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Choosing The Walk Of Life

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2012 @ 4:41pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Captain Claudia Drake & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet 4th Class Raxim & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Junior Grade Tenahn Vor

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Teaching room - SB900

The buzzing ended at the very moment Commander Leroy entered the classroom. The cadets had anticipated this moment, not without apprehension, from the time Professor Drake had advised them that, with the goal to help them choose their path, a demonstrative lesson would be presented for every major branch available in Starfleet.

As it normally happens, rumors between students had spread far and wide on any possible would-be teachers' qualities and attitudes. Commander's Leroy fame, as an instructor on the Starbase, preceded him by a long range. Fame none too good as every cadet was ready to agree.

"Good morning cadets," Leroy greeted them as he entered and directed himself to the desk a brief half-mouthed response coming from the classroom.

"At ease," he said then turned to the Dean, "Good morning Professor Drake."

Claudia looked from the main teaching podium and stage, "I will now yield the floor to Lieutenant Commander Leroy," she said with a slight nod of the head, "Lieutenant Commander Leroy, you have 50 minutes" she said as she moved to the back of the classroom, and sat in a chair, ready to observe the taster lesson.

"As you have already been informed," Leroy began, taking his place at the podium, "Following invitation from our Dean of Education, I've accepted this chance to give you a brief demonstrative lesson about the fields which comprise the Science branch."

Leroy paused an instant to gauge the cadets' reaction then reprised: "Science is a tough trail to tread: difficult to study and difficult to learn. It is most often cast aside in favour of more direct and simple fields like... Command or Security. Many cadets crave for command of a starship or for the action promised by being enlisted in Security or the Marines. What people forget most is that almost everything we can enjoy with regard to technology today comes from Science."

"Lieutenant Commander Leroy, please have the decency and manners not to disparage other branches during your taster lesson." said Claudia from the back of the room, her eyes staring at the young man, "You may well think your branch as the most important, but we instill in our Cadets the equality and importance of all. Each service in Starfleet is necessary and equal to one another. Please remember that." she said as a way of admonishing the young man.

"Of course it is as you say Professor Drake. I was just underlining some... Fact. Even the act of tying a stone to the end of a club requires some scientific thought behind it, and presenting facts is the best way to help these cadets choose their future way," Leroy acknowledged in response to the Dean.

"There are more examples for what I mean: Just think of the refreshing beverage you can get from the replicators in your quarters at the end of heavy school or work day. This is taken for granted. Some of you would say that Engineers have built them and that's true. But before the engineers go to work, a study has been conducted first, by a scientist, on teleport theory and an application of that technology has made the replicator possible as a project, and you see? We're already speaking of teleportation... And then we could go on: Warp theory leading to the engines that thrust our starships at incredible speeds in the vastness of space... Or encased energy fields of amazing destructive power, that we call phasers, or used instead to protect starships as shields..." He said as he paced slowly back and forth in front of the podium.

He stopped then turning suddenly to the cadets assembled: "By the way, does anyone remember the man who invented the transporter?"

"The...Human...discoverer of transportation was Dr Erickson, his Vulcan equivalent was Stral of Vulcan...although her discovery preceded Dr Erickson's by around 120 years." said Raxim, pleased at her own recent study in preparation.

From somewhere in the room came a soft snort of derision, coughed out along with a quick, mumbled "brown-noser!" Near where the sound came from, Chance Conradi sat forward and coughed loudly. When the coughing subsided, he eased back again, smiling at the Professor and the guest lecturer, briefly waving a hand to indicate he was fine.

"And they were both party animals...mind you old Emory was a better dancer." added Claudia from the back of the room, speaking loudly enough to be heard over Chance's coughs.

"I would have been glad to have the same fortune to shake hands with them." Leroy smiled at Professor Drake's comment.

Going back to his position on the podium Leroy started typing some commands on the LCARS and a screen behind him came to life: "Well, time to get to today's lesson topic: our universe is full of marvels and aside from the boring routines that can and surely come in handling a Science station on a starship, I wanted show you what you can end up finding after all the long hours of study and, maybe, shift service on a starship. I'm going to show you now the Nexus."

"I see enough of that place as it is," Eli whispered, his expression deadpan. "I think I'd rather see Risa."

"Risa, Nexus, all places where pleasure can be found," Chance whispered back, mentally adding, Much like our quarters, roomie. "Shall we take a field trip to the Nexus, Commander Leroy? I'm sure Eli could whip up a decent batch of Jackson's lemonade," he said, loud enough to be heard throughout the room. His comment drew several chuckles.

