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Not Exactly Resting - Part Two

Posted on Sat Nov 26th, 2011 @ 6:58pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Promenade

Sulan stretched and with a satisfied sigh, crawled over to the side of the bed. "I'm starved."

Kit'rin'e's body cracked under protest of the movements after such an enjoyable time prior. Intimacy was clearly something of importance to her, not so much for Caitian females however. "Would you like to eat in, or out." He posed.

"Out? I don't think either of us feels like making anything. Race you to the shower?" She winked and took off for the bathroom.

Kit'rin'e growled, accepted the challenge as he bolted for the bathroom. His claws dug into the bed for grip but caught nothing but sheets and pillows which made him slip onto the mattress. "You may win this one, but there is only one way in and out of that bathroom, you shall have to pass me to gain your freedom." He played.

"I'll take my chances!" she called out.

Sometime later, they finally emerged, dressed now for going out after a couple of false starts. Sulan took one last look in the mirror, examining her shoulder as it was revealed by the dress she wore. It covered her other shoulder but left the marked one bare. Reaching up she touched the scar gently.

Kit'rin'e silent once again caught her staring into the mirror, her hand on the scars. "Do they bother you?" He asked softly, his feline voice betraying how guilt over blemishing her otherwise amazing figure.

"No, just getting used to seeing them is all." She backed away from the mirror. "Ready?"

"I am." He replied. A small comfort at least. Dressed in a deep red two piece once again he followed her, letting her go where ever she pleased. He was capable of eating most things available in today's Federation society, some Klingon foods however disagreed with him if eaten too much of.

They arrived at the Promenade and she stood a moment before pointing at one of the restaurants. "Want to see about a table? I'm going to s top at the jumja stand."

"Of course." He replied and headed in. She had a particular fancy to those sweet items. He asked the owner if there was a table for two available. There was and was shown to it. It was in view of the entrance however and he couldn't see from where he sat where his Mate had gone. He patiently waited looking at the menu.

Out in the middle of the Promenade, she ordered a jumja stick and asked him to wrap it for later. As she waited, a tall male approached. Without a word, he slipped his hand up to her side, snatched the small purse she carried and started off.

"Hey!" Sulan shouted and took off running after him. More shouts came as people yelled for him to stop.

Kit'rin'e heard her shout out. Her voice easy to recognise now. He dashed from the table outside and saw the people parted as two people ran past. One of which was his Mate. He fell to his hands and feet, running like a feline after his mate. His growl somewhat loud, frustrated that someone would dare touch his Mate. It also served as a note for her, that he heard and was not far behind.

Thats when he noticed she was without her purse, there would be only one reason for her to give chase, a thief. It was however obvious who the culprit was as he knocked people over, the purse waving wildly with the males arm movements. He shot by his Mate quickly as he closed the distance rapidly to his target, ducking to avoid some people, leaping over fallen ones.

The crowd saw Kit'rin'e running and parted to let him through. The purse thief heard his growl and panic set in. He tried to run faster but the crowd was closing in ahead of him, the giant cat closing in from behind.

Kit'rin'e triped the man, swiping at his ankles with his claw clad hands, the swipe also injuring the man evident by the blood stain that formed. Kit'rin'e rose to his full height. "You dare steal from my Mate." There was none of the tame, lovable Caitian that Tora had fallen in love with there, just angry raging Caitian who was charged with tradition.

The man lay still on the floor, shocked at the turn of events. He yowled aloud as the pain burned up his leg. "You cut me! Medic! Security!"
Sulan reached them now and looked down at the man, hands on her hips."I'll be glad to call Security. remember that old saying though, be careful what you ask for. You should be careful what you do in front of witnesses too." She reached out to touch Kit'rin'e's arm to reassure him, then bent down and snatched her purse back from the man's hand.

Kit'rin'e relaxed, though only slightly. He paid keen focused attention to her movements as well as those of the thief. It was not every day one might expect to be chased by 500lbs of feline. He didn't say anything, the growl did all that for him.

"It's fine they should be here any minute now and --" She stopped mid-sentence as the male on the floor grabbed her ankle and pulled. It took Sulan off balance, knocking her to the floor. He scrambled to his feet.

"They aren't taking me in!"

There was only one thing stopping Kit'rin'e from killing this man where he stood, she now lay on the floor from the actions of the thief. He didn't want to show her that darker side of him, the side that he could be. "They will, in pieces." Kit'rin'e said as he charged the thief, claws out, teeth bared Kit'rin'e went in. After a minor scuffle, if one could consider a fight with someone such as Kit'rin'e minor the male lay on the floor, out of breath and beaten. Not to mention the addition of several new slashing wounds to the torso and one to the thigh. "STAY DOWN!!!!" He bellowed, a deep growling voice, one which he'd not used in many years.

"Kit'rine! Enough, save it for Security." Sulan's tone was firm as she spoke, interrupting the fracas at her feet.

Kit'rin'e right away could be seen to change. His Mate had said it was enough, he would not defy her. He stood upright again, put his claws away and stopped growling. He was uninjured for the most part, while the thief managed to lay some blows on him they caused no real injury.

Moments later, Darwin and Edwards appeared. After hearing the short version of events, they took the thief in hand and, after telling Kit'rin'e they would need statements from him and Sulan, carted the man off.

He watched as the the male was lead away, carried mostly after the injuries he'd dealt him. He didn't turn to face her though. He didn't want her to have seen him that way, some might have viewed it as primal and animalistic. While he saw it differently the only person that mattered was Sulan.

"Well that was a rather rude interruption, but at least it's dealt with. Ready for dinner? We can stop in to give our statements after." Sulan slipped her hand into his.

His touch was for her only, while he just beat a man, he'd deserved it for not only touching his Mate, but also stealing from her. He pulled his hand away. "I need to wash my hands and claws first." He only wanted to touch her while clean and fresh.

"Good enough. I'll get to the table and wait for you there." She smiled and led the way back to the restaurant. Behind them, the Promenade slowly returned to normal.


Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer

Tora Sulan
House Manager, The Nexus Club

...Together, They Fight Crime...


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