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Introductions All Around

Posted on Sun May 29th, 2011 @ 12:18pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain qeraQ' & Commander James Frost

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Wegener's Office

Having been on the station one day already, Ricky thought it was pertinent to get in contact with his XO and to have the man he had chosen to be the 2XO come up and see if he would take the position. Since qeraQ' had only arrived late the day before, Ricky sent him a message letting him know they could put off their initial meeting until today. The time had come and the summoning message was sent to their terminals.

"Commanders qeraQ' and Frost, report to my office as soon as possible. -- Wegener"

He sat back and waited.

* * *

qeraQ' had enjoyed his first few hours on the station. The docking procedures had gone well, and he was impressed by the little subterfuge from the Operations department. He would have to find out who it was who moved the docking port frequency instead of the docked ship, he liked lateral thinking.

He had just finished a tour of the promenade and was settling into his quarters, laying out the important documents and arranging for the stations operations feeds to be relayed to the large screen that was installed into the office area, when the message came through. He quickly straightened his uniform before heading up to meet the new boss.

* * *

Frost had already been on his way to the Admiral's office when the call had come in. There was a chuckle from behind him as he'd literally been reaching up to chime the door.

At the invitation to enter the office, the doors hissed open and he sidled in. Frost wasn't a huge stickler for protocol but he had always been a fan of letting the boss know his favorite troublemaker had arrived.

Plus he always loved the look he got from new CO's when they saw a half assimilated man walk into their office.

"Morning Rick." He smiled and extended his hand. "James Frost, former CO of Starbase 911 and USS Odin."

"Now, ya' see...that's not exactly how I wanted this meeting to start," Ricky said, his eyebrow cocked and his hand down to his side. "I do believe on being on a first name basis with some of my crew--for example, I call you James, you call me Admiral. So, let's try this again, shall we?"

He was certain he would like this man, but first impressions were everything. He had a very good record and, maybe down the road, they would be on a real first-name basis, but not yet. Not with their very first meeting.

"You got it Admiral." James chuckled, the Admiral had passed his little button pushing test. In just a few words he had learned from his new CO what most would learn in weeks. He seemed good humored, tough but fair. And James could detect just the slightest hint of a cheeky side.

He grabbed the seat in front of the Admirals desk, spun it and straddled it. "So I assume this is meet the boss time? I gotta say sir, I'm looking forward to be taking orders again instead of giving them." He smiled cheerfully.

Ricky could tell he was testing him. Sitting awkwardly in a chair wasn't something that would ruffle his feathers, though. His XO, however, he wasn't so sure of. He would see when he arrived.

"It is," Ricky replied, "but I am waiting for Commander qeraQ' to join us. He will be the station's XO, but as far as you go, I need someone who has talent and a backbone. Judging by the balls you walked in here with, I can only assume you have that backbone. I need you to be my Second Officer."

James shrugged cheerfully. "I'm your guy."

"Good. And now for the second part: you'll be one of two men that I will rely upon to command one of our attached ships, should we ever need it. And I mean that when I call you, you drop what you're doing and get your ass to that vessel. It could be for battle or to render assistance." He sat back in his chair. "How does that grab you?"

"I have lots of experiences in that area, Admiral." Frost cracked his neck left and right. "I'm sure you've read my record, the unsealed bits anyways. You can see in there that I have plenty of experience in ship to ship combat....." He hesitated. "Especially against the Borg. Long story short; I will happily take the job."

The door opened and a tall Klingon walked in, a scar across his right cheek and a touch of gray in the long, flowing, slightly curly hair. He looked at the man behind his desk and nodded politely, looking slightly more carefully at the back of the man who was in the guest position.

"Commander qeraQ' reporting for duty as ordered" he said the words slowly and calmly, but there was an edge of aggressiveness that he hoped would come across well.

"Thank you for coming, Commander," Ricky said. "This is Commander Frost, my second officer. Frost, meet Commander qeraQ', my XO."

He looked again at Commander Frost and tried a smile, often that came out as a crazed 'I'm gonna eat you alive look'. "It is... a pleasure... to meet you Commander. I am sure that we will get to know each other very well over the next years."

"Now that we've all met each other," Ricky said, "a few things before I cut you loose. There's a senior staff meeting this afternoon. Also, Commander qeraQ', you're pretty much going to have the run of the place. I'll be here and will make every attempt to do my part, but with an entire starbase plus the task force, I have quite a full plate. I'll make it clear to the staff that they are to go to you with their issues, as they normally would. Some items, obviously, require my attention as the CO, but at that point I expect that it has already been run through your office."

He paused, waiting for the Klingon to comment, if he felt it necessary to do so. With nothing being said, he continued. "I will take my regular duty shifts on your days off--I wouldn't keep a man from a little down time, but we also have Commander Frost here to pick up the slack." He turned his attention to the man in yellow. "You will, on occasion, be required to work in the command center so you'll need to make sure that you have your engineering crews trained well enough to trust them to carry out their duties as you would."

James nodded. "I will personally make sure that the crew gets just as picky as me. I will also set up some crash courses in computerized languages."

Ricky continued. "Also, Commander," he said, speaking to his first officer, "we have two ships assigned to 900--the USS Hammond, a Diligent class; and the USS Takei, a Wallace class. If it is required that we use them, Commander Frost and our Chief Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sakkath, will be pulled from their duties to command them. I want to make sure that the CO and XO are here as much as possible," he said, explaining away his choice for Frost and Sakkath and the ships. "Are there any questions?"

"Very clear, I think we will have some interesting times ahead of us. I think it will be an honour to serve with you gentleman."

"Let's hope so," Ricky said. "It's three hours until the senior staff meeting. You're both dismissed."


A joint post by:

CMDR qeraQ'
SB900 XO


CMDR Frost
SB900 2XO/Chief Engineer


RADM Ricky Wegener
SB900 CO


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