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Not Exactly Resting - Part One

Posted on Sat Nov 26th, 2011 @ 6:57pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

The disaster was indeed just that, debris, damage, casualties. All of which would need repairing or treating. He knew the sheer amount of paperwork that would stem from this would be vast. He would have to report to the Admiral at some stage with an update but with so much that had happened more reports were still coming in and this left Kit'rin'e wondering where one piece of information began and another ended. All the usual investigations were underway, his own team reviewing flight records and last minute telemetry from the sensors to determine who was at error if at all possible.

When the relief watch arrived, it brought with it the knowing comfort that he was soon about to be with his new Mate. To spend more time with her and get used to being around her some more, especially since his last act put her in Sickbay. He still felt bad about that. All day it hounded him, which might have explained why he found it so hard to focus on his work. With a nod he left, handing over to the next shift manager. He asked the computer where his Mate was, unsure if she would still be in Sickbay or if she was permitted to go home or out and about the huge station.

He was informed that Sulan was, in fact, in his quarters. He arrived to find her dressed in one of his spare undershirts, which hung to her knees, and no shoes, standing in the kitchen. A cup of tea was in one hand, and the small refrigerator unit was open as she looked inside.

He walked in to his quarters, which were in effect shared quarters now. He didn't see her, nor in the bedroom till he heard something coming from the other side of the quarters. He found her, neck deep in the refrigerator unit browsing the goods. He doubted there would be much in there she would like. Mostly meats, Caitian spices, seasonings and the like. Still, it did amuse him to see her wearing one of his red undershirts. The advantage of not wearing boots was that his steps were nearly silent. He crept up behind her and slowly slid his tail up the back of her thighs. "And what exactly have I caught in my quarters. A hungry Bajoran?"

At the touch of his tail, she yelped and spun around. Her eyes were wide for an instant, then she began to laugh. "You need to make more noise honey." She moved closer to him, pushing the refrigerator door shut with her foot. "I see they finally let you go." Reaching up, she hooked her finger in his collar, pulling him down to her eye level.

"If I made more noise, you would hear me coming. I am a feline predator, to allow my prey to know I am there would be self defeating." A smirk as she pulled him down, having to at nearly two feet taller than her.

"They did yes, the day has been....difficult." His eyes fell to her covered shoulder, knowing under it lay the scars from his teeth, but also the painful reminder that he put her in Sickbay because of it.

She took his face gently in her hands, pressing her cheek to his. "I can imagine. I"m glad you are home, and that I am as well. I promised Natalia that I would 'rest'." She smiled. "I took two nights off and kept the call short. Jackson was in a questioning mode and I wasn't in the mood."

"He cares for you greatly doesn't he?" Kit'rin'e asked. He would have to get used to this Jackson, his Mate had friends and he had to accept that. She also was not Caitian so could not be held to the same standards as her, but pulling the two apart was difficult.

"He does. He asked me to make sure you take good care of me. I have no doubt you will." She slipped her arms around him, pressing close against him, the refrigerator forgotten.

"I will." He said as he wrapped himself around her much like the first time. "Another use for my clothing I see." He spoke, his eyes closed as he held her, his tail coiling about her right knee.

"Very comfortable," she spoke softly. She refrained from saying that the soft cotton didn't rub her shoulder too much, he felt bad enough as it was. "Looks pretty good on me too, though I bet it would look better on the bedroom floor."

Kit'rin'e growled again, slightly more predator sounding then usual. "You were warned before about taunting me." His claws came out, no doubt feel them on her body. "You had to pay for it then, you will do again at this rate my Mate." That devious look on his face highlighted by the black streaks of his fur adding to the image. "One might say you can not get enough of a good thing." He really hoped he was using the saying correctly.

"Absolutely. Actually, doctor's orders....sort of. I was told to rest but when I mentioned enjoying my new mate, she didn't say I couldn't." Sulan gave him a wink. "Not that I need permission, but she says we will have no problems."

