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Taking Stock

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2012 @ 8:56am by Captain qeraQ' & Commander James Frost
Edited on on Fri Jan 6th, 2012 @ 12:32pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Hanger 51

qeraQ' stood and surveyed the damage to hanger 51. He had not yet been filled in on the cause, but the extensive damage and sheer number of engineering teams was evidence enough of the work that faced them in the weeks ahead. The hanger needed to be operational again as soon as possible.

A raised voice at the far corner of the hanger caught his attention and he walked over to find Commander Frost addressing one of his teams.

"I leave my station in you guys hands for a short term and you just about blow it up!" James was irritated (to put things mildly) "Double shifts until you kids clean up after your little house party."

"Seriously sir?"

James pointed to the debris. "Get!"

The discussion appeared to have reached a conclusion, without bloodshed, that voice at the back of his mind that wanted to resolve arguments through force added. Frost noticed him and walked towards his Commanding Officer.

"you have a large job ahead of you Commander, it looks like we were lucky that we didn't lose the entire deck."

James sighed. "Between dealing with an inept team of engineers and the reporters back home I'm not sure what would be easier. Congrats on your promotion by the way."

"Many thanks. So how much damage are we talking about here?"

Frost waved his hand across the scorch marked hangar. "I think it's pretty self explanatory."

"Indeed, it looks like a 100 hour job to me, I hope you have your staff in place to assist."

"Yea speaking of which I was wondering if you could sit in on a job interview for me. I'm going to be interviewing Lieutenant Guten for the position of Assistant Chief Engineer."

"Lieutenant Guten... I am not familiar with him in person yet, he has only just arrived if I am correct. He is currently a floating engineer?"

"Yes the creepy floaty guy."

"I would like to meet him, you know that I like to keep a close eye on you down here, without you we have no missions."

"Awww that's sweet." James quipped. "Is this the part where you bite me on the cheek and-"

A chirp indicated an incoming communication that interrupted their conversation. At that point the lights in the hangar dimmed slightly before coming back to normal levels.

=/\= Commander Frost, we have had to shut down fusion generator three. We have spooled up fusion generator seven to cover it. =/\=

"What did you break this time, Anderson?"

=/\= There was a failure in the main injector, we are investigating the cause. It looks like the computer just decided that it wasn't happy for the injectors to continue working. =/\=

"Right, I want a report on my desk ASAP. Frost out." James Rolled his eyes. "Great first my replicator can't make hot plain tomato soup and now we're having power trouble."

"All in a days work for the station's Chief Engineer I believe."

"I need a drink."

qeraQ' laughed heartily, the first time he had since arriving on Divitia Prime.

"That, Mr. Frost, is the most honest thing I have heard since I got here!"

A post by

Captain qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900

Commander Frost
Chief Engineer
Starbase 900


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