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The Low Down

Posted on Fri Dec 16th, 2011 @ 9:36am by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Deck 33 - Intel Offices

* * * Deck 33 - Intel * * *

Nenita returned from her visit to Li in an uncharacteristically thoughtful mood. It was rare to see her friend and department Chief looking and sounding so....exhausted? broken? Nita also did not like the fact that Li had politely requested that she and Nick not involve themselves just yet.

Add to that the fact that Li had said she would be in her old quarters if needed. Why not home? It was enough to make her head hurt. At least Suresh was sidelined for a day or two, depending on how long Gilroy could get away with dragging his feet. The thought finally got a smile as she stepped off the turbolift and entered the main offices.

A new crew member had been assigned to Intel and Nita had all but ordered Li to try and get some sleep finally, saying she would take care of it. Pulling a pad across the desk, she examined the new assignment's jacket. Valkris. Half-Klingon. Nenita smiled wider. That should be interesting with Nick in the department. Staff disagreements could get downright fun. Especially given that she was an inch taller than Nick. Nenita was definitely looking forward to this.

Right on cue, she heard the chime of the turbolift.

Valkris stepped off the turbolift and looked around, one secure office was really no different than any other. Her transfer from Strategic Operations to Intelligence was a natural one given her recent experience.

"I am Lieutenant Valkris, recently reassigned from Strategic Operations to Intelligence." She said simply to the most senior officer already in the room.

At the moment, it was just Nenita, since Patrick was sleeping of the phaser effects and Nick was elsewhere on the deck, combing through the day's incoming information. She smiled to Valkris.

"Welcome to Intel. I'm Nenita Quidley." She motioned to the free chair at her side. "Li had intended to meet you but she has some surprising developments last evening and an operation she's conducting ran most of the night. I sent her home to sleep. We're glad to have you with us, I think you'll be a fine addition."

Valkris remained where she stood, her thoughts flashing on recent events "Yes, I am aware of the recent developments here on the station. I have been...attached to the former Strategic Operations department while I continued my graduate studies here. A lot of what my research was focused on has some surprising connections to recent events. What can you tell me about the other people in the department? I noticed that you have a former fighter pilot who strangely, transferred to Strategic Operations then over here to Intelligence?" Valkris asked wryly.

Some of the developments, Nita though. "We have, at the moment, the Chief of Security here as our guest for her own protection, though she should be out soon enough. As for the rest, Lt. Smith is here, yes. A Marine by training, currently involved in an undercover operation here on the station. Crime is on the upswing and it's not localized hoodlums either. Then there is Nock, SCPO Marcinko. Half Klingon, all attitude, but one of the best to have watching your back. He's just returned from the mission to Divitia Prime. And Li you know of course."

"My own background started as a Marine Officer in the Empire with stints in the Officer Exchange Program. I've served as Chief of Operations on the Kearsarge over in Seventy-Two, followed by a brief period as SecChief and XO on the Hera before it's decommissioning which led me to the Iapetus as Chief of Strategic Operations." Valkris recounted her service record summary matter of factly to Nenita.

"Impressive. I spent some time on your homeworld working on...various things." Nenita smiled a moment. "Had a blast, I must say."

"Any ideas as to where Commander Hawke will be focusing our department?" she added.

"This department has, by necessity, a pretty wide focus. We have to keep up with all the intel streams that feed in on a sometimes minute-by-minute basis, as well as keeping up with the plots and undercurrents here. The Divitian group is preparing to leave now, so that is one thing off the books, at least as far as internal monitoring goes. We will still be keeping track of things on their planet and throughout the Union, given the first steps at diplomatic ties are being taken.

Nenita took hold of a padd and passed it to Valkris. "Current local projects are summarized there regarding our work in the lower sectors. That also has a briefing on it for our next big thing - Archadia III."

"Matriarchial society of giant women? The Arizona's Away team found themselves the unwilling guests while Sec31 stirs the cauldron?" Valkris mused as she skimmed through the brief. "So what's our focus going to be? Gather more intell on the recent disturbances? Discover links with Sec31 and any Archadian collaborators into the bombing?" Valkris asked.

"We are hoping that those ingrates learned something after the Melbourne crew stopped the hospital bombing. As for Archadia III? Admiral Hawke is going down to play nice and settle things down so we all stay put. Which is where you come in."

Valkris raised an eyebrow "The new Three-Eight Chief is personally going to smoke a peace pipe with the natives?"

"He is," Nita confirmed. "And so are you, according to this." She pointed the PADD on the desk. "You are goign to be Intel's official presence on the away team."

Valkris didn't have to visually confirm what the woman was saying against what was written on the PADD. She was no stranger to alien environments, hostile or hospitable, they were all the same to her. "Who's handling the advance security protocols on this? What about support? I'm not comfortable with going down without sufficient electronic and force protection! Especially after what happened the last time we paid them a visit!" she added. "I'm guessing they'll be assigning us minders then as well?"

"Admiral Hawke will be meeting with the away team and give you all the particulars. I do know that Li requested that Commander Zeferino accompany him to deal with security issues and protection. I predict layers of get the idea. They are conferenceing with the Prime Minister as we speak." Nenita leaned back in her seat. "So I suspect you'll be on your way rather soon."

Valkirs took a moment to think about the situation and what she could or should expect. "...well then we'll just have to see what Big Bird has to say. When are we skids up?" She asked finally

"As soon as Oz is ready to get up and around, no more than a couple of days I should think. If you need backup, we'll all be just a beam away. It should be interesting, and if there's any undesirables still hiding down there, I'm sure you'll find them."

"That will work out perfectly for me then, Professor Drake has instituted an accelerated program for the cadets and since I am on the faculty as a graduate student, I was thinking of using some of the Archadia mission as a case study for them" Valkris replied. "If there's anything else I should know, I'll either be in my quarters or in the Academy annex."


Lt.(jg) Nenita Quidley
Intelligence Officer

Lt. Valkris Edwardson-tSepeS
Intelligence Officer/Academy Graduate Student


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