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A Piece Of Claudia's Mind

Posted on Fri Dec 16th, 2011 @ 12:27pm by Captain Claudia Drake & Lieutenant James Holbridge

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Professor Drake's Office

Jim turned to face Professor Drake, unaffected by her stern countenance. He may not wear the green and white but he was still a Marine at his core and he's be goddamned if he would let some academic rattle him. "Okay, professor, you have me to yourself. What's on your mind, sir?"

Claudia looked at the young man, "Firstly you will remember that although I use the title Professor I am in fact a Captain in the United Federation of Planet's Starfleet. I am your superior officer, and am your Commanding Officer, you will remember that when you speak to me, and speak in a manner giving such respect to my position. By virtue of my rank and position I don't need to earn your respect, it is a given." she stared at him, "You have been assigned to my staff and as such I expect you to follow my orders. You may be our flight instructor, but you are just that - an instructor. You have no formal education or teaching qualifications, so where the hell do you get the right to question my judgement?"

This woman could rip the balls off a brass monkey Jim thought to himself before he answered. "Ma'am, as far as respect goes, I will give you the respect I give all academics, whom I regard as the keepers of our history. As for being assigned to your staff, that was the Admiral's idea, not mine. As for no formal education or teaching certification, perhaps you ought to dust off your reading glasses more, sir. As part of the attack pilot's curriculum, we are required to spend eighteen months at the Saturn Flight Range, showing the children interested in flying fighters what it is really about. Eighteen months is a short time to spend in a classroom setting, but there are three hundred pilots out there alive because of what I taught them. I am educated by combat, sir; the ultimate teaching experience. I have twenty-six kills to my name and I got those kills by learning from anyone I could get to teach me anything about aerial combat."

Jim paused and took a breath. "I mean you no disrespect, captain, sir, but I will not endanger the lives of any students under my supervision by short-cutting a necessary skill such as flying. I'm sure you will agree that flying is one of our main modes of transportation, be it in a Work Bee or Excalibur-class ship. Teaching someone to do it right requires a bare minimum of two years of intense study. I am willing to do it, but I will not shortchange any student's exposure to what I deem a necessary skill set.

"18 months instructing basic flight is not the same as being an educator Lieutenant Holbridge, and you seem to forget that the basis of the Federation and Starfleet is exploration, not combat. Combat is a necessary evil to defend ourselves and our principles, we do not look for a fight. I don't care how many kills you may have to your name. This is not a combat zone, this is a learning zone and you will remember that, and you will remember who and what I am. I will not tolerate insubordination from my subordinates, you forget that you are a career pilot, these are Cadets who have yet to choose their specialism. Basic flight 1 and 2 are all the flight course required for Starfleet Officers who do not serve as pilots. Remember that. And remember you serve here at my suffrage, unless you start to act like the JUNIOR OFFICER that you are, and remember your place within the hierarchy of Starfleet in relation to COMMAND OFFICERS you shall be here but a short time, and a failing billet from me has the odd habit of ending careers."

She sat forward, "And please don't mix your salutatory honourifics Lieutenant, I lack the prerequisite anatomical appendages for the salutation of sir. You will address me as ma'am, Professor, or rarely Captain. Never sir."

Jim stared back at Drake, his own eyes filled with disbelief. Standard protocol required all officers to be addressed as sir, regardless of gender. "With your permission, Professor, I have classes to prep for,' Jim walked out of the room before he was actually dismissed. Oh well, if I get shit-canned from this post I can always go to work for Dave he smiled as he thought of his friend and wondered how his new venture was progressing. The last letter he got from Lorenz was from the alpha Quadrant, Dormeil Prime's Southern continenent. It seems Dave had taken over his family's summer residence as was using the grounds as a base for a private military company. Dave had repeatedly urged his friend to resign from Starfleet and come to work for him.

Maxim Kamarov fell into step beside Jim. "That did not go well, did it?"

"I can't believe we allowed ourselves to be put in this fucking position, Max! Working for a goddamned egghead! All because we fucked up!" Jim was letting his anger out now. Several students walked by the pair, staring nervously.

Maxim grabbed his friend and steered him towards the exit of the Academy. "Come, my friend. Let's go get a drink and drown our sorrows. The Cherry Pit is nearby"

"A couple belts is what I need to soothe the teeth marks of that old bird!" Jim said with a grin as both men stepped into the waiting turbolift.

a post by:

Professor Claudia Drake
Academic Hardcase


Lieutenant James Holbridge
Upbraided Flyboy


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