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Just Like Dropping a Bomb

Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2011 @ 4:29pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino &

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Varies

* * *Suresh's Holding Cell* * *

"About time you came back around," a voice taunted Oralia as she shifted position and blinked.

Her throat hurt, her head hurt, ...everything hurt. Making the attempt to raise her hand to her face, she realized she was bound wrists-to-ankles. 'Hogtied' was how her dad would have described it; thinking of him, of her brothers, of Connor, sent a spike of panic through her. How long had she been out? What had happened while she was out? The chill touch of the Station's air on her bare arms worried her. Where was her uniform tunic?

She opened her eyes and found Frick staring at her, holding a strange weapon... no... not a weapon: hair clippers. He grinned and looked behind her, at Frack, before sing-songing: "Time to start cutting!" The sound of the clippers was loud and annoying.

* * *Main Sickbay* * *

Lieutenant Chase, the 'base's Assistant Chief of Security, shot a glare at Gilroy, who was fussing with his plaited hair, trying to stuff a loose strand back into the braid. "Why don't you just cut it off?", he grumbled. He was in an off mood thanks to the Chief's disappearance. Two members of his team, the ones assigned to watch over the Chief, had been treated and released back to light duty after their encounter with Oz's abductors, as had the other occupants, five in all, of the turbolift. They weren't injured so much as they were just... stunned by their own failure. Already, Chase had assigned them extra training time, to get them re-accustomed to using quick draw holsters.

As for the search for Oralia, though, nothing had turned up beyond Oralia's commbadge in a lightly-used corridor behind several Promenade vendors. It was like the search for Kh'ali all over again.

Gilroy's moment to answer Chase's snide comment was cut off as the two entered Sickbay and immediately spotted the man they were there to see: Connor McKinney. "Doctor McKinney, could we have a word with you?"

"Look up the names of the security offi..", Connor was just saying to Kier when the two walked up to him. He stared at them now, an alarm going off deep inside him. He put his hand out to Kier as if to 'nevermind', and then nodded to them, his heart pounding in his chest as he led them into his office. Once he reached his desk he turned around to face them, his eyes filled with dreaded expectation.

"Commander McKinney," Chase started off, looking at his shoes before meeting Connor's gaze, "Commander Zeferino was taken this morning. We're doing everything we can to find her."

"How...was she taken?"

Glancing at Gilroy, Chase frowned and non-verbally passed the speaking baton to him. Gilroy tried not to shift his weight from his nervousness. He wasn't thrilled with Chase's actions since Oz was reported missing, but... Chase was the superior officer. He frowned and briefly explained what they knew of the scene, "There were two attackers; they waited till Oz and her detail were in the turbolift before opening fire on them with a phaser set for a wide beam stun. From there...." He spread his hands and shook his head.

Looking away immediately, Connor ran a hand over his mouth and chin, "What did the Admiral say?" he asked, struggling with his composure, "What's been ordered 'n' what's being done to find her?" His eyes going between them, he looked like a man demanding answers.

As if annoyed by Connor's reaction, Lieutenant Chase sighed and answered, "The Admiral has been informed, Doctor. He's certainly not overjoyed about the news. As for what's being done, I have security officers out turning over areas of the Promenade and others are running a bio-scan for her bio signs." He watched Connor as he added, "So far, we haven't found any matches."

Not satisfied, not liking the tone used, a clearly upset Connor glared back, "I don't care for your vague answers, Lieutenant. Maybe your informing me of what's happened to my girlfriend is just an inconvenience to your day. If I can't get the answers from you two, I'll go find them myself."

So much for Chase ever advancing, Gilroy thought to himself, more than mildly surprised by Chase's callousness. Before Chase could choke on his own foot even harder, he spoke up, "Doctor McKinney, we'll find Oz." He hoped Connor knew that he considered Oralia his friend, not just his boss. "This isn't like the search for Kh'ali - she was in a different phase, effectively invisible."

Chase had frowned at Connor. Though he wouldn't admit it, ever, he wasn't keen on retrieving Oz. He had ambitions; ambitions that could be realized if the woman was gone. If she was here, well... those ambitions had to be shelved. "And we have pressure from the Admiral, as well," he lamely added to Gilroy's statement.

"Connor," Gilroy dropped the formalities, "as soon as I know where Oz is, I'll tell you."

His face drawn, Connor continued to stare at the two, finding it difficult to breath. He finally nodded, "Thank you... Let me know if there's anything I can do," feeling as if he would go crazy if he didn't do something.

Gilroy leaned in slightly and, in a concerned tone, told him, "Start planning a nice vacation for Oralia. After the past couple of weeks... she needs one."

Starting to run his hand over his mouth again, this time he held it there, nodding again to Gilroy as he kept his eyes on the floor.

Casually tapping Chase on the bicep, Gilroy nodded towards the door. Chase turned and headed that way. Gilroy, though, paused and said, "Doc, call me if you need anything, even just an ear." He'd talked with Oralia about Connor enough that he imagined he knew what Connor was feeling right then. He turned and pushed Chase out the door.

Kier watched them leave, then turned to look over at Connor's office, and her heart jumped. What she saw through his one transparent wall worried her. Covering his eyes, he leaned onto his desk with one hand as if needing support. Kier touched her comm button, "Doctor Bren", she said, "I think you should come to the Main Sickbay, it's...Doctor McKinney..."

Lieutenant Commander Connor McKinney
Freshly Stricken

Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino
Freshly Shorn

Lieutenant Chase, Asst. Chief of Security
Never Getting Promoted

Lieutenant Gilroy
Most Empathic part-Klingon Ever


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