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The Call

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2011 @ 9:55am by Captain Li Hawke & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Intel Offices

The beeping of the comm panel is not what Li wanted to hear at that moment. It was her code, not Sakkath's and she debated ignoring it. It continued, however, and so with a muttered curse, she left the kitchen and hurried out to the main room in order to shut it off and not disturb Sakkath. He was on 24 hours R&R after the away team's return, which for Sakkath meant that while he was not physically in his office, he was still reading reports on everything that had transpired while he was away and planning visits to various officers for a variety of reasons.

At least he was attempting to do so. When Li was not distracting him.

She sat down at the terminal and entered her passcode. It was not a visual message, but rather text, sender listed as one of several fake names Lazan used when it was an emergency. In this case, emergency was an understatement. The message read:

A friend is in trouble. Three days, successful. Departs two days. Weather forecast is sunny and warm, for now.

Li sat frozen for all of ten seconds as she reread the message. Dark dread welled up within her and spurred her to action. Hurrying back into the bedroom, she dressed in a flash, leaned down to kiss her reading husband, then was out of their quarters in a flash with little more than a 'gotta go!'. Pressing her comm badge as she hit the turbolift, she summoned Patrick, then gave the deck number, no stops. The turbolift began to move.

* * * Intel Offices * * *

Patrick was in the intel Offices when the message from Li arrived. Quickly heading to their 'costume' room where they kept various outfits and disguises should they need them he got changed just in time for Li's arrival. Exiting to meet her he saw the worried look on her face, "What's happened? Suresh kicking up a fuss?"

Li paused a moment at the question, then nodded. "He has Oz. Lazan said that he plans to ship her out in 2 days."

Patrick looked at her not sure whether to joke about the constant disappearing of officers or to tell her that he'd sort it. Deciding to be a bit more tactful than usual he choose the latter. "Ok then. Tell me where and I'll go get her," his face doubling the seriousness in his voice.

"I need to get changed." There was a dark undercurrent that seemed to surround Li, noticeable as he moved closer. "I will distract him, you get her out. I don't know the situation down there, but Lazan can give it to you once we arrive and I have Suresh in hand."

"If I didn't know you better I'd say that with all the female officers disappearing that'd not be a good idea," he paused. "But as I do that sounds like a plan. I'll grab something with a little punch while you change." Pat walked back into the 'costume' store to a locked panel. Entering his access codes he opened it and pulled out a few goodies that would never trace to Starfleet.

Li entered behind him and stepping behind a screen, began a rapid change. "I'd like this done as quickly and quietly as possible. In and out before he knows what's happened. Oz is to be brought back here to Nenita, who will see to putting her somewhere safe. If all goes according to plan, when I finish with Suresh, he won't be looking for anything but his dreams for a while."

Patrick frowned and put two of his toys back. They weren't the quietest of things, before lifting out something which fitted the bill perfectly. "Ok. I'll wait till I know you're in there before making my move. Hopefully I can use the 'I'm the new pilot' excuse to get past any guards."

"Maybe. If not, take them out long enough to do what you have to do. I have no doubt that once he knows she is gone, he'll want to deal with the guards himself." Li mumbled as she put on the last finishing touches and emerged from behind the screen. She looked as he was used to seeing her when she was on this business, and her dress was strapless, deep red velvet that left very little to the imagination. "Ready?"

"Sure am," he announced, several parts of his jacket which held his surprises. "Lead the way," he said indicating for Li to take the lead. As she did so he fell in behind her and pulling from his pocket a dark pair of glasses to gave the appearance of more of a bodyguard.

She sent a message to Nenita to get up to Intel, then led the way out and to the turbolift.

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Certain To Be A Distraction

Lieutenant Patrick Smith
Cool Dude With The Shades


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