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Life's Too Short For Maybe's

Posted on Fri May 27th, 2011 @ 11:56am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: SB900 - Residential quarters

Having left the restaurant Leroy and Kh'ali walked leisurely across the sector. Many people crowded the street, most of them civilians from any known race and place.

"I still miss starships," said Patrick all of a sudden. More as a statement than conversation Kh'ali thought.

"What's wrong with starbases?" she asked observing him.

"Nothing at all. It's just a matter of perspectives. Always believed that great things in life have to be sought after, for it is very unlikely that they just come to happen at your door. So it's you that have to move around in the universe instead of staying in a fixed spot, waiting...".

"And what great things have you found? Compared to what great things may have just come to you? My people are known for going out, taking life by the horns, so to speak, to the point that we killed our own gods in order to take our own destiny in hand. But we don't take it to extremes, otherwise there would be no one living on the Klingon homeworld. Sometimes, Patrick, things do come for us but we are too busy chasing what might be for them to catch up with us."

"Of course choosing to stay has had its advantages," said Patrick, instinctively touching the pips on the collar . "I could have waited some more, but now there's someone who will have to recognize it."

"The superiors have already recognized your value if they deemed you worthy of such a rank," stated Kh'ali in the typical straightforward Klingon way.

"Oh? Yes of course... I was meaning... Well no matter you've no need to listen to my ramblings. Tell me what made you choose to stay here instead of following Berkeley's travels?"

"The chance to take over the Diplomatic department on our prime station in a new quadrant?" She laughed aloud now. "I'd have been utterly foolish to turn it down. What we will experience here is limitless. You want excitement, I think you've landed in the right place." She paused to look up at him. "Ramble all you want. It's fine."

"Well I haven't encountered many people giving permission to ramble that's quite kind of you," Patrick responded. "As for your new duty I'm sure you'll have your fill. More than my studying of plasma storms in the nebula... The quadrant seems to be quite unstable. The seemingly unstoppable advance of the Divitian Republic on the worlds of the Union, the ruthless Jathlin Trading group with their cartels and the Ariel mercenaries just to name a few... And all of them looking at the newcomer Federation as an intruder. I hope this is not becoming a bit too exciting in the near future."

"Good point, but even so, I think we are up to it. My apologies for dragging you from the restaurant. Someone is still a little sensitive." Kh'ali shrugged casually. "I gave my opinion and left it at that."

"Wasted time, probably." He answered "For what I've known of her she can be very sweet when she wants but seems to be also incredibly headstrong when she sets on something. She's skilled though, and dedicated. I would have her on the away team anytime but as a partner... maybe I should have known better in the first place."

A shadow passed over Patrick's expression quickly vanishing though leaving only a wry smile on his lips: "Have you been friends a long time? I mean... Long enough for her to accept swiftly delivered opinions. I'm almost sure that after this lunch doctors Kona and McKinney are going to find their hands full with badly bruised cadets coming from security training sessions."

"Maybe." Kh'ali smiled once more. "She says she is happy, I told her to act like it. It makes sense to me. She's not too thrilled that I seem to find you pleasant company, but she can get over it. Life's too short for maybe's. That's one thing I did learn from Quentin."

Patrick eyed her out of the corner of his eye but said nothing. There was something true in that simple statement - life's too short for maybe's - a strange uneasiness got him while it kept going round and round in his mind. And so rare opportunities to walk back if taken the wrong path.

"It seems we've arrived" he said changing the subject as the headquarters entrance appeared in front of them at the end of a large walkway.

"So we have and it's time to get down to business. Your company has been most enjoyable, and perhaps we'll find time for that drink later...without the audience." She meant Aleksa, that much was obvious.

"Sure we will." He answered with a smile as they both entered the gate.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Mission Advisor
Walking A Fine Line

Lt. Commander Leroy
Chief of Science
Treading On The Edge


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