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Frosty the Borg-man

Posted on Sat Dec 31st, 2011 @ 12:33pm by Commander James Frost & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SB 900 Fighter Bay
Timeline: 1030hrs

39.0 Degrees Celsius.

Point 1 degrees below optimal temperature.


The voices were neither happy, nor sad with this discrepancy. They simply noted it, and adapted. A moment later the fault was fixed.

Unit Four-of-Seven was to oversee that particular subsystem. Mistakes meant that the unit was new. Not handling the integration into the collective as well as it should.

It still was showing signs of cognitive function independent of the hive mind.

"Individuality is irrelevant." The voices stated coldly.


"Emotion is irrelevant." The voices stated.

Alert. Unit four-of-seven is engaging in self destructive activity. Send units to intercept.

Unit four-of-seven cried out as it- no.... as he, pulled out the cables that were snaking out of his head.

Hands snaked out of the darkness. The hands were cold, dead, but very much alive.

They ensnared him, pressing him up a wall that he wasn't aware was behind him. But wait? When did he suddenly end up in a room? What was the circle of light above his head, with bolts of energy arching around its central point?

How did I get here?

Suddenly he felt cold. As darkness crept over him he saw two faces. The faces of his parents. But deformed, cold and dead, but reanimated by sinister looking technology.

No! Get away! He tried to scream but no sound came out. He tried to scream again as they came closer. An electronic chiming noise now being distinctly heard in the background.

No! No!


"No! Get away from me!!!!!!" James sat up screaming.

The voices were gone. The hands holding him replaced with warm, sweat soaked blankets.

He was in a dark room. For a moment he wasn't sure where.

A chime sounded. He wasn't sure from where.

"Ops to Commander Frost."

He wasn't sure why but suddenly he remembered where he was. Who he was.

"Frost here."

"Your presence is requested in the Admirals office."

James blew out a sigh. "Roger that, ensign."

"That's Lieutenant now, sir. I was promoted while you were away. Welcome back, I hope your parents memorial was alright."

"It was fine. Congratulations lieutenant. Frost out."

He sad upright for a few minutes. His eyes scanning the room he was in.

"Computer, lights."

The lights slowly came on in the room. It was his quarters. He looked around again. He saw his couch. His personal workstation. Littered with padds, probably department reports. He saw the shrine to his parents in the corner. Preserved roses surrounding a photo of them all together at the premiere of the first holofilm he ever starred in. He saw his tiny makeshift kitchen. Everything was clean, tidy.



He finally sighed, got up, showered, dressed, and in minutes he was on his way up to ops in the nearest lift, coffee in hand.

** Deck 6 - Wegener's Office **

Hope waved the Commander through the now-open doors to the Admiral's office where she could just see her boss standing in front of the windows looking out into space.

Rick turned as he heard the doors and footsteps on the carpet. "Commander Frost," he said. "Welcome back. How was the trip?" he asked, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. This was going to be an informal meeting.

James slowly walked over to the chair and sat down, resting his head back and closing his eyes.

He waited a moment and then replied. "The trip was as good as could be expected I guess." He sighed. "I mean it was the 15 year memorial service of my parents death, and if you can believe the media, the death of my humanity."

He paused.

"Lots of Cameras and people getting into my business, Rick."

"You're half-Borg, Commander. You're a novelty."

Frost raised his eyebrow and his eye twinkled as a slight moment of mischief appeared in his mind.

"So you want me to sit on your desk?" He grinned. "Novelties make great desk ornaments."

"Nah. You talk too much."

"Right then. Back to business." James cracked his fingers. "What happened to my hangar bay? Something about it nearly being blown off the station?

"Dunno yet, to be honest," Rick said. "Terrorists, crime syndicate from the Cherry Pit, random blowey-upness? Could be anything, but we're working on figuring it out. Your engineer, the floaty one--"

"--Guten." Frost added.

"--has been doing some great work," Ricky continued. "Since you just lost McIntyre you may want to look into replacing him with....the floaty...guy."

"Guten," Frost reiterated.


"I dunno." Frost said slowly. "He seems like a good engineer but I've got little to no interaction with him and I find it really creepy the way he......."


"Yea..... That."

Rick stifled a smile as he said, "I've heard it said that Borg are creepy."

"You had to use the Borg are creepy line didn't you?" James sighed. "Alright I'll set up an interview. And I'll have qeraQ' sit in on it."

"I think that'll be good."

"He's a Klingon engineer and has seen Guten on the job more than I have." Frost grinned. "Plus he literally and figuratively kicks ass and I've come to respect both him and his opinion."

"And he knows his engineering stuff. Quite handy to have as my XO," Ricky said. "Anyway, make it happen. Now get out of my office before I do make you a desk ornament." He then added, "And welcome back."

"You've got it Rick, Drinks on me after hours and I will not take no for an answer."

He winked, stood up and headed out of the office. Presumably to cause some trouble.


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