"There is one thing, that I am required to do however." He stood upright again. Considering the last time his fangs were involved it put her in Sickbay, while this situation would pose no harm, the fear was still there, now more than before.

"What's that?" She had begun unfastening his tunic and now paused, looking back up at him.

"Every female as you know has a scent, its what attracts us to them as it did with me to you." He started to explain. "When Mated, the male scents the female making her unavailable." It was difficult to explain. "Humans when they marry wear rings, it denotes they are unavailable to others, a similar thing happens with Caitians though not with rings." It was clear he was not enjoying this, the fear lingered in his mind and in the air like a turbulent storm raging.

"And?" she prompted. "Go on."

"Its a sign of trust, the male takes the females throat between his fangs, the male licks her neck thus scenting her, a chemical in our saliva. Only Caitians can smell it, the change is though permanent." Wondering what she would make of that bizarre custom, no doubt one of many no doubt when it came to thinking of them.

"I don't see the issue. It's not like you're planning to chew through my neck." She paused and rested her hand on his arm. "Don't worry."

"I do worry, the last time I satisfied my traditions and culture I put you in Sickbay, I violated the most treasured of our ways. Do no harm to females." Kit'rin'e spoke softly. "I can not help what I am, I know I am a risk to you, a danger, even sleeping I pose a risk." He knew she entered this willingly, knowing there would be risks and dangers and he knew he'd have to take her into consideration. It was however, in light of his ways, so hard to do sometimes.

"We knew that going in to this. And I made it through just fine. Besides, if I remember correctly, there's something far more challenging later on. it."

"Later on?" He asked, wondering what she meant? "What do you mean?" Was this part of her ways that he did not know about that would need his participation.

"The ceremony that your tradition requires. Well, I suppose you should meet my relatives, but that's a torture I'll spare you." She smiled up at him. "Trust me on that."

He smiled, he'd often heard how people would torture partners with relatives. Even often joked about it. He nodded though, still not really sure on what she meant, there was only two things it could mean, children and the presentation to the family Elder, or to marry. She told him to do it, he'd not refuse. He took a breath or two, charging himself up trying to battle that barrier of worry that stood before him. He knew he could kill her, one wrong move with her in the position he was going to put her in and Sickbay, again would be her next destination. He gently ran his hand up her neck to the back of her head, using his fingers to gently pull on her hair to tilt her head back.

This was it, he started to bend down and hesitated, moved forward some more then stopped. One last look into her eyes then completed the move. Opening his jaws he placed her neck between them. His hold with his arms was firm, the grip in her hair firm to prevent her getting away even though he knew she wouldn't. From there on he licked her neck, it was not overly wet but had to be done. The points of his 4 dominant fangs pressed against her neck, the small teeth, like on her shoulder gracing the skins surface with its dangerous touch. He held this position for almost a minute before he slowly pulled away only slightly. He could smell the change, though her natural scent was still there, his own now lingered with it, making her as unavailable.

Sulan remained absolutely still until he withdrew from her neck. For one brief moment, she'd had the image of the circus flash through her mind, and the lion tamer with his head in the lion's mouth. It vanished as soon as it came and she stood up straight, taking a deep breath. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"No." He replied, bringing some control to his breathing again. With the worry and hesitation it hyped him up slightly, which he'd recover from in a moment or two. "There is one thing the females have a right to do if they wish it, a name, for me that we use in private or that is personal." He spoke. "A pet name, if you wish." Not really sure if the term was being used correctly.

"Let me think on that one for a bit. Once I know you better." She reached up, touching her throat. While she could not smell the scent, she knew it was there and felt more....together for lack of a better term. "So, still want see this shirt on the floor?"

"Your standing on one." He said, the floor being right under her. "I am pleased you enjoy my company so much, I would be upset if I failed to meet your expectations of me."

"I am indeed." Moments later, the red shirt fluttered to the floor.

(To Be Continued)


Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer

Tora Sulan
House Manager, The Nexus Club


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