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Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow...

Posted on Sat Dec 17th, 2011 @ 2:49pm by & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Intel Guest Room

It was hours later when Connor was woke up by the sound of his combadge. Oralia's shapely body rested by his side, her head lay on his chest, his arms wrapped around her securely.

It was Sakkath's voice that he heard. =^=...please report to the Galileo Center. A neurocortical monitor, Doctor, and your canar, Lieutenant, may prove worthwhile in accompanying you. =^=

"Baby...," he said low.

Momentarily holding Connor tighter, Oralia groaned and mumbled, "Tell me it isn't morning already. Please."

Turning slowly to face her, he laid a hand lovingly along the side of her head, "It's the middle of the night...Oralia...", he moved in closer and kissed her on the forehead. "I have to go", he whispered, and pulled slowly away from her, to sit on the side of the bed, running his hands over his face before reaching over for his clothes.

"Go? What...?" She sat up, blinking as she woke more fully. "Where are you going?" In her sleepy haze, she sounded far more petulant than she intended, far needier that she wanted. It was, in part, her still-new lack of hair: without it, she was like Samson, insecure and unsure of herself. She'd recover soon enough.

"It's...", he hesitated, turning his head towards her, and then away as he felt more of an urgency to get dressed. He stood up quickly, pulling up his pants, then attaching them,"Something I am helping Sakkath with..." he watched her as he grabbed his tank top, putting it on before his uniform shirt. He didn't want to leave her. "You're safe here, and I'll return, I promise."

"I could go with you," she offered, moving out of the bed to stand near him. Part of her was willing to seduce him - she was still naked, after all - though the other part was certain he'd not rise to that occassion, not right now, not this time. Still, she was curious what Sakkath would need him for in the middle of the night. "What is it you and Sakkath are doing?"

Sitting down on a chair, he began putting on his boots, only allowing himself a glance at her this time, "I can't tell you that, Oralia. Doctor-patient confidentiality."

Immediately, she hoped Sakkath was in good health. "I get it," she smiled briefly and ran a hand through his hair, "Go be good, Doctor." She made him pause by leaning in and kissing his forehead.

He slowly placed his hands on her hips, feeling her skin so soft, so warm. "I wish you wouldn't do that," he said, already partly aroused. With his voice barely above a whisper, "It's hard enough to have to bail on you right now."

"Mmm," she hummed in her throat and chuckled, her fingers still in his hair. "Perhaps Sakkath can wait a few moments longer?"

He moaned, giving in, capturing her mouth with his as he pulled her onto his lap. He battled, with not wanting to go, yet this situation with Sakkath had him way more than concerned. Circling his arms around her bottom, he stood up, never removing his lips from hers as carried her over to the bed, carefully laying her on it, leaning over her, caressing her neck as he continued to love her. It had never been so hard to leave her.

Though he was doing it reluctantly, she could tell he was trying to disengage - duty called and he was determined to answer it. Kissing him back, she didn't try to draw him into the bed. "You'd better go... or else I'll have to comm Sakkath and tell him you're a bit tied up and can't make it," she told him between kisses.

'Yeah', he mouthed. Breathing hard, he pulled away from her. "Get some more crash, I'll be back as soon as I can", he said, arranging the covers, his eyes roaming over her.

"'kay, babe," she touched his hand and snugged herself into the bed, "Be careful."

Silently he nodded, turning away with a reassuring smile, a hand running down his mouth as he exited the bedroom, and quickly he headed out into the corridor. Once there, he tapped his badge, "Doctor S'Angla, meet me in the Galileo Center. Bring a neurocortical monitor, 'n' 20cc's of Tetramyzol...", he inhaled deeply, "I may be needing your assistance."

Oz, Alone

Having been roused as she just was, Oralia found that sleep didn't want to return. Instead, a heavy melancholy moved in, settling into the bed next to her where Connor should have been. He was gone all of five minutes and she missed him. Is it possible to be addicted to a person?, she wondered. If it was, then Connor was her addiction, even with all of the 'high maintenance' issues he brought along with him. Lying in the bed, she admitted to herself that she'd go to extremes to stay near Connor.

Pining for him to return quickly wouldn't help anyone, particularly not her. She decided to do two things: get a haircut (well... 'shave', more like - easier to claim she had her hair cut on purpose and it'd look better than the current patchiness Frick had left her with) and see to Iggy. Rolling out of the bed, she replicated an outfit and headed out.


Connor McKinney
aka Romeo

Oralia Zeferino
aka Bald Juliet


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