching down the glass window to the hangar.

"What's that?" Wallace asked while his hands deftly ran over the LCARS.

"Think I've seen something moving down there," Riley said pointing the hangar "A blur..."

"A blur?... Hah! You should really stop getting smuggled romulan beer at the Nexus. Have to exchange a couple of words with Banning about that." Wallace replied shaking his head.

"No... I'm sure, well..." Riley insisted while trying to get a better look through the window

"No time now. The Conquest is closing. Get seated and do your job. We have to move those shuttles down in there out of the way."

*** 1635 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 Hangar 51 gate.***

The chameleon suit sizzled as Middle leaned against a wall and came visible again. Fortunately he'd been able to get out of the hangar soon enough. Reaching into the pocket he pressed the button on the small device.

"Thumb's gonna like this, well he's going to hear that too." He murmured to himself grinning.

*** 1635 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 somewhere hidden...***

The little green light flashed on the receiver thumb had placed on the table.

"Middle has completed his task!" he said rising from the seat. "Pinky send the encrypted message with the fake messages to all security stations in the base. Send the call for our retrieval unit, they're to be here within four hours." Pinky nodded and started working on his portable console connected to the mainframe by cables. In a matter of seconds, he slipped in through a hidden back door and got to work.

Thumb then turned to Index who watched his comrades sullenly "Have you heard? We've got work to do. Stick to Pinky's Six and pack up all things we're about to leave."

"Do you think there will be fighting?" Index asked with a hopeful light in his eyes.

"If things are going as planned I don't think so. Be ready. I'm going in." Thumb replied hitting the button on the inverter the usual buzz and a flash of light and he was gone.

Was he?

Index and Pinky exchanged glances.

*** 1636 hours - Standard Galactic Time - Skareen Military Fast Cargo Conquest's Bridge...***

"We're closing to the berth, Commander," the helmsman informed Rogdanan Kaal. "Engines off. We're trailing to destination."

"Good. Steer her by."

*** 1637 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 Hangar 51 control room...***

"Ah! The Skareen ship is about to dock. Engines shut down, The Dublin has steered away" Wallace smiled "Let's prepare to greet our guests."

"Well, it seems something is not working," Riley responded, doubt in his tone. "Shuttles Four, Six and seven are not responding to remote control and..." he ended half-rising from the chair. "Their nacelles are emitting a strange radiance...."

"What?" Wallace asked in disbelief "let me see..."

Down in the hangar a strange bluish light engulfed the shuttles' engines growing in brightness by the second.

"Should we call Ops?" Riley inquired.

"Hell!! We HAVE to!!!" Wallace yelled. His hand hit heavily on the console and sirens started their song. "Conquest do you copy me?? Veer off!! Now!!" Wallace then turned to Riley: "Call the Dublin give them new coordinates at once and let's get out of here!"

Riley didn't question him for once and his hands ran frantically through the console controls. Wallace was already heading for the doors.

*** 1637 hours - Standard Galactic Time - The bridge of the Skareen Military Fast Cargo Conquest...***

"What is all that commotion Executive?" Rogdanan Kaal asked somewhat irritated.

"I don't know Sir. The Starbase Ops is asking us to veer off immediately." The executive responded a perplexed look on his face.

"We'll get explanations later. Do as they ask."

"Aye Sir." The Executive responded nodding, then turned to the Helm "Change course now. Starboard. Impulse speed."

*** 1637 hours - Standard Galactic Time - USS Dublin's bridge, On station close to Hangar 51...***

"HEY!" Leslie shouted startling her crewmate.

"What's up now Leslie?" The ensign asked with out of irritation.

"The Skareen Cargo has turned engines on. They're steering away from the base... Right on us!"

"What??" The ensign said jumping from his seat "Let me have a look... Oh damn!... Engineering! Full impulse power!! Move us away from the Cargo before it's too late!"

*** 1637 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 somewhere on SB900 (safely far away from hangar 51)...***

Middle leaned on the metal wall and checked the timer: ....3...2...1...Kah-Boom.
A smile lined his face as the vibration coursed to the wall to his body and a distant echo reverberated through the corridors.

Sheesh... I love my job.


*** 1638 hours - Standard Galactic Time - SB900 outside Hangar 51 berth***

A beam of searing white light, like a sword blade, sproued from hangar 51's location. Growing steadily and engulfing the Skareen fast military cargo and the USS Dublin in its wake, sending them like leaves in a storm.
The Starbase tilted on the thrust generated by the explosion and Ops department had a hard time compensating to keep the entire structure from shifting orbit.


The Hand of Fate
(all of them)

Rogdanan Kaal
Skareen Fast Military Cargo Captain

The Executive
2nd Officer
Skareen Fast Military Cargo XO

Ensign Wallace
Boisterous Hangar 51 operator

Ensign Riley
Doubtful (of Wallace bragging) Hangar 51 operator

Ensigns Leslie & Stroyd
Innocent ponytailed imp and Helm
USS - Dublin

Special courtesy:

Lt. Cmdr Kh'ali
Proofreader and Grammar Consultant


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