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Bringing In The Messenger

Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2011 @ 6:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Patrick Smith's Quarters / Sickbay

Nenita was relieved, at least on one count. Li had arrived at Intel to take over, and seemed to be fine. Physically. She hadn't said much, however and that left a little concern nudging at her. Li would, however, spill it in her own time. Nenita was off now to check on Paddy and notify Connor and she intended to kill two birds with one stone. Get Paddy to Sickbay and he could give Connor the details. The conversation with Nick drifted through her mind and she smiled. As far as he was concerned, she wasn't worried about a thing. Arriving at Pat's quarters, she rang the chime.

Patrick had planned to crash on the sofa that night, not having the energy to get to his bed thanks to the stun from the phaser. Having made it to the sofa he had not planned to move but with the door chime still ringing in his head he pulled himself up and wincing, rubbed his sore side before heading and opening the door. Pat had leaned against the door frame not really expecting her to have headed down and as the door slid open to reveal Nenita he hastily stood up off it and realised he probably didn't look great right now. "Oh ummm. Hi. Wasn't really expecting anyone to come looking for me yet."

"You're kidding, right? You just pulled off what must have been a stellar acting job that got Oz free, and took a hit from a phaser. And you think we would just brush you off?" She motioned him out of her way and stepped inside.

Pat leant back against the wall as the door closed behind her. "Actually I was kind of hoping you'd just let me sleep it off," he answered with an attempt at a smile. "Plus those two guards weren't the pick of the litter anyway."

"Sorry, Li's orders. You're going to Sickbay to get checked over, and tell the good Doctor his girl's home safe and sound. You want to argue with her?"

"Not really. Probably would end up with a few more injuries if I did. Waste of time going to sickbay though honestly. Just need to sleep it off." He yawned as if to emphasize the point.

"Maybe but we'd all feel better if you did, and Connor needs to know she is safe. I know I would feel better. Let him patch you up so you're back in fighting form. You still owe me the rest of out evening, since it was so rudely interrupted by an explosion." One explosion interrupted by another... The thought brought a smile.

He sighed knowing he wasn't going to get out of it, and she did have a good point about letting Connor know after all. "Ok then. But if I get kept in you'll not be getting spoken too. Hospital food is always worse. And I do like my food." He reached behind himself and pressed the button to open the door hearing a wooshing sound to confirm he got the right one.

"I've been threatened with worse, and tempted by less." Nenita gave him a bright smile. "Besides, I want to know you're in good shape." She looked him over a moment. "This isn't over yet." Which 'this' she meant wasn't exactly clear.

"Probably. Anyway, lets get going then. The sooner this is done the sooner I can hit the hay. After you," he said indicating for her to head out in front of him.

She stepped out into the corridor and waited till he caught up. As they walked along, she spoke again. "Two things."

Pat looked around as they walked and raised an eyebrow. "You sound like my boss now, but go on anyway."

"Let him know about her hair. She's really sensitive about it and I'd rather he knew going in so he isn't shocked and can be prepared. And two, Nick's back. He asked about you."

"Yea I had planned to tell him about that. And I hope you told him how utterly amazing I was... and that I'm probably stronger than him?" He asked slightly amused by the thought.

"I didn't mention your ass, though someone else agreed with me on how nice it looks." Nenita shrugged. "Nick's not really an ass man...well...not when the ass is a guy's. I plead the fifth on the rest."

"Well sounds like I'll survive my first encounter with him then, which in my eyes is always a good thing," he replied while he wondered who else would have been paying attention to comment on him.

They arrived outside Piper, where Connor was at work. Nenita informed Kier and the younger nurse rose to take Patrick back. "You want me to wait?"

Patrick shook his head, "Na I'll manage I think. I'll let you get back to Oz. No doubt Connor will be hot on your heels when he hears. Thanks for coming and bringing me down," he said smiling at her.

"Sure thing. And once you're out of here, dinner's on me." She smiled back at him.

"I'll hold you to that one for definite. Cya later Nenita," he said turning away and heading into the murky depths of sickbay after the nurse in search of Connor... and something to ease the pains in his side and head.

Nenita watched him go and nodded, appreciating the view. She and Oz were definitely right.


Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley
Sight Seer

Lieutenant Patrick Smith
Soon to be drugged Messenger


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