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Going Home

Posted on Thu Nov 17th, 2011 @ 11:37am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitia Prime

Leroy walked slowly, checking all the materiel being stacked in the corridor outside the laboratory, ready to be moved to the landing pads. No more than two hours before Mr. Sakkath had informed him that the third shuttle run to the surface, for the evacuation program, would have been for Science Team, so they had to be ready in scant four hours more.

Inside the laboratory Rutheridge and the other crewmembers were busy dismantling the remaining equipment. Exchanging glances with some Patrick could see brief smiles on their faces, but he knew better. Crewmwmbers happiness to return to starbase 900 and their previous life was dimmed by a strange sadness lingering in their eyes.

The Divitian crisis had been perceived by all as a wonderful occasion to make something great. To make the difference for a dying planet and culture and to prove that Federation was worth to stand in the quadrant as any other race, but in the end they were not allowed to deal with the catastrophe.

A clear sentiment of defeat and frustration filled the hearts of his men. An emotion Patrick understood well and shared with them.

"Commander." Rutheridge called bringing Patrick back to the present. He nodded to the ensign address inviting him to continue.

"Some equipment and computers are to stay here to be taken over by divitian scientist, right?" Rutheridge asked perking an eyebrow.

"Yes. The President himself has asked to Commander qera'Q for a goodwill gift in our parting: all the equipment that we can spare and that can help them in the ongoing battle to save this world has to be left behind and his desire has been granted. I've been informed and already listed all the materiel we can leave here."

"Yes Sir, I saw the list, wanted just to be sure it was a... Correct order."

Leroy smiled at his second's worry "I see that permanence on this planet has left some marks on us."

Rutheridge chuckled briefly "Was acting suspicious, I know Sir. But you're right, the climate here has influenced most of us." he said hinting to the political intrigue that pervaded every action on Divitia Prime "I will never understand why in the end they turned us down."

"Nor I, Ensign." Patrick responded quietly "And I think that even Commander qera'Q is still wondering."

They stood in silence for some minutes while taking care for the shutdown procedure of two computers. Around them the other men continued their work packing what could be carried away.

"No celebrations for us back at SB900 then." Rutheridge said facetiously after a while.

"I don't think so, Ensign." Patrick responded holding back a smile. "Maybe we can consider ourselves lucky to retain our jobs, though." He ended adding to the irony.

"I think you're absolutely right. Sir." Rutheridge answered furrowing brows and assuming a jokingly grave look.

Both of them laughed as some of the bitterness accrued in the last times was driven off.

More time passed as they helped the ensigns in their activity. The laboratory became roomier with each passing minute and their voices echoed more and more as it happens in locales devoid of furniture.

"Seriously Sir." Rutheridge asked suddenly. "I can't stop thinking we could have done more to help them. I'm sure we could have solved this thing and now we have to get away like unwelcome guests."

Patrick did not answer right off, pondering the words he was about to say "I know this can sound as cold comfort... But we came here and did what we were asked for. No more, no less. No one of us has to feel guilty or diminished for not having done something we've been actively prevented to do. This has been high over our heads and we couldn't have changed this in any way."

"I know what you mean Commander, but this will be hard to forget. For many of us."

"The new challenges we'll find, once back at home, will help to drive back the bitter taste we are left with today. All that we see here now represent the past. Of all the events that will take place from now on on Divitia Prime we'll be just passive spectators..."

...And I know we'll all feel that sting should the crisis turn out badly. Patrick thought last. But he avoided to tell it to Rutheridge.

Quietly and efficiently the Science team had finished his task on schedule and the crates with all equipment had already been moved to the landing pads where the shuttles from the Takei where about to land.

A few computers and scientific tools remained in a mostly empty room. Outside the windows rolling venomous clouds blocked the sight of the sky like the day they had arrived.

The laboratory was plunged in semidarkness now with most of the lighting and apparels shut down, dim lights flickered from the last consoles still active.

"If you wish to get to the pads Sir, I'll shut down the last computer and follow shortly." Rutheridge offered.

Patrick hesitated a moment. "No, I'll do that."

"Aye Sir. I'll get to the landing pad at once then." Rutheridge responded and quickly exited the laboratory.

Without haste Leroy typed the commands on the consoles and set the codes that the divitian scientists would have been required to use to turn on all the machinery again and sent that same codes encrypted to the Ministry.

That done, he pressed the last command on the Lcars. With a slow humming sound the last computer shut down leaving the room in almost total darkness, the only light in the locale coming from the open doors of the laboratory.

Casting a final look at the great windows Patrick saw that a thin golden beam was visible now coming down from the sky. The Takei had begun to drill the planet surface.

Walking then to the corridor he turned and raised his hand to the command panel, his figure a dark silhouette in the doorway.

A long moment passed, then the silhouette turned and walked beyond sight. A soft hum echoed in the room as the doors slowly closed...

Leaving only darkness.


LCmdr Patrick Leroy
CSO - SB900


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