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Death Mask

Posted on Tue Jan 3rd, 2012 @ 1:21am by Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Main Promenade, SB 900
Timeline: 1535, Day 1

After finishing with the Cadet's, Claudia walked from her office with the Leopards at her side. She strolled casually through the decks and smiled politely at those who acknowledged her. She was sure that most of them had been aware of the extra pip on her collar, seeing a Captain walking through a starbase was unusual enough in itself without that same person being flanked by two large cats.

She walked through the commercial area and stopped to look in one of the shops. It sold bric-a-brac from all over the galaxy, she could recognise several items, but one of them stood out from the others, "Is that a Tarkadian death mask?" she asked almost off-hand, certain in the fact her knowledge had never let her down.

"Yes Madam, you have quite the eye for excellent pieces of historical interest."

"Flattery isn't necessary." she said in a monotone, "How much do you want for it?"

The man, his race didn't come to the tip of her tongue, made a show of wracking his mind and weighing up some options, "Well as you can see it is in excellent condition, and they are very hard to come by. I had to trade 10 cases of tulaberry wine for it."

"I am sure you did." she said lifting the mask, she turned it over in her hands and suddenly dropped it. She let out a gasp of pain, the two cats instantly started snarling and looking around. Claudia could feel her head starting to swim, but she forced herself to focus on the situation. She had felt a sharp prick when she had lifted the mask as if a needly had gone into her hand, she also felt quite dizzy after doing so. Tarkadian death masks were supposed to be perfectly smooth on the back. Something wasn't right

The trader made a grab for there mask as it fell, as he caught it in both hands he also let out a deep cry and dropped to the floor. Claudia instantly dropped to her knees and tapped her combadge, "Medical Emergency. Site to site transport from my location to sickbay." she knew as soon as she said those words the medical teams would be rushing to the appropriate bio-bed in the main infirmary.

"Crewman. Take my cats back to my quarters!" she barked at a Crewman who had joined the group of people who had surrounded them, "Boys, go with the crewman." The Cats looked at her for a moment before they moved off to stand by the crewman, his eyes wide looking at the cats. She made sure the mask was playing on his chest just as the transporter beam activated.

Claudia found herself in the main area of sickbay, she saw a doctor ready with his team, she stepped back to let them get closer, "Male Kyrian," she said remembering his species, "approximately 35 standard years of age. Appears to be transdermal neurotoxin administered by a hypodermic needle on the back of that mask." she said, a nurse made a step to touch the mask, "Be careful, I got a glancing shot from it when I first touched the mask. I dropped it in shock and he caught it with both hands. I think that's why he's gone down."

It was because of her medical clearance, Claudia was able to do the medical site to site. Doctor Jae-Hwa Kwan, newly arrived to the Starbase that evening, heard the call along with other medical personnel, and immediately headed towards the designated area for emergency beam-ins.

He took in both the man and Claudia, "get me some tongs and a tray stat", he ordered a nurse, and then directed to one of the emt's to help Claudia to a biobed, "I want a full hematological, and tissue scan on the site ", he said firmly to another nurse, and glanced up at Claudia, "and 10ccs of Neurovine for the Captain here. Long time no see, Professor."

A tray and tongs were brought to him, and carefully, Jae lifted the mask off the Kyrian, "Get that to the lab, and alert Security" All of this happening within seconds, a couple of medics quickly positioned themselves to move the man to a nearby biobed.

Claudia took the hypo-spray out of the hands of the nurse and placed it to her neck, she felt the cool hiss of the medication entering her circulatory system, she watched as the medic began to work, "His serotonin has dropped to 13% of normal..." she looked at the medic and handed the hypo-spray back to the nurse.

Jae nodded an 'okay' to the nurse and emt, as he continued scanning the man, another nurse reading off his vitals.

"Perhaps some Tandospirone to act as a antagonist to the serotonin receptors followed by a high dose of serotonin?"

"I agree, Professor...", Jae looked up quickly at her, and then back as he gave the nurse orders, administering the injections, saying sternly as he did so, "Now kindly please return to the biobed", wanting her there to watch her vitals.

Claudia stepped back to allow, "Prognosis Doctor?"

He didn't answer, instead continued working.

Claudia watched as the young medic worked on the alien trader, but she could see that his acts were becoming more and more futile, less than 3 minutes after arriving in sickbay the man was drawing his last breath. She remained stood near the body and looked to young medic, "You did your best, there was nothing you could do against such a powerful neurotoxin." she said by way of consolation.

Jae leaned with two hands along side the biobed, and just stared at the man as Claudia spoke. Less than three hours on the job, and a patient lost... He nodded to the nurse to remove the resuscitation equipment, and turned to her , just as another man in a labcoat approached them.

"I can't say I am surpised.." the other man spoke as he took in the deceased. "Ben Demarco, Sr. Biomedical Researcher", he introduced himself, "Some of the results came back quickly..." he handed Jae a padd, "There was no way he could of survived with the amount of the neurotoxin in his system. Analysis of the neurotoxin reveals it's cluster arrangement to be similar to that found in the Oxyuranus microlepidotus, more commonly known as the Terran Inland Taipan..."

Jae accepted the PADD, glancing up at him with recognition, an Australian snake, he thought, and then handed the PADD over to the Professor. "Doctor McKinney may find that interesting."

"Agreed", Ben replied, his brows furrowing, "Normally, if he had of just been bitten by a Taipan, he would still be alive. But it's more than the amount, there's a sequence there the computer does not recognize. I have never seen anything like it before now. Whoever your second patient is, is very lucky. The amount was not enough to be fatal, but I would keep a close eye until we know exactly what we are dealing with."

Claudia took a deep breath as she looked around the room and the now lifeless body of the trader, "I think it may be an idea to call Lieutenant Commander Zeferino." she said in a controlled tone, "This is her domain after all."

"Security's been notified", spoke out another medic.

"Alright then", Jae turned to Claudia, "Please return to your biobed, Professor, and stay there this time until we clear you completely. I'll be in my office filling in Doctor McKinney and security." He informed Ben, "Then I'll be joining you in the forensics lab", and stating as he walked away, "we have an autopsy to perform."

"This way, Professor..", said the other medic firmly, steering her to a biobed to take some more readings.

Professor Claudia Drake
Intergalactic Woman of Mystery

Doctor(Lt) Jae-Hwa Kwan
Assistant CMO/Instructor/Forensic Expert

PO 1st Class Ben DeMarco PhD
Sr. Biomedical Researcher


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