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Catching Up

Posted on Sat Jan 7th, 2012 @ 2:55pm by Captain Li Hawke & Captain qeraQ'
Edited on on Sat Jan 7th, 2012 @ 3:07pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Intel Offices
Timeline: Before 'Redux'

qeraQ' walked purposefully towards the high security entrance to the Intelligence offices, stopping before the doors for the mandatory scans and biometric confirmation of his identity. It had all been routine in his years commanding Marines on the Heywood. Every morning the scans to gain access to his office. Things were a little more relaxed on the station and a lot of the security was passive these days, but here they trusted tried and tested methods.

Moving briskly, he nodded to Marcinko who was sat down the corridor outside a room and entered the main intelligence office.

"Commander Hawke, I hear you have been busy while I was away."

"Welcome home, Commander." Li smiled as she looked up from the monitor that held her attention. "I've been catching up on your reports, as well as what's come in since your departure. The Divitians seem to odd lot. There was an old Terran saying about the definition of insanity being the state where you do the same things over and over, yet expect different results. Their Speaker aside, that seems rather fitting."

"That sounds appropriate. It was very frustrating to see a people who were so scared but so helpless, especially when the cause was there own inertia. At first I considered this a defeat, but to gain any traction there is an achievement, and on reflection perhaps we achieved as much as we could..."

Li considered his words for a moment, then nodded. "I think inertia is a good description. From what I heard, they are falling victim to their own distrust and self-imposed blindness. I am hoping your shake-up in that assembly will have some far-reaching effects before it's too late. If they will listen to the Speaker, they may pull themselves out of this." Li paused and rubbed her eyes a moment. "The other noticeable issues were the abduction of Kh'ali and Oz."

"Indeed, I have read your reports and the situation is concerning, we cannot have senior staff members being abducted and abused. While the civilians are a key part of this station, it is effectively a military base. Have those responsible been apprehended?" He had wanted to say 'dealt with', but the implication was too much for a Starfleet Officer to make.

"In Kh'ali's case, it was part of a plot to assassinate the Speaker, a plot that she and Oz eventually foiled. The ringleader was killed, after he killed the one who turned on them and confessed to me. The other three have departed, at least that is my guess. They have not been found, despite accurate knowledge of their appearances. As for Oz's trouble. that's being handled already. The actual perpetrators are dead."

"Do you believe that there is a larger behind this. I am aware of some of the reports from the cherry pit, and I am worried that things are getting out of hand down there."

Li smiled briefly. "I am closely involved in monitoring things in the Pit, mainly so that the locals can lead us to the bigger fish. I can tell you that the criminal elements there are varied. The attack on Dr. McKinney seems to figure in to all this. It seemed, at first, to be tied into the plot against the Speaker, but Oz doesn't think so and neither do I. That was more a warning strike. If they'd meant to kill him, they would have succeeded."

"That implies a level of sophistication to their attacks that I had not considered. I would like to see some more information on the key people down there, please have your intelligence reports on them sent to me. We now host the Bravo Fleet XO and the Task Force CO, for the next period security of this station needs to be our top concern. Especially given the latest news from Arcadia regarding the influence of Section 31."

"Very well." Li tapped at the panel on the desk before her before she continued. "Sent. With the away team, and my father going down to the planet, I am hopeful that mess can be cleared up. I'm sending Valkris along with them, since I need to be here to keep an eye on things. The government there is aware of the miscommunications, so we expect a favorable outcome. A lot is riding on this."

"Have you seen any evidence of Section 31 activity on the station?"

"Not as yet. If they are smart, I won't either. I expect, however, that they will underestimate me and it will eventually come to light if they are here."

"I expect them to be here on every corner sometimes, but that is probably more me looking for a fight than anything else. Keep me informed of the situation, and if there are any security situations that require my attention I expect to know about them immediately."

"Of course. Given their meddling on Archadia III, I suspect they are here too. We'll see. And welcome home, Captain."


Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer

Captain qeraQ'
Executive Officer


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