The returning buzz, backed up with some chuckles, didn't escape Leroy's ears. The classroom reverted to silence as he looked up from the console.

"What I meant with Nexus, Mr. Conradi...," The notation not being casual " not the place where you and your friends go in the evening in search of strong emotions until the wee hours, but is this..."

Commander Leroy turned to the screen, now showing a view of stars where a small glittering light sparkled in the distance becoming greater and greater, until it assumed the form of a bright string of light seeming to burn and flail at the edges as it traveled at great speed in space.

"This is the Nexus." He said slowly "As recorded by Starfleet instruments. It appeared in Federation space in 2293. It engulfed two El-Aurian vessels and a federation starship responded to their distress call even if unprepared at the time, executing its maiden voyage. Do you remember which starship that was and who was in command?"

"That would be the Enterprise-B, Commander," Vor spoke up, "commanded by Captain Harriman. Among the commanders to serve that vessel, he is... decidedly less well known than the others." The saurian had taken it upon himself to experience many of Earth's major historical events, ranging from the start of recorded history to the present day... the history of his homeworld, lost long ago. And that history included, for the past three centuries, quite a few references to the ship called Enterprise.

"I'm impressed." Leroy commented to the assembled cadets, "You all seem well prepared in history."

As the recorded repertoire progressed the scene showed the SS Lakul imprisoned in the strong gravimetic field until its explosion came to the screen as the Enterprise tried to transport on board as many refugees as she could.
The repertoire went on with reports signed by people of great importance as Captain Picard where the whole story of the nexus was unraveled:

...Guinan described it as like "being inside joy." Inside the Nexus, all of a person's desires become reality, and one can reshape that reality to visit any time and any place one chooses.

Picard's version of the Nexus was of a family he never had. He had two sons - Matthew and Thomas - and three daughters - Olivia, Mimi, and Madison. They lived, with his wife, in a beautiful house, and his nephew Ren, who had recently died in a fire in the real world, was still alive.

Kirk's version was initially being at his log cabin in the mountains, which he had previously sold. While there, he reunited with his dog Butler, and had the chance to propose marriage to Antonia, a woman whom he had regretted leaving to return to Starfleet. Later, he experienced his uncle's farm in Idaho, where he went horseback riding with Captain Picard.

At last the recording ended with the results widely known for people inhabiting Federation territory.

"That was a spacial anomaly without precedent." Leroy said breaking the silence: "You will be asking yourselves now why I've chosen this particular episode to show to you today. The main reason is that the Nexus is a clear example of the marvels that awaits us out there and the second one is how dangerous they can be."

Typing on the console Leroy rewound till the point where the Enterprise-B was hit by an energy discharge. The moment Admiral Kirk was counted among the casualties of that unlucky day.

"The person who will be staying at Science I station, or Science II for that matter, can be critical in an emerging crisis. Command Officers are more than able to govern the ship but to do that they need knowledge. Knowledge that sometimes must be provided in a matter of seconds. Only very prepared people can attain such results, while the equation is simple: The CO needs information to make a decision; wrong information? Wrong decision..." He regarded them one by one as he spoke: "Wrong decision? The mission is compromised; the ship is endangered; lives might be lost... And this could very well be on your shoulders."

Leroy gathered his PADDS as his words sank in with the audience

"The lesson for today is over. I will not lie to you, Science is the toughest branch to follow in Starfleet. Great dedication and willpower is needed to overcome the difficulties. Whole years are taken in study and preparation. The utmost priority for those applying is to understand what's important and what is not." He paused again looking at each one of them in the eyes, "But the rewards are the greatest in the end. Each one of you could have his chance to have his hand on a great discovery and his name recorded in history as Dr. Daystrom or Zephrem Cochrane. Those of you who wish to apply will refer to Professor Drake who will direct you to the appropriate program of studies."

Coming in front of the desk PADDs under his arm Leroy observed them once more: "For any question or information my door will always be open. I will be glad if some of you really desire to apply to Science branch but, if any of you have any reluctance about the heavy hours of study and a seemingly ungrateful undertaking... Then don't do that. If there are no questions now, I'll leave you in the care of Professor Drake."

Claudia spoke from the back of the room, "I think it is time for a coffee break. You have 15 minutes. Mister Leroy, a word if you would be so kind?"

"Of Course Professor I'm at your disposal." Patrick responded to the Dean.


LCDR Patrick Leroy
CSO - SB900

Professor Claudia Drake
Dean of Education
SF Academy

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class/Nexus Club Jack Of All Trades

Tenahn Vor
Cadet 4th Class/History Buff

Cadet 4th Class


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