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Salvation in Departure

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2011 @ 9:53pm by Commander Sakkath

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: USS Takei

=^= U.S.S. Takei =^=

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath had been seated on the bridge when the communication from Commander qeraQ' came through. Commence operations, it had said, and begin the evacuation of all Starfleet personnel from the planet's surface.

"Helm, verify our position," the Vulcan stated.

"We are holding in geosynchronous orbit over the southern hemisphere of the planet, the first set of coordinates provided by Commander Leroy," the Ensign reported.

"Acceptable. Pending verification that our personnel and any natives are clear from the geological incursion site, Tactical, you may commence firing on the target coordinates. Minimal phaser power to begin, increasing in increments of 5% over each of the next twenty minutes. Operations, monitor power distribution to ensure we can maintain the rate of fire, particularly once the energy stream has reached full strength. Monitor depth progression until we have reached the target coordinates." The Vulcan stood. "What we do now, we do for the good of a world. It is what we came here to accomplish, but do not let that zeal consume you. We must be measured in our approach, lest we add to Divitia's already impressive list of problems. Time is of the essence, but to rush is to invite carelessness. You are all Starfleet officers and I hold you to the level of training and discipline I know that you have received. To borrow a human colloquialism, I trust that you will make me ... proud."

Sakkath would never illustrate that pride outwardly, but it was evident that those officers on the bridge appreciated the sentiment -- strange though it may have been coming from a Vulcan.

"If there are any issues in the next few moments, I will be in my Ready Room. Please relay the video file contained in Commander qeraQ's transmission to my terminal for review."

"Aye, sir," came the reply, even as the commander of the Takei slid through the parting doors. Taking a seat once more, he activated his terminal and watched in stoic silence as the exchange between the President of Divitia and Commander qeraQ' played itself out. If Sakkath had been anything other than what he was, he might even have joined the Commander in his laughter at the Klingon/Vulcan confusion.

As the conversation between the two came to a slightly awkward end, Sakkath deactivated his terminal, leaning forward with his fingers knit together.

The Federation would be permitted to undertake the drilling for Divitia. That was, perhaps, the simplest part of what they were attempting to accomplish. Even the Starfleet Corps of Engineers would likely take weeks to construct usable settlements beneath the surface and Divitia, with its significantly depleted cache of resources, would be hard pressed to act more swiftly. Still, it seemed clear that there was no room for negotiation now.

Sakkath had been instructed to recall their personnel, but not their equipment. The good-will gift, as it were, would likely go a long way towards cementing future relations with this world, as would their honoring the agreement to depart.

And that was exactly what they would do.

Returning to the bridge, Sakkath called for a report.

"Increasing to 25% phaser power in 17 seconds," Tactical offered.

"Geothermal activity in the planet's mantle is rising, Commander," his Science Officer reported. Anticipating Sakkath's next question, she added, "Minimally, but I am sure I do not need to inform you of the possible repercussions."

"You do not, Chief," Sakkath acknowledged. "However, you may wish to consider the logic of increased seismic activity, temporary in nature, versus the death of this world and all of its inhabitants."

The Chief frowned, but Sakkath set a hand on her shoulder. What they were doing was dangerous, but it was necessary. He did not wish to discourage prudence.

"Continue to monitor for harmful conditions. I will be in transporter control facilitating the recall of our personnel."

The Chief nodded, seemingly reaffirmed, and the Vulcan Commander headed into the aft of his vessel.

* * *

It had taken hours to recall all but the most essential personnel from the surface, getting them to sites where shielding did not inhibit transport. A few geologists and seismologists remained, and a handful of Engineers to ensure that the equipment still functioned.

Most had returned to the Hammond, including all of the marines. A larger vessel, it had the life support systems to accommodate their numbers. Sakkath briefly thought of Captain Lorenz, and how he was faring, but allowing his thoughts to turn towards 900 only made him think of Li. Fruitlessly, he closed his eyes and turned his thoughts outward. Imzadi... Predictably, there was no response.

He had avoided the station logs thus far, focused on their mission. He would need to read them to resume his duties, but that could wait until they were en route ... home. To Li.

But there was no time for that now, he knew as he took to the bridge once more. "Status?"

"We've completed drilling in four sites and are moving to the fifth, sir."

Sakkath nodded. "Then including the six hours of seismic monitoring, we should be departing by morning." The Vulcan nodded in satisfaction. "Inform teams still on the surface of our schedule. Continue drilling operations."

He settled back into the command chair, intent to remain until things were resolved. Sakkath knew that he would lose no sleep over their limited participation in this endeavor, but he imagined many of his colleagues would. It was only logical to acquiesce to the overwhelming, even insurmountable political pressures that Divitia mounted. They had certainly tried... Invited here, they had never been welcome, but he believed their voices would echo in the halls of history.

For Divitia, as a result of their efforts here, those halls would have the opportunity to expand at least a bit longer.

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations - SB 900
Commander - USS Takei


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