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Asylum...not the crazy kind

Posted on Sun May 29th, 2011 @ 12:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: SB900 - Operations & Wegener's Office
Timeline: Three hours after the senior staff meeting

Lt.(jg) Quentin Dobry appeared in the door of Kh'ali's office and stood waiting patiently. She was absorbed in reading something on her monitor, one hand buried deep in her long hair. He recognized the pose, he'd seen it often enough during their days at the Academy. Whatever she was reading had her rapt attention.

It took a good few minutes for her to sense his presence, though she finally looked up.

"Good afternoon Quentin. How long have you been standing there?"

"Four minutes, thirty-seven seconds. Looks like interesting reading." He moved on into her office as she waved him to the chair before her desk.

"Catching up on something our CSO mentioned just before the staff meeting. The Divitians. Rather zealous lot it seems."

Quentin nodded. "Very divisive among their own union too. If we cross paths, there's enough there to keep us busy for a while. But speaking of being busy, I got something in from Lt. Beckman in the Admiral's office."

Kh'ali's expression turned curious now. "Oh? Incoming visitors?"

"No, not exactly. More like a refugee. A matter of asylum, not that I think he realized that at the time. He filed his intent for permanent residency here after leaving his home world."

"Which world is that?"

"Enara Prime. NOt long after his arrival, we got a message from them saying in no uncertain terms that they consider him an enemy of the state now, or some such and should he return there it would mean his certain death. Apparently he had a lot to say about his problems with their party line before he left. His statement makes it clear he has no intentions of going back, but has now requested asylum in case they decide to come looking." Quentin frowned now. "He's only nineteen."

"Nineteen? How very sad, but a courageous move, which I can appreciate. Enara Prime has no tolerance for dissidents and their means of dealing with them is horrid."

Quentin nodded in agreement. "I've heard stories. So I take it you are willing to give this your stamp?"

"Yes, and notify Lt. Beckman I'll be up shortly to discuss it." Kh'ali was already reaching for her terminal.

* * Command Center * *

Kh'ali stepped through the doors of the command center, the padd containing one Eli Ziyad's information in hand. An assistant greeted her and upon requesting Lt. Beckman, the young man hurried off to find her.

A few moments later Beckman returned. "Hello, Commander," she said. "What can I help you with?"

"Lieutenant." Kh'ali nodded. "I have an asylum request here for a nineteen year old. Is that correct? It seems very young."

"That's correct, nineteen. His case seems to be pretty cut-and-dried but I thought it prudent to have your people go over it to make sure we wouldn't be putting the Admiral in a bad position. Does everything seem to be in order?"

"Paperwork-wise, yes. I have some concerns about his safety, to be honest. You are familiar with their culture. Do you think they will just let it lie?"

"Well, from my little corner of the Admiral's office, I would say so. They may be a goodly-sized race but I don't think they'll actually come after Eli, especially knowing that he's taken asylum here. Now, if he were to go nosing around their neck of the woods, that may pose a problem."

"Agreed and I want to impress upon him the seriousness of this request. Once done, there will be no going back ever." Kh'ali looked the padd over and shrugged. "But given his request, and the communication from Enara Prime, I see no reason to deny it. Lt. Dobry's bringing him up so we can formalize things."

Right on cue, Quentin entered the command center with a slender young man in tow. He seemed rather surprised to see a Klingon present, but noting the pips on Kh'ali's collar, snapped to attention.

"Eli Ziyad reporting as requested."

Kh'ali smiled slightly. "Commander Kh'ali, Chief Diplomatic Officer, and this is Lt. Beckman, of the Admiral's staff. You were required to present yourself regarding your request. You are aware of the repercussions of this move? Your home world has made it clear that if you return there, you will be executed. Once this is done, there is no going back."

Eli nodded in answer. "Ma'am, I have nothing to go back to there, nor do I want to. I've seen firsthand what they do to those who don't follow the crowd. No thanks." His tone was resolute.

"Very well then. I will approve this, pending the Admiral's agreement." Kh'ali turned now to Lt. Beckman.

She nodded. "Okay, then. If you'll all follow me we'll have a talk with the Admiral and go from there."

The group walked to the Admiral's offices where Beckman had the lot sit in the waiting area as she went behind the large doors to alert the Admiral to what had been happening. Almost ten minutes later, she returned. "Commander, Eli, please come with me."

Eli looked to Quentin, his expression nervous. Quentin's bright smile seemed to relax him at least a little and he stood to follow Kh'ali.

"Don't worry," Kh'ali whispered to him as they followed the Lieutenant. "He hasn't eaten a civvie in months. Relax."

Eli shot her a terrified look, but Kh'ali smiled wider as she ushered him into the office.

As Ricky waited for the ensemble to enter fully, he was going over the PADD one more time, just for good measure. With a nod to his officers he skipped directly to Eli. "So, Eli Ziyad, you've made your formal request but I'd like to hear it all in your words. Tell me exactly what you're requesting."

Eli glanced to Kh'ali, who gave him an encouraging nod. He turned back to Ricky, gathering his thoughts. His recent introduction to Claudia was still fresh in his mind and so, he took her advice to heart.

"Sir. I assume you are familiar with the information on my culture as unearthed by Voyager some years ago regarding the holocaust that occurred in the 2350's?"

"Very much aware, Mr. Ziyad."

"Granted that happened long before I was born, but the fact that such an atrocity could be willingly covered and attempts made to hide it from future generations is unconscionable. With the discovery of B'Elana Torres, it came to light of course, but even so, many still saw no issues with what happened. When I was sixteen, I witnessed my first public execution. The man had been found guilty of denouncing the government's handling of the holocaust and its aftermath. He felt, as I did, that while it had come to light, they didn't seem overly regretful. He was killed in public in an excruciating manner, to the cheers of the crowd. It was then that I had enough. None of my friends wanted to hear why it bothered me. They were too afraid for their own lives. Finally, when I felt I was old enough to live on my own, I slipped aboard a departing freighter and made my way here. I found a job, and I intend to somehow convince Professor Drake to admit me to the Academy."

He wound down, finally, falling silent as he met Ricky's gaze.

Hearing the last part, Ricky grunted. "Well, good luck with the Professor," he said dryly. "As for the rest of it, it seems that you have your facts straight and, according to our own diplomatic personnel, I do have the authority to grant you asylum here on Starbase 900. I want you to know, without a doubt, however, that this does not automatically make you a Federation citizen, but you are hereby officially granted political asylum aboard Starbase 900 and are granted all the rights and privileges of any being on this base. Since you are gainfully employed I will ensure that you are authorized a room in which to stay, access to all of the civilian areas and afforded the same protections as anyone else that is on his base."

He took the time to shake the young man's hand, but continued. "As for becoming a Federation citizen, that is another process altogether. You will need to stay in contact with Lieutenant Commander K'hali's office regarding taking steps towards that goal. The good thing is that Professor Drake can authorize you to be in the Academy prior to becoming a citizen, but that will also help you in that regard."

Eli shook the Admiral's hand, his expression serious. "Thank you, sir. I am in guest quarters now but I'll get packed up. Not that it will take more than a few minutes."

That last statement brought a frown to Kh'ali's face, but her tone was even as she addressed Ricky. "Janice Gree has agreed to serve in the capacity of advisor, as has Jackson Banning. Mr. Ziyad will meet weekly with Lt. Dobry and begin work on the matter of his citizenship, though that will take some time. Thank you, sir."

"Thank you, Commander," Ricky said. "Mr. Ziyad, good luck. I hope you are able to obtain everything you wish to." He shook his hand again and returned to his desk as Beckman ushered the group back out of his offices, closing the doors securely behind her.

"Looks like we are done here." Kh'ali shook Eli's hand as well, then turned to Beckman. "Thank you Lieutenant. We'll be on our way now, Mr. Ziyad has a job to get to, and Quentin and I have a mountain of work to cover." She turned to Eli then. "You will meet with Lt. Dobry next Friday, at 1400 hours. Take care."

Eli watched her leave with Quentin, excitement zinging through him. He at least had a home and a job, and that was some sort of security. Now, he just had to win over Claudia. With a wink at Lt. Beckman, he hurried out of the command center.

Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener
CO, SB900

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Eli Ziyad
Uneaten Civvie

Lt.(jg) Quentin Dobry & Lt. Hope Beckman